Chapter 1134 Get off the horse]

“This matter is not that simple, I think we should give him a good start now, so that he can know what our next plan is.”

Now, if you just give them a direct start, it’s really good.

“Don’t scare him anymore. He is very courageous. If we were to set up bows and arrows in that place, they would really raise their hands directly.

Yingzheng’s heart has been looking forward to this moment.

“Didn’t you just tell me? This thing will definitely be done. I think you are deliberately lie to me now, there is no such thing.”

Yingzheng now wakes up and feels that he should go directly from this place now.

“A lot of people think that we are doing something too bad. Prime Minister Li Si and Lu Buwei may not be able to manage the overall situation in this palace.”

The civil servants and military commanders around him said such things, and he knew how to win the government. He felt that they just wanted to coax themselves to return to the palace.

“I have said it so many times, absolutely not ~ I will leave easily.”

Ying Zheng is now helping them move their things while moving to another place. He feels that he must leave this place now.

“Are you sure we are leaving from this place now? This inn may be the safest. To be honest, we should stay still in this place now.

In fact, Shengzheng didn’t think so in her heart. She felt that she should get more of it now.

“Use this opportunity to leave this place quickly.”

They are now in chaos in this inn, taking advantage of this chaotic scene to find a few people to mix in.

“If there are a few people mixed in, then we can pass the information inside to us by the way, so that we can handle this matter bit by bit.”

Yingzheng thought for a while, and felt that he should still have a little talk with these civil servants and generals.

“Don’t try to persuade me to go back to the palace now. I have already come out, so I will not go back easily. You also have such a psychological preparation now.”

Yingzheng is very comfortable in his heart. He feels that he should do what he thinks in his heart now.

“I think we should observe them now. It must be obvious who will be doing what in this place next. They must have a leader in this place, and quickly give me the leader of the Huns. catch.”

As long as you can catch this nod, then other people don’t care at all.

“Are you sure they will be obedient if it’s true?”

“I have already told you, there will never be any more accidents about this matter, you just have to wait in this place now, don’t think about other things.”

Yingzheng now wants to ask them what kind of opinion they have on this matter.

“Let’s steal all the horses in the stable now. If we can take this thing out now, they won’t be able to leave at all.”

Now only need to give them a predicament, nothing else matters, as long as it can scare them, then all this is worth it.

0……Look for flowers-…

“Are you sure? If we say we stole their horses now, it must be particularly uncomfortable now. They can’t leave this place at all now.

There was a little girl who didn’t know why, she seemed to have some thoughts about this matter, and now she didn’t want to steal these codes.

“You don’t want the benevolence of women now. What we should and shouldn’t do now, just a few of us can decide.”

Ying Zheng glared at the little guard fiercely, because this little girl was not an ordinary person, but her own sister.


“Don’t you know that this person is our eldest princess back then? I think you are tired and crooked now, now that you dare to say such things to our eldest princess.”

General Meng Tian flew a kick and kicked directly on the man’s knee. After a sting, the man knelt on the ground with a thump.

“I think we shouldn’t be too far away now. We are mainly filling this bow and arrow. They don’t dare to make any big moves now, don’t worry.”

No matter how powerful a master is, seeing so many people staring at this place, he would definitely not dare to act rashly, especially when the Huns were in a foreign land.

“These Xiongnu people have always been very cruel. Don’t treat them as ordinary people. You should understand what I mean.”

Winning government considered it and felt that he should draw a bow and shoot arrows in this place personally now, so that he could set an example for some other people.

“Don’t do this, let’s do it slowly now.” The factory,

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