Chapter 1126 Acting on my face]

Before winning the government, I had heard that in the weak territory of the Huns, some very strange ceremonies would be held, and when the war started, they would give their opponents gu.

If General Meng Tian passed by this place, he would definitely be able to crush all their plans.

We can’t just leave them alone right now, and now we have to get inside this inn to see what they are doing in this place.

“Your Majesty, your daughter’s responsibilities must not be passed easily. Let the little ones come to such things.

Winning politics doesn’t care about so much now, he thinks all this is justified.

“Forget it, look at his face and act more now, all of this is to go with the flow, don’t make so many bells and whistles in this place.,

Yingzheng was talking about a minister next to him, and suddenly when he talked about 08, he had seen some strange things in the border of the Huns.

“I heard that their place likes to collect some centipedes. After talking about these centipedes, they put that fist in a jar, and the last one left is the King of Entertainment. When the two armies are at war, they will now Taking advantage of the darkness to sneak into the opponent’s camp, put this poison inside”

Ying Zheng remembered such a thing, and felt that he had also heard a lot of strange things in the past, and he had never heard of such amazing things.

“If you don’t believe me, I can tell you something.”

Ying Zheng took a look at the inn in front of him. There is a lot of time now. Now maybe he can tell a story.

“This story must have a certain degree of authenticity, otherwise it will be boring at all. You must have experienced a lot of things now, so let’s talk about it.”

“Every sentence spoken by your subordinates is true. Before this time, there was a story that someone had heard on the border. You have to keep your ears and listen carefully.”

Ying Zheng’s eyes have been staring at the door of the inn opposite, as well as his backyard. For other experiences, he listened to the adult in front of him talking about some strange things before.

“My brother came to this border one day and saw them raising some centipedes in this cave, saying that they would use it on the battlefield to defeat the opponent.”

While listening to the stories they told, Yingzheng carefully observed what was wrong with the ordinary people on the street.

“Don’t just say so much. Let’s wait and see in this place now. There may be some clues later. You must be able to understand what I mean.”

Someone wanted to go straight from this place, but Ying Zheng stopped him.

“You only need to listen to this adult’s story in this place. I have been staring at their backyard with my eyes, and there will be some carriages coming out from time to time.”

They have been waiting in this place for a long time now, and Ying Zheng now wants to see what kind of tricks these people in front of them have.

“Don’t you talk so much in this place. Some of them are in this place. They are watching. We have to let them know that we are sober now.”

Yingzheng now wants them to know what they think and how good they are.

“Don’t say so much, is it okay? We are waiting for them at this place after we have turned this corner now. They will definitely be resentful now. I know them too well.

Yingzheng wanted to intimidate him a little now, because he knew that these Xiongnu assassins in front of them, they can’t stand the fright now, they are now in a foreign land, and it is estimated that they can’t sleep every night.

“Don’t take this matter seriously. Haven’t we already threatened him? He might tell his true thoughts in his heart later.”

They caught an assassin, a person who got out of the carriage in the backyard, and tied him to the front of Ying Zheng in this restaurant, and Ying Zheng began to question him directly.

Ying Zheng didn’t think too much about it. He felt that he should now ask them whether these assassins were carrying these entertaining poisons.

“Are you sure? To be honest, I still feel terrible in my heart. Let’s 927 stay here for a while. Slowly is better than anything else.”

Yingzheng comforted those who wanted to go straight down, they now want to catch more people in this backyard.

As long as you can be prepared, the others don’t need to be taken seriously.

“I think we must be a little awake now, and those other things don’t matter. You must be able to understand me, right?”

The people in front of them looked happy. Yingzheng didn’t talk to them much, because she knew that everything in this place was very important.

“They probably think that their plan is about to succeed. We are now suddenly appearing. If they surround them, they will immediately have a showdown with us. They have been disguised recently. They are too simple. These assassins of the Huns have exposed their feet.

“You can continue to hide in this place now.”

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