Chapter 1114 Escaped

“I don’t know what’s going on with them in the palace now. To be honest, I think it would be bad if we continue like this now.”

“Don’t say it, you don’t know. If we continue to say this now, General Meng Tian and Meng Yi will return from this frontier. If they come back and see a mess in front of us now, they Now he will stare at me with a speechless expression.

Meng Yi is a very tolerant person, Ying Zheng likes him very much, because he knows that he is too lazy to use his brain now, he will definitely arrange for himself clearly.

“When Meng Yi comes back, I don’t need to walk around outside this place. He will definitely go through all this for me now.

Yingzheng has always thought so in her heart. She feels that she must take good control of this matter now.

“We don’t have to think about other things. We have to talk to them about this kind of thing now, because they don’t even know how to control this thing now.

The people underneath are innocent. Even if there are some fights, they must not be allowed to wait in this place for too long.

“Do you know? I think everything we are doing now is not good, we must wait a little longer now, this matter can be troublesome.”

“Have you noticed that they are already sober now. We’d better ask them what they know about this situation.”

“We have been waiting for them in this place for so long, and they have not responded yet, which means that they are not sufficiently vigilant at all at all.”

“There is no need to talk about other things at all. I think we still have to move around this place more now. This is more appropriate.

Yingzheng now wants to ask them how they should be able to get Meng Yi and Meng Tian back unharmed, because they are now afraid that some half-way messengers will hurt them halfway.

“The two brothers are loyal to our Majesty, so no matter what happens now, we must do our best to protect them. This matter is particularly important.

“Do you know? Now that we have made a decision, we must stay a little longer. They don’t even know what else we will say next, you know?”

“Don’t worry, even if they encounter something in this class now, General Meng Tian will definitely remove them from the roots. His martial arts are strong and he is very brave when he leads troops.”

The personal guard in front of him said this was very correct, but Ying Zheng still felt some worries in his heart.

“Are you sure you want to do this? To be honest, I don’t know what will happen if we say something is done.”

Ying Zheng observed the observation and felt that the position he was in now might surprise them very much.

“Don’t say these unpleasant things in this place, they may not be able to hear it now. Let’s wait in this place for a while now, they may wait forever now, you know?”

“They will definitely be very tired after a long journey. We’d better not wait too long now. If we wait for too long, the situation will not be simple.

0……Look for flowers……

Ying Zheng looked at the people in front, and he felt that he should remind them now.

“If it is said that once these two generals are passing by this place, then you must immediately remind me that we are now going to ask them what else is happening. You should understand what I mean.”

These people around are nodding their heads, and Yingzheng feels that it is better to ask them now.

“Other things are not that simple at all. Winning politics has already made a decision. He thinks he should ask them what else they want to say now.”


“Did you see the dry cracks on this road? I don’t know why during this period of time. It seems that it hasn’t rained at all. This year, it seems that the weather is not going well at all. We must open the warehouse to put the grain now.”

For such things, winning the government is very clear. He feels that he must be in this place now and wait a little longer.

“Don’t say anything, I think we should take a look at the personal guard in front of us now, what else will he say next? These words are really interesting, and I love to hear them.”

Ying Zheng smiled, he felt that he should stay in this place for a while now, would he be able to discover more fun things?

“These people seem to have been waiting for news from us.”

The ordinary people who stood upright outside the window, some people who had just come up angrily with their swords, have already stepped down from this upstairs, and now they seem to have found nothing suspicious at all. factory,

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