Chapter 1110 Follow the vine]

“It seems that they are going straight to this place now. If we say that once we leave the city gate, then no one knows what our identity is, so shall we go straight to it?”

At this moment, Yingzheng has changed the clothes of a guard. He now wants to see where these people are hiding, and are they hiding in some countryside by the river or in some other places?

“Hurry up, it’s not the first time I have said this to you.”

This guard is very hesitant, because he knows that he has a distinguished status to win the government. If he really went out directly, he might really encounter some dangers in “September 20”.

“I think we should ask them ahead of time. If we really follow the rules like this, maybe we will give their nests to our own.”

Yingzheng doesn’t want to continue talking nonsense now, he just wants to stay in this place for a while.

“Do you know? The attitude of some of them was not very good from the beginning. I think we should now let them see what we have achieved in this place.”

As long as they are able to let them know their whereabouts, then they will definitely be more proactive in winning politics now, and feel that they should now take a look at how these strong men are preparing.

“Didn’t I let Master Shang Yang raise young men in this place? Why is he still indifferent now? He simply doesn’t take my words seriously now.

When Ying Zheng spoke, Mr. Shang Yang deliberately said, because he did not want to let other people know his true identity.

“How is it possible? If we really follow him, we can know that he takes your words very seriously.

Ying Zheng looked at the little guard in front of him. He felt that the little guard in front of him might have been sent by Shang Yang.

“Whose one are you? Why do you speak for him in this place? You’d better be neutral in this place.

He was frightened by the little guard in front of him. Now he couldn’t wait to kneel down and kowtow to Ying Zheng, but there were too many people outside, and it was not convenient for him to do so now.

The guard’s face turned pale. He was now anxiously trying to explain to Yingzheng, because Yingzheng waved his hand and didn’t listen to the explanation at all.

“Now if they are given some courage, they don’t dare to do these chaotic things now. If they really walk directly toward the outside, it will have too much influence on us.”

Ying Zheng thought about it in his heart, and he felt that he should now ask the little guard in front of him, what kind of thoughts does he have?

“I think my energy is limited now, and I can only do one thing at a time. Let’s track this person first, and we will talk about other things when we return to the palace.”

Yingzheng’s personal bodyguards followed them not far away. If it is too close for a period of time, the target may be exposed. Therefore, Yingzheng told them that they must stay far away. Don’t expose it.

“The place in front is actually not a good place at all. If we are now in the past, we might really fall into their trap, do you know?”

When Ying Zheng heard these words from the guard next to him, he had no other thoughts.He felt that there was nothing unusual about the ordinary houses in front of him.

“Have you noticed that this little thing in front of you is that you have been staring at us from the beginning? I think he really has a problem.

Yingzheng feels that this matter should not be considered at all, and it is time to fully talk about what some of their people will do next.

“You don’t need to tell me anything else. We are now able to let Master Shang Yang handle this matter well. You have to deal with this matter tightly now.”

If we don’t keep our eyes on this matter, then some other people will definitely do whatever they want in this place, and absolutely can’t let such things happen in front of our eyes. This matter is extremely important.

“Do you know? They have given us a reminder now. We are going to talk to them a little bit now. You should understand what I mean.”

Yingzheng stayed behind them all the time. He felt that he must not speak too much now that made people feel tangled.

“There seems to be an inn in this place on the first 1.3 days. The name of this inn seems to be Fugui Inn. If we say that once we follow in, then they will definitely stare at us in turn now. We’d better wait and see outside this place now. Wait and see.”

To be able to follow the vines to find this strange inn is a profit to them.

“Needless to say, we are now sending soldiers to guard this place. If there must be some other unexpected situation, you can report it to me. I will sit by the window of the inn opposite now.”

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