Chapter 1105 Yao Jia He Dun is weak]

As long as you can find the information of this assassin, you can now directly cut the grass and roots before some other people find him, so that you can proceed quietly.

When talking about these two people, the tone of winning the government was full of pride. He felt that he must keep a clear head now to be able to do these things well.

“This person was personally cultivated by me. As long as they can go out now, they will definitely be able to get the information I want. Just wait here in this place.

The ministers underneath looked at each other. They had no idea what the sacred “September One and Three” were. Although they might be very famous, they have never shown their faces at all.

“We have never seen these two heroes before, and we don’t know what they look like. Otherwise, if we are free, can we introduce them a little bit to open our eyes.”

Yingzheng smiled and shook his head. He knew what the ministers meant. Between them, the ministers and ministers were enemies, because they were peers.

“If I expose their identities to you, you will definitely search them now, and their family members will definitely be controlled by you.”

Winning politics will not make such a silly mistake. He feels that now he must protect himself, everyone’s family members he trusts, so that they can complete these things without distraction.

“We should stay in this place for a while now, and then ask them what they think about this matter.

In any case, the identities of these two individuals must not be revealed.

“What are the identities of the assassins in the capital, because now it is enough to put all their energy on this, nothing else matters, and there must be a method for building the Great Wall. This matter is left to Who of you will do it?”

When Ying Zheng talked about such a thing, the ministers underneath bowed their heads one after another. They don’t know how to deal with this matter at all now.

“Building the Great Wall requires a lot of manpower and material resources. If it is really to be implemented, then this is a huge project, and basically none of us can do it.”

Yingzheng didn’t say much. He felt that he should now take all these rights into his own hands. In addition to protecting himself, the Great Wall is bound to win the safety of these people under his hands.

“The building of the Great Wall is a must. Even if you are evading it now, you can’t escape it. If you have to do things sooner or later, why don’t you start it earlier? We are considering this matter and sending someone who has been in the news. Watching, only then can the progress be accelerated.”

Ying Zheng has always been thinking about these things seriously. He feels that now he can no longer let his fate, and now he must take the initiative to fight back, so that some other people can know that he has no intention to back down.

“We must now control all of these powers in the hands of Lianhe, even the prime minister’s power, most of them must also be controlled by the hands of Lianhe, so that it is convenient for me to manage it in a unified way.”

When Ying Zheng said these words, Prime Minister Li Si was meaningless. He had always been loyal to himself, Ying Zheng, and he knew this matter very well in his heart.

“The ministers, etc., will definitely obey the emperor’s orders. The emperor will listen to what you say. There will be absolutely nothing. Erxin will definitely be loyal to you.”

After saying this, the carts underneath began to kneel on the ground. When they knelt together, some of the people in Yingzheng were no longer able to keep them flat.

“Other things don’t matter at all. We only need to negotiate a result in this place. Do we need to say too much about such a simple thing?”

Yingzheng thought carefully for a long time, and felt that he should now centralize this power, and then delegate some power to them a little bit, allowing them to do things within the scope of their duties.

“You have to have a place to eat, you have to leave room for yourself and some other people when you do things, so that you can achieve a win-win situation.”

Some other people may not be able to understand the 1.3 things that Yingzheng said, but Yingzheng feels that what he said is really reasonable.

“Do you think that we have fallen short now? I think we must not think too much now. When faced with such things, we have to be sober and do these things.”

No matter what, you should stay in this place for a while, this kind of thing is very important.

“I have told you so much, and I hope that each of you can stay in this place for a while, don’t talk about the messy things, don’t pay attention to other people.”.

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