Chapter 1099 Feng Yuan for a lifetime]

Thinking of such things, winning politics has his own consideration, and he feels that he should do more good deeds now.

“Scramble for more things for these people, so that we can make up for the missing parts of their other places a little bit.”

Yingzheng now wants to ask them how they should be able to continuously expand their territories, so that they can slowly spread these powers.

“We are now going to make our Daqin country bigger and bigger, so that we can become the most powerful country in the world.

This is the long-cherished wish of winning the government. He feels that he will definitely realize it in his lifetime now. If he can realize this wish, then his current wish has basically been fulfilled, and the more he thinks about this thing.

“It’s not bad. I have just seen the points mentioned in this memorial. I think we should talk to them more about this matter now.

These are the contents mentioned by Master Shang Yang in this place. Now that he understands the situation, he feels that he still has to give them the most serious warning. This is the most important thing.

“My lord, he has gone through it now. If this is the case, you should ask them what else they want to say about this matter.”

Even if they have any opinions, they don’t dare to mention it lightly now, because they now know that if it is raised, then their lives will not be saved now.

“No need to say more. If they really have an opinion on this matter now, they will definitely take the initiative to say it now. We don’t have to say so many bad things in this place now, and we really don’t have to be so embarrassed.”

This situation is very exciting. Winning now does not want to go to nonsense anymore. He feels that he should continue to stay in this place now.

“Do you know that in such an age of symptoms, if we really want to advance, attack, retreat, and defend, then we need a very complete system. In addition, we need a lot of materials and forage.”

Winning a slap in the slap woke them all up. The ideas of these people are simply too ideal. They don’t even know what the gap between reality and ideal is.

“Now concentrate all your forces and find this assassin in your mind. No matter what method you have, I will see what this assassin looks like tomorrow morning.”

After issuing such an order, the winning government has now begun to relax. He feels that now he must ask them clearly what they want to say about this matter is too important.

“If you don’t do this thing well, just wait for death in this place. I will definitely let you see what these opinions I give you are like.

Yingzheng now wants to ask them if they have anything to say about this situation. This matter can’t let them directly control it like this.

“Did you know? If we let them surrender rights in this place, they will definitely be unhappy now, they might really collude with each other.”

Lu Buwei has always had some opinions on this matter. He has never wanted to let Yingzheng jump off and take risks in this place.

0……Look for flowers……

“If you really want to do such a thrilling thing, then I should be dispatched to the front. I am willing to take the lead in the front. If I appear from another plane, I will definitely stand in front of your majesty.”

Yingzheng glanced up and down. When he spoke, his eyes were very sincere, and he didn’t seem to want to deceive himself. If this is the case, then he must let her show his loyalty.


“Okay, since that’s the case, let’s talk about it, what else do you want to say about this matter?”

Lu Buwei didn’t know why, he seemed to be very excited, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

“Waiting to see me again when you think about it again, you don’t know, my frequency will definitely not go randomly.”

Yingzheng looked up and down, she felt that this matter should still be explained to them clearly, otherwise they would really have a misunderstanding.

“Don’t get me wrong. I have told you so many times. This situation is not something we can do whatever we want, because now we have to be prepared in this place.”

If they can’t even prepare well in this place, then they will definitely be uncomfortable now. Winning now wants them to understand that their attitude has not changed in any way.

“Don’t talk nonsense in this place. If you say nonsense, I won’t let you have a good life.”

When Yingzheng spoke with a solemn expression, no one dared to speak anymore. factory,

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