Chapter 1094 The presumptuous state of the princes]

“I heard that there are many vassal states around us that seem to be watching us. If this is the case, we must now control them.

These small princes have very rich food and grass. They never know how to expand their territory, so they have always wanted to invade other people’s territories.

“Don’t tell me, if we don’t say that these princes will be frightened now, then the future will not be easy at all.”

Yingzheng doesn’t want to talk too much now. He feels that as long as these princes can be controlled now, then these rights can be concentrated in his own hands.

“These vassal states don’t care what kind of situation we are in this place. They make us so embarrassed. We will now let them know how good we are.”

Winning politics is very clear, and he feels that they cannot be allowed to be so presumptuous now.

“If they are allowed to continue to stay, then they will definitely be embarrassed in this place now, ours, we must now ask all this clearly.”

Yingzheng thought for a while, and felt that he should continue to regain these screenshots and powers now, so that he could firmly control this power in his palms.

“Power is very important. We must now centralize these powers so that we can be worthy of us ~ the soldiers who died.”

Those soldiers will be very sensible in the end, because they also know that if they take a wrong step, then these things will be done wrong, and the situation is very critical.

“I think we should deal with this matter a little bit now. After all, this situation has reached the point where it is today-what do you think?,

Yingzheng thought for a long time at this moment, and felt that some of the people around him were very reliable, and he could use them a little bit now.

“Return to Your Majesty, it seems that there is a person outside imprisoning us. Once he is allowed in, this person may be an assassin. We had better not go and meet some people we have never met before.”

Yingzheng feels that he should verify the identity of this person now, and this is more appropriate.

“I think we should stay here a little longer.”

Only need to concentrate power in this place, then they will not dare to move at all now.

“How could these princes wait for us to admonish them step by step in this place? You think this thing is too simple, understand?”

The princes in front of them are very presumptuous. Once they encounter any kind of situation, they will surely win the top half and feel that, in this way, they will surely cause some other people to suffer.

“Since we are all ready now, it is important to stay in this place for a while and let them know about these conditions.

“You may not know, in fact, you have already achieved this step, so you must do it to the end, and the contents of this box must be well hidden. This is a shocking jade seal, do you know what I mean?,

Yingzheng thought for a long time, if you want to catch this assassin, then you have to look for these talents again, okay, this matter is very important.

“Is it really that simple to catch an assassin? You really underestimate them. We must now let them swear to the heavens in this place, and they will never have love for us.”

0……Look for flowers…

At this point, Yingzheng feels that he should have power in his hands now.

“I think we still have to do what we say now. As the saying goes, it’s hard for a gentleman to chase a horse with a word. You have to wait a little longer in this place.”

“If they are allowed to be in this place, it will definitely not be good. We must now agree with these princes to let them decentralize all power in this place. This is still very good for us.


These princes finally have such rights, and they will certainly not let go easily in the end.

“Don’t talk about what should be said, and don’t disclose what should not be said easily to some other people. We must now catch this assassin.”

It is very important to catch these princes who have been punished.

“Did you know? All these vassal states are strong in their national service. Now let them allocate some supplies to the flood-stricken area in the south. It was definitely possible in the past.”

When the surrounding ministers were discussing, Ying Zheng also kept their ears listening, so on the surface he closed his eyes, but in fact his mind never left the subject of their talk.

“Really? There are still people like this, and they are now helpless in this place.”

It would be bad if you really didn’t save it.

“I think we should let it go. It’s best not to think too much lightly. Some people here will definitely keep us up and down.” Factory,

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