Chapter 1082 Prime Minister Liz’s Warning]

“If we just indulge them in this way, they will definitely retaliate against us now. Tell your Majesty that we must think twice about this matter.”

Winning government considered it for a while and felt that this matter was really good.

“Don’t think about it so much now, okay, if we let him wait in this place now, it would not be a good idea.”

Prime Minister Li Si, he will always warn himself. Yingzheng feels that their civil servants have always had some groundless worries, but everyone knows that their considerations are also serious and have a foundation.

“Prime Minister Li Si, he has been warning us from the beginning. If we say something improper now, they might feel that we have no respect for them at all. If this is the case, then we should be calm and calm now. .”

Yingzheng now doesn’t want Lu Buwei and Li Si to argue in this place.

“If you two continue to argue in this place, then I might really starve to death in this place, and I will now return to my mansion.”

Ying Zheng looked at Meng Tian and Meng Yi in front of him.

“These two great generals have already made a decision. They are going to be stationed in this palace, so now you civilians are going back to your mansion quickly, stay there, don’t go out lightly. Don’t go to this street.”

If once it is on the street, then all this will be very unsuccessful.

“We must have a good mentality now. You don’t know if you really want to accomplish something, then you must maintain a good mentality.

A good attitude at such a critical moment is of the utmost importance. Although these assassins are hiding in the dark, Ying Zheng knows that the eyeliner he has shot in the dark will surely be searched for them all the time.

“The people I sent out are all top-notch people. You don’t have to worry about it now. Besides, Lian has already told you many times that Meng Tian and Meng Yi are very trustworthy people.

Yingzheng always speaks without any tone. Some other people may let them speak, and they will always make a big jump. As soon as Yingzheng speaks, they will kneel down without moving.

“If this is the case, then we can reduce some casualties. We can now ask them what we should do next, and whether we should let the metal vendors gather in the capital. ”

Yingzheng now wants to ask the prime minister what he meant. If he knew this, would he continue to warn himself now.

“Now our majesty’s mind is basically on the people in the south, because they have nothing to eat or wear now. We should really care about them now and send them some food, grass and supplies.”

These grains and materials are of vital importance, and they must be delivered in time.

“If these things are not delivered in time, then these situations will become more and more serious.”

These flood disasters have never been met by people. If this is the case, we should explain the situation to them in time.

“You must wait for the generals of Meng Tian and Meng Yi in this place now, and you will definitely give us an explanation, and the general that we temporarily sealed off will definitely do our best.”

Winning politics is very confident, because he feels that there will be absolutely nothing wrong with the people he likes, and he must be calm now.

*”Don’t wait so much in this place, because I think Lu Buwei and Li Si will definitely tell the truth in the end. ”

Although they are very worried on the surface, they actually have their own considerations.

“Let’s not say so much now, because Wang Jian and Yang Duan and them are still waiting outside. They now have a lot to say compared with us.”

He didn’t want to talk more about other things. He felt that the appearance of these texts was even smarter than himself. Therefore, no matter what kind of scene it is in this weather, they can now accept it.


“I think we must continue to merge, and continue to merge some of the surrounding territories into our Daqin land, so that we will become larger and larger.

Among the ministers of civil and military affairs around them, some of them have very big ambitions, just like the ambition to win the government. He feels that facing such people, he must prepare them well.

“If you really have such ambitions, you will immediately bring these art of war or materials to the frontier. If you can really let me see what you have beaten down, it will give you a lot of money. Rewards.”.

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