Chapter 1079 Royal Driver’s Enquiry]

“We must now consider everything clearly. In addition, we also have to test the border countries a little bit now, what do they mean.”

If we don’t discuss this matter together now, then one person’s advice may not be appropriate.

Yingzheng looked at the sturdy young man in front of him, and when he enshrined him as a general, he didn’t seem to change his face and his heart beats. People of his age rarely have this kind of humiliation and humiliation.

“I see, the people chosen by our majesty personally are so calm and calm. If they can really be sent to the frontier, they will be able to shock those from neighboring countries.

Shang Yang had an important report at this time.

“Shang Yang Aiqing, if there is something so urgent, you can report it to this place now.”

Ying Zheng glanced at Shang Yang. His expression seemed to be something wrong. Ying Zheng knew that he must not be able to discuss in this large court. He was now behind the curtain.

“What else is there that you and I don’t know?”

Yingzheng now wants to ask them what it is that makes them so excited.

“I just summoned Shang Yang. Why did you come in so many people? I have already told you. I can’t stand the fright now. What’s the matter with you now, please report to me as soon as possible.”

“If there really is any good idea, we can come up with it, but I implore your majesty to take it back, because this young man can’t take on such a big responsibility.

Ying Zheng looked at Shang Yang and felt that his face had always been so low, and he must have a very big opinion on this matter.

“I know that you must be brooding about this matter. In this case, I want to make it clear to you, and I must stick to this matter to the end.”

There are so many ideas for winning politics, and he feels that he should give them a little face now.

“If you continue to persist in this way, I am afraid that the situation will be very bad, because this young man has inexperienced, and when he reaches the frontier, he will be frightened by the scene of corpses all over the country.”

He didn’t think much about winning politics. He felt that he needed to see what kind of state the soldiers on the frontier were fighting in.

“I am in the palace, thinking about it, people just think that they should go to the battlefield in person, otherwise, how can they know what to put, what is needed most now?”

Ying Zheng felt that if Shang Yang did not agree with the young man to go there in person, then he would now propose the opinion of the imperial conquest.

“If I go to this frontier in person, would you agree to it?”

Just as Yingzheng was about to go out, for some reason a woman appeared outside. Yingzheng thought about it and it must be the princess who came here.

“Return to your Majesty, what you asked me to say, I have already said almost, I will now follow my cronies and stay away from this place.”

“Forget it, you are good at cultivating your body at this moment. There are some feasts today. You can drink and have fun here, and don’t worry about other things.

Ying Zheng thought about it, and felt that he should let the eldest princess stay in this place for a while now, and don’t let him have any nostalgia here.

“When I think of things like this, I feel that the soldiers on our frontier are all very powerful.

0………Look for flowers…

There are still many veteran soldiers outside, and Yingzheng feels that now he must let them spend their old age in this process, so that they can inspire soldiers in the frontier and even other places to heroically kill the enemy.

“If we take good care of the veteran soldiers who came to the capital to beg some time ago, then we can still win the hearts of the people, what do you think?”

Winning government considered it, and felt that what the princess said was very good, and he should do it now.


“Have you ever thought that if we really treat them well, their store manager will not disturb us in any way, and we must continue to wait in this place now.”

If you really have to wait, then all this is very worrying.

“We don’t have to get rid of it now, so this matter will definitely be very worrying. I have told you many times, and you don’t know it.”

Yingzheng thought for a while, and felt that the situation seemed not so good.

“Do you know that all the soldiers in our frontier are courageous and strategic, how could it be so affected by his two-sentence thing?”

Winning politics thought about it for a long time, and felt that he still needs to settle down here for a while.

“You know how long these teachers on the frontier have been waiting for these supplies, if we don’t send them there, it will make them feel cold.”

Yingzheng thought for a while, and felt that he must be ready now. factory,

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