Chapter 1077 The Forging of Armor]

After hearing the feedback from these ministers, Ying Zheng knew what he should do next.

“Dear Aiqing, you don’t have to worry about this matter at all.”

After Yingzheng calmed down the emotions of the great gods, he talked about his plans.

“Sure enough, your majesty is wise

Looking at these pedantic and ignorant people in front of him, winning the government can’t wait to roll his eyes now. He feels that if he says something casually now, these people will definitely say that he is very wise.

“Don’t make jokes in this place, we must now let some other people know that we now have multiple ways to deal with this problem.

The other neighboring countries in the frontier must be watching jokes too, and they might want to take this opportunity to give themselves a good look.

“We must cheer up and let some other people know that we are not something they can bully casually.”

If you really regard these people as some sturdy labor, then they will definitely use their true abilities now.

“Your Majesty was in the back garden just now. I just saw our Majesty in this place, but I think that although our Majesty said that he is in the back garden, his heart is always in the front.”

Hearing these ministers talking about herself like this behind her back, Yingzheng was very pleased in her heart. She felt that she could now do what she wanted to do with peace of mind.

“Sending these soldiers and horses to the frontier must think twice, otherwise, some other people may really catch our weakness, and then beat us painfully, 々.”

As long as they can take advantage of this opportunity to do these things well, Yingzheng feels that he must be famous now.

“This matter is very important. Many things must be thought twice. We must now follow our underground opinions to do these things.”

In consideration of winning politics, I felt that I should immediately let those metal foundries rush to the capital, and hurriedly rush to make some armor overnight.

“On the battlefield, these armors are life-saving things. Now these things must be done well and not let some other people cut corners.”

After the win-government order came down, many people began to respond to the military order.

“The people, they are all willing to help us cast these armors without taking any silver taels, and they probably all know the truth about the cold of the lips and the teeth.

Yingzheng thought for a while, how could he treat these people badly now that he is a wise monarch, and he will definitely not let them work hard in this place in vain.

“These armors are all made by these ordinary people with one hammer and one hammer. We must protect them now. You immediately seal this young man to the general of the country.

Others think this matter is really embarrassing.

“Your Majesty, please think twice before you act. Such a young man has no merits. It would be contrary to the rule of the court if he suddenly becomes a general if he loses his mind.”

These words he said are also reasonable. Yingzheng thought about it and immediately issued a military order, and immediately named this person a general.

“There is no need to worry about anything, nor to question my decisions and choices.

On the battlefield, there is no eye with swords and guns. If these armors are used to block the attacks of those people, it is still possible.

“Do you know? If we gather all these metal manufacturers in the capital now, then the others might take the opportunity to attack some ordinary people’s villages.”

Since the last time I knew that there were some assassins in the capital, Yingzheng felt that this matter must be handled carefully.

*” If they are really allowed to seize this opportunity and attack this village, then all of our achievements will fall short. ”

There are many villages around this area, and people from these neighboring countries will definitely not enter it easily.

“Looking back at my Daqin territory now, every inch of the territory is attacked by our soldiers with a drop of blood and tears. We must not let it go to other people.”

This sentence that Yingzheng said in the previous period directly recalled, in everyone’s heart, when Yingzheng spoke, he knew that he had to let them know what his thoughts were now.

“If we are truly (Qian Nuo Zhao) courageous and conspiring people, we must be elected, and we must now prepare for all this.

Yingzheng will definitely announce this news at the banquet tonight.

“Master Shang Yang has already completed this matter. We only need to wait for feedback on this matter in this place now.”

Winning government considered it, and felt that he had done everything he could to protect his territory. The next step was to see to what extent the courtiers under his hand would achieve.

“What can we do even if we do everything? As long as it can soothe the hearts of our soldiers, it is not impossible for me to do such a thing.” Guo,

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