Chapter 1075 Frontier Operations

“I heard that there is a great general who has been garrisoning the frontier all the time. If that is the case, he should have absolute courage to gallop the battlefield in this place.”

Ying Zheng looked at the ministers in front of him, and they seemed to be alone in not wanting to take this order.

“Forget it, let’s wait in this place now.”

If we gather some people now, they will definitely run away from this place because it is really unsafe in this police car.

“It’s not that you don’t know. When fighting on this frontier, some of them really tried their brains and kept thinking about how they were able to eradicate this assassin immediately.”

Yingzheng has considered it in his heart and feels that it should be prepared now.

“Don’t worry about so much, let’s take a look at first, how we should send some of our soldiers and horses directly to the south.”

As long as they can be sent out, nothing else matters.

“Did you know? We are fighting on the frontier now. If we say that there is a shortage of people and food, then there is no lifeline at all.”

If we really want to send these people and food to the south safely, we must send our predecessors to escort them.

“I heard that they have some escorts in this civil society. If this is the case, let us be a little bit more eye-catching. Let these escorts escort the food. Otherwise, a mighty team of people will crush the food. This halfway, maybe some other people will directly intercept it.”

“Your consideration is very correct. I think we should hurry up now and let them figure out how to evacuate directly from this place.

Ying Zheng called his cronies, and he felt that he should entrust such a task to them now, otherwise they would definitely feel very anxious in their hearts.

“Do you understand what I said? If you can really implement this plan, that would be great.”

While thinking about these things, Yingzheng is thinking about how these people and food should be considered in this place.

“These people and food must now be delivered to the south on time. Otherwise, the people don’t have anything to eat. If there is no food, how can they be able to carry these soldiers?”

When I think of such things, winning politics feels a little worried.

“Do you know? We now have to let them know that the food is not for these people at all. We now have to let these soldiers have food to eat while fighting.”

The meaning of winning the government is very clear. Now we should send new grains to the frontier. In this frontier, these soldiers will surely be fed and clothed, so that we can defeat the troubled bandits.

“No matter what kind of robbers and bandits have done in our place, we will definitely not let her get better now. We must explain this situation clearly to them.

Yingzheng felt that he should still make some armors for them now, so that they would be able to ensure that they would not be threatened by other people when fighting.

“We have to think about them wholeheartedly now, what do you think?”

In the frontier, if there is no great general stationed in this place, then this place must be a group of dragons without a leader, and now you must personally send someone there.

“Now let General Meng Tian come back as much as possible, don’t let him waste time in this suburban countryside.

Ying Zheng dispatched his own eyeliner directly to bring a letter to General Meng Tian.

“If you ask him to come back right away, we probably don’t have so many soldiers and horses to escort him to the south. Should we now find ways to get together these armor casting things.”

This is indispensable in the course of combat. Since the unification of the world, Yingzheng knows that many materials are in short supply.

“Well, if this is the case, then all the non-governmental foundries will be concentrated in our capital, and we can now drive these things out.

Yingzheng understands that these leading merchants are all sturdy people in every village. If this is the case, let them come to the capital, and they will also be in the best of glory.

“Everything in the capital is incomparable in their 1.3 village. For them, this is also the supreme glory.”

For such things, winning politics has its own considerations.

“We have to let this general stay in this place for a while now, to deter them and let them know that we are very rational.”

Except for this situation, the other materials and the like were handed over to other ministers of civil and military affairs.

“I heard that there is a man named Shang Yang who is very smart. If this is the case, let him line up in this place.”

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