Chapter 1063 impetuous】

In fact, the reason why Yingzheng is holding such a celebration banquet today is not to express how brilliant they are, but just to look at the reasons why they have been so hard during this period.

I want them to have a good meal, but it’s like what everyone said.

It’s a veritable farewell meal, and I didn’t expect to be seen directly by all of them. Of course, winning politics is also directly facing everyone’s problem.

Then I explained to them how painful they will be during this process, and they may experience some unexpected things. The big guys must take care of it.

Take out the results of all your experience during this period of time, and absolutely don’t have any time to relax your vigilance a little bit.

The big guy can see clearly the ability to win politics and his level.

It’s just that everyone really doesn’t have the ability to keep up with his pace. 890 has a lot of bitter problems anyway. I don’t know why there is such a big change in the middle.

Of course, they also hope that they will be able to take a look at them a lot. They have really worked hard to advance, but maybe the previous level was too rubbish, and the mood during that time was more impetuous.

But you can extravagantly ask an emperor to say these things. If he can give you a little face, it is already very good. The big guys laughed a few times.

In a very serious manner, he took an oath there and said: “Actually, after being on the battlefield, I can already put down everything. I think this is one of my hopes and one of my missions, waiting for me to complete it. .”

“I don’t care so much anymore, brothers, let’s cheer, and don’t hold back our team. (aibd) is embarrassing for our winning politics. I feel embarrassed.

The big guys are embarrassed and scratched the back of their heads.Although they don’t know what will happen in the process, you can’t continue to sit and wait for death like this, let everyone bully you?

When you hear this question, you don’t know why you have a particularly passionate feeling, and that mood is also very tense.

The rest don’t want to say anything, all kinds of remarks are constantly emerging in their minds, which is a bit dumbfounding.

“How? How come you kid suddenly made such a big change? Based on what I know about you, I think you should be a more cautious person.”

The people on the side kept cursing here, and the expression was very ugly.

It may be that he drank a little too much, and his mood was a little uncontrollable, and the various mentalities made him feel very scary.

If it’s that time, the environment is so dangerous, you don’t know what the result will be. Anyway, it will be quite negative.

“Am I wrong? The emperor has taken care of us for so many days, and everyone can take care of it. I also hope that you can understand the emperor’s good intentions for us. I have worked very hard to do all this.

As for the soldier who was talking, he was very excited, and there was nothing to say about his mood, and tears almost flowed from his eyes.

After speaking, he gurgled several glasses of wine directly into his stomach.

Yingzheng watched this scene quietly from the sidelines, a sense of sadness that couldn’t be said, how do you say in the middle?

It is indeed very difficult to see such a big change in everyone. You said that they are such a good group of people, and I used that kind of very harsh words to criticize them before, is it a bit inappropriate?

I’m still a little scared.

A few of them screamed wildly here, as if they had ignored the victory of the government directly, and they also looked at them very seriously, patted the table in front of them, and said to them: “I said, brethren, what are you doing? Do you take me as the emperor in the eyes?”

“I admit that the words that some of you said just now really made me very happy, and I have a feeling like seeing your child has grown up, then I also hope that you can put my words in your heart. ?”

I really don’t know why.

Suddenly, the Winning Political Council had such an idea in his mind.

Such a thing must be a very cautious question for him, and then everyone is here with mixed feelings, let alone anything.

The mood is also very complicated. It seems that winning politics really moved this time, and then looked very serious throughout the whole process.

“The emperor, please think twice before doing it. Don’t be so angry, can you? We have worked very hard, plus this time it must be gone forever.”

“We are all fully prepared for this.”

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