Chapter 1061 Face as ash]

Especially those princes’ faces were blue and white, and they were very ugly.

It’s as if their own minds are directly shown in front of the winning government. Yes, they do have such ideas, but they have not been so directly dismantled in the plan. Isn’t it inappropriate?

But the obvious thing is that the big guys have already understood the idea of ​​winning politics and recognized his current direction.

After bowing deeply at the side, he led his team and left, who was his mother.

These guys are really worthy of the spirit of teamwork. Sometimes you start to sigh, how can they be so united, of course these people do not mention the careful thoughts in the quilt. The exaggeration of 08.

As far as those careful thoughts are concerned, in fact, he can see the victory clearly, but he just doesn’t want to take care of it.

You said that as an emperor, how could he not pay attention to these details?

The person on the side also hurriedly wiped the sweat from his forehead, just wanting to say that winning politics is too cruel, even if he really has such an idea.

It shouldn’t be directly and frantically expressed in front of so many people, but if you think about the identity of the other party, you will suddenly recognize it.

“Hahaha, don’t worry, the emperor, as long as I have a breath, I can’t let this happen, at least from the current point of view, this group of guys, no matter where they are Can’t let people relax.”

The eunuch on the side looked thoughtful, and the moment he turned his head after saying this, winning the government was looking at him inexplicably.

Don’t you think your words are a bit too funny? What is your status? You are just a eunuch. Are you worthy of being in the middle?

Obviously, winning politics doesn’t want to pay attention to him at all, but after taking a deep look at him, he diverts his attention, like this guy is not normal in other people’s brains, and saying too much is also like that. .

And you don’t know when it is a head. Everyone can see it, and the mood is even more tense.

If anyone wants to deny the correctness of what Yingzheng did just now, then you have eaten the ambition and the courage. Only those with the courage dare to say that kind of remark, whether it is now or in the future.

He is still the kind of person who does what he wants. This point of view will never change. What if he wants to say that he is such a heroic? These guys had better not put those thoughts out in front of him.

If it is true, winning the government will definitely make these people unable to eat, how to say, no matter from which way, they feel that a group of people who are particularly unreliable, even if they are their own Both of my own sons are not simple in their minds.

In fact, this throne of oneself has already been watched by others.

Because of this, I feel uneasy even after eating a meal on weekdays. I always feel that someone has put something in it that I don’t know. I hope there is not, but he doesn’t want to talk too much.

Try not to have such a phenomenon on your body, otherwise he really can’t bear such a big blow.He is also a normal person, how can he accept this fact?

No matter what you are doing, you still have to be exposed to this deliberate practice. People around you are probably a little bit unruly towards you.

“You are just a eunuch. When you speak to me, be careful. I can say something, but can’t you understand it?” Ying Zheng’s face was ugly, and he forced him to emphasize. After a while, and the thoughts and thoughts in my mind now.

The other party really looked cautious, and nodded there. At the same time, the heart was beating frantically. 890 seemed to not know what to do, plus it was a very nervous problem now.

You don’t know what you are doing, it is almost every minute and every second that makes people feel broken.

If possible, I also hope that they can recognize their own essence. Don’t try to provoke them to win politics. It is not a good-tempered person. How can I put it? He has never been a good-tempered person, otherwise there will be no such kind of person. The situation happened under the maimed knife.

At least from the current point of view, they still have a bit of eyesight. Under their crazy hint, they really don’t dare to have any extra ideas. Nodded with relief.

I just want to say that I can have this level of awareness. At least I won’t be irritated at will. Everyone can perfectly accept the instructions he issued during the week of the emperor himself.

And do it according to his requirements. .

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