Chapter 1058 More than guilty]

But obviously he didn’t mean to make any jokes with you. What he said now is a strict requirement of you.

Yingzheng will come here from time to time to pay attention to their every move, so they dare not have any chance to relax their vigilance, they don’t have this kind of welfare at all, do you know?

At the moment, I should improve my abilities and talk about the impossible. To put it bluntly, it is too unrealistic, so winning politics is very speechless to them.

“Don’t mention it. I really don’t want to see their faces anymore. You said how can there be such a stupid group of people in this world. I can’t think about it, I can’t wait to teach them how to do it hand in hand, do you know 887?

Feeling of pain.

I always feel that these two of them are deliberately sent by God to give you to someone who is alive and angry. Why do you think they have such a big pit in their brains? At least a normal person will not be so bad. Gesture.

You have repeatedly emphasized it many times at the beginning, let them be serious, and don’t relax their vigilance when they are serious, but it’s a pity that everyone can’t hear it.

Not to mention how ugly Yingzheng’s face is. Perhaps he really didn’t dare to have any intersection with everyone, and he didn’t dare to have any big quarrels with them later.

I was so afraid that when you were asleep, I would come over and assassinate you at the dead of night. With the knowledge they learned, it is very likely that this will happen. If not, he will think too much. Well, maybe people do better.

Then there are more and more terrifying collections, how can I say? They really don’t have the ability to do these things.

This is also the main reason why winning the government hates them so much that they cannot make steel. Practical things, laziness is quite powerful.

It’s just that the level is not very good. If they can achieve a goal they expected, they have no opinion on how to be lazy and win politics, but the important thing is that they really haven’t achieved the goal you want, and they still show up all day long. Come out with a shrewd look.

Soon, Yingzheng called the guard here and gave him strict psychological counseling, hoping that he would not take this matter too much.

Of course, it is not necessary to put too much pressure on himself. I hope he can understand that this is a golden opportunity, and if he can, he can also improve his abilities.

(aibd) Even if he came to bring them with him, it would definitely be good for him and there would be no harm. The guard standing in front of Yingzheng at this moment.

His heart seems to be dripping blood continuously.He wants to say that he does not have the ability to withstand the competence that Yingzheng has given him, but this mood changes to a different taste when he reaches the lips. Honestly nodded there, and said, “Yes, the emperor is right.

“Then I will try my best to support them little by little in accordance with your requirements from the emperor, and strive to achieve their best level, and I will never let the emperor disappoint you.”

In the end, a very reluctant smile came out. In fact, from this point, you can see how broken his current mentality is.

There is no room for resistance at all, because after winning the government entrusts this task to you, you have to continue to go on with such a task, even if it is to the point where it is difficult to move, you have no room for resistance. .

This guard seems to have slowly accepted this fact, but hopes that the victory of the government must not involve his personal behavior in his family.If the goal of winning the government is not completed, wouldn’t it be annihilation?

When he thought of this question, his goose bumps were all up, and he looked wary. From time to time, he glanced in the direction of winning the government. After reading it, he began to regret it.

The emperor naturally felt the meaning in his eyes, frowned slightly, looked at this guy impatiently, and said, “Do you have anything you want to say? Hurry up, don’t be there. It’s grind there, Lian has been staring at you for a long time, you seem to have something unspeakable to communicate with me, and you seem to be unable to say anything.

Come on, do you know that this will also make me very flustered. ”

At that moment, I had an urge to breathe fragrance, but it was clear that there was no room for this.

After all, this should come or will come. .

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