Chapter 1055 try best】

In fact, the big guys can also feel the hope of winning the government for them.

Because such a big guy is also working little by little, hoping to achieve the goal that he wants to win the government quickly, and not to let people down.

They can also feel how much the emperor attaches importance to them. In that case, you must seize this hard-won opportunity.

This atmosphere is not to mention how tense it is. The big guys feel as if their heart is mentioned in the throat all at once. Before the examination has not started, the big guys have a very perfunctory attitude, and feel no The “eight-eight-seven” means ah.

In fact, when that moment really comes, you will find how terrifying the emperor’s eyes are. You don’t dare to be sloppy at all, even every minute and every second.

I definitely want to try my best to do everything to the best. It can be regarded as a perfect end to my all-time efforts during this period.

Ying Zheng clapped his hands and planned to check their results during this period of time, so that all of them can stand by their side, and you can observe from their faces that everyone’s thoughts are there. How complicated, in fact, what he often wants is this kind of effect.

“You probably have not forgotten the task that I gave to you some time ago. Today is the critical moment for the assessment. The United will see that your true level has come out. If you do not reach the standard I expected, you know what the consequences will be. “Ying Zheng said that the look in the back became more and more terrifying. He was really emphasizing a matter.

Important issues.

Don’t let anyone be a little sloppy.

It’s just to see everyone’s attitude of working so hard, and their nervous image of really taking this matter to heart, it will make people feel very satisfied.

In fact, the big guys should continue to advance toward this goal. First of all, they must have a certain degree of insight.

However, after a few rounds of challenges, the effect was very poor, and he did not achieve the goal of winning the government at all, so his face was extremely ugly immediately afterwards, and it can be seen how much he wants to vomit in his heart now. fragrance.

However, Ying Zheng also thought that he is a better-tempered person now. Don’t scare the big guy because of his identity. I also feel very sorry. Some time ago, it was a bit too harsh, which caused the big guy to treat himself. I was completely in a state of awe, and I felt quite broken.

At this moment, the big guys were standing beside them honestly, and at the moment when they discriminated against them, they were already in their mood, and they knew that their level was just like that, and there was no room for redemption.

Because of this, they collapsed even more, so they must not be able to eat and walk around today. From the look of winning politics, you can see that you don’t even have dinner today, right?

At this moment, the people who are standing by the side of Yingzheng who have been in charge of training them began to yell at everyone: “So after practicing for such a long time, I have also invited a very professional practice for a long time. Predecessors to teach you.”

“The final result is just like this. Come over and tell me, have you really worked hard? I asked, at least a normal person with a normal brain will have this level!”

Ying Zheng has been swimming around and rubbing his temples, with a physical and mental exhaustion. It seems that he does not want to have any intersection with them anymore. If you say a word, you feel that you are wasting your tongue. These guys are already It’s not worthy of any expectations. 0

Sure enough, judging from their current development, when they are really on the battlefield, they will still be treated as a cushion under their feet.

At their level, the Eight Achievements were taken by others to be madly beaten and cleaned up. The consequences were of no use at all. How could it not be angry to win the government? He was just about to explode in anger.

But when your eyes meet their aggrieved look, you seem to feel that what you just said is a bit too much, and the anger in your heart has disappeared a lot, of course he thinks about it again. , It’s really inexplicable, he should be angry himself.

Having paid so much hope for everyone, the emperor himself can’t have some personal thoughts. No, it seems that they really didn’t take their emperor to heart.

The big guy hurriedly explained what he had done during this period and what they had experienced with a nervous expression on his face.

But on the whole, I can’t say anything to explain that so many things are just making excuses for themselves, just like Yingzheng said, they didn’t try to practice at all, and more of them are still lazy and feel like taking a break. Not a problem.

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