Chapter 1051 Irritated

“I’ve been trying to use these words to irritate me, now I’m here to let you try it, you’re scared, aren’t you? You were pretty courageous just now?” Ying Zheng snorted coldly.

Looking at the group beside him contemptuously, they existed like idiots.

Whether it is now or in the future, they are so afraid of winning politics. Winning government wants to destroy them with just one sentence. They are also a little self-knowing about themselves.

If you can avoid hitting that muzzle, try not to go. They also know that they don’t have that ability, so if they can, they still hope that everyone can get along with each other in peace.

After they left the scene madly in 08, it was as if they had come back from the ghost gate again. The whole person was very painful. The people on the side also patted him on the shoulder, looking a little bit dumbfounded. As for him, how could he be so nervous?

“No, the words of Yingzheng scared you like this. Do you have any promise? At least the words that Yingzheng said just now are nothing more than the wind in my heart. I’ll forget it next time.”

At this moment, when a person can speak, he uses this very ostentatious tone to put on a look that doesn’t seem to be in his heart, and he is still there with his fingernails clasped in a leisurely look, but In fact, his tense leg shaking had already exposed his true heart.

What kind of reason could it be? It was just the situation that day, and everyone could see what the result was. It was quite funny.

The reality in their hands seems to gradually start to become painful. Are they willing to accept this fact? Of course not, in fact, if there is a chance.

They still want to continue their dying struggle. It seems that God is opening a way for them, and it is not necessarily like the attitude that Yingzheng has just treated them. It seems that they are too lazy to take care of them. This way to explain this behavior and this process.

Otherwise, you really don’t know why the winning government will let them go so directly. The words and deeds they just said revealed a feeling of indescribable no matter what they said. To put it bluntly, it is a bit too speechless. Got it.

“I said, brother, you can try not to speak as much as possible. Now I see your face and I feel a headache, and you are also quite funny.”

“Don’t you think that your remarks reveal a kind of madness? At that time, I think you must not be able to laugh. After all, based on my understanding of winning politics, if you dare to be in his next Speak out so violently in front of you.”

“It may also mean that your end of the world has come to you. As a brother, I still kindly remind you to let you have an understanding of your true identity.

“At least don’t be so rampant. I really feel sorry for you. I doubt if there is some problem with your IQ. If there is any problem, it is best to go to see an imperial doctor, really.

In the end, the people around him also shook their heads helplessly. They were able to escape from that kind of ghost gate existence to this place. It was not at all how tolerant Yingzheng was to them.

In fact, it is just too lazy to pay attention to them. People like them are dispensable.

So for winning politics, they are also a group of no special significance, even if it is kept, it is of no use, what can it be of use, just put it in that place in front of a decoration, and occasionally take it out in front of a meat pad It is also possible.

No matter how you look at this, you feel that their existence has no meaning at all. It is of course false to say that they are not angry, and sometimes it is quite angry to think about it.

But it also doesn’t make sense to think about these things with them. It’s really exhausting. As a 883 emperor, he still has a lot of business to do.

Every day there are endless memorials waiting for him to deal with, how could he spend some of his extra time on dealing with internal conflicts, these problems will naturally be dealt with by normal people, anyway, with the winning government It doesn’t matter.

In the past few days, he still has a very difficult problem, and that is about the struggle between neighboring countries. According to the current situation, Daqin is completely in the upper hand.

But definitely not because of this current situation to make your heart feel a little bit shocked, because the current situation is indeed very good.

But it doesn’t mean that it will always be the case in the future. In short, no one knows what will happen in the next second. Try to be humble and watch the changes.

No matter what kind of development there will be in the future, they only need to believe in the strength of their team. .

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