Chapter 1049 be punished】

Soon they went out honestly and were punished.

At that time, the cry of ghosts and wolf howling came from time to time. It was not a joke, as if God was making a huge joke with them, he was still there for a second.

It is simply not acceptable for a normal person to endure this kind of pain in the next second of being happy.

The people on the side swallowed subconsciously, with a frightened expression on their faces, and said there, “What should I do? Why do I feel a little nervous in my mood, I think too much, I think we are basically today We can’t walk back, and we need someone else to come and find a stretcher~ to carry us over.

Isn’t this a certain fact? Why would someone say something so clueless? Everyone immediately looked at him with a very disgusting gaze. This is really which pot is not opened, why is it? When it’s critical, I have to make such a statement, because I am quite nervous.

Now I feel even more nervous, especially when I look at the few responsible persons around here, they are honestly holding such a long board in their hands. If this kind of thing is really shot on your body, the pain will make It’s hard to imagine.

They didn’t dare to miss the excitement of the taste, even though it was at this point, they still couldn’t accept it.

Even the eunuch in the middle has already squeezed out two tears with difficulty, and the whole person is pitiful everywhere, don’t mention how sad, if he is pretending, then he is quite capable, after all, it is already. At this time, he is still thinking about doing things like fakes, which is very powerful.

It’s a pity that everyone won’t show any mercy to him at all. The time has come. Do you think it makes sense for you to do these things?

They have already shown the ending very clearly, at most it is a kind of speechlessness to you from the heart, whether it is now or in the future, this view is also very troublesome.

Just like what Yingzheng once said to them, they are just a group of unarmed ordinary people, and they have no power in their hands.

You really don’t know how to change this problem, you can only say that you are dying to try again and again, what to do.

But what kind of results will it end up in the end? No way, because your level is just like that.

“Master, can I trouble you to start a little lighter when the time comes? You see, I am just an ordinary weak man. If the board really hits me, I think I will be sure for a while. There is no way to accept this cruel fact.”

In the end he put on a pitiful look and looked at the person on the side, but it was obvious that he was pushed to that place directly, and he said to him with a serious face: “You are so embarrassed to say You are a man. As a man, people pay a certain amount of responsibility for their behavior.”

“This is what you should bear. What can’t you do? Hurry up and accept this fact for me honestly. Don’t let me hit this board on you, so that you can face this matter. .”

It is conceivable how exciting this reality is, even if they cannot understand it, it is quite a headache.

0……Look for flowers…

But on the whole, it seems that there is nothing special to say, isn’t it? Do you think how painful this environment you are now really is?

And everything is attacking you, even this master is not close to humanity.

The master is also helpless, he wants to say that this is his own job, then he must follow the orders of the win to do things.

He has no choice in many things, just like everyone has to bear these boards now.


All people are the same, he is also constantly telling his own thoughts, in fact, everyone’s situation is the same, there is nothing you and me.

Seeing him look so pitiful, you feel very annoyed, good guy, is this guy complaining to himself?

Especially when your eyes are in touch with him a little bit, you can see the true inner thoughts of this master, which is a kind of self-rejection from your heart.

In the end, they can only say that they face this fact honestly, and then lie on the board, and sometimes look behind with difficulty, but in fact, the reality will give them a heavy blow, because you don’t have it. There is room for change.

It’s already reached this level, don’t you think your idea is a bit too funny? Whether it is now or in the future, their point of view seems to always be so for their own consideration. Well, now that I have endured this pain, I won’t do these silly things in the future.

Even if it is true, there is a lot to say. factory,

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