Chapter 1043 Difficulties]

“Those guys may have already begun to plan something quietly. Although it’s just my guess, don’t do anything lightly, otherwise we will really fall badly.”

Seeing the other party crying with tears and tears, how dangerous the situation is today, Ying Zheng began to frown, good deed, this person is not too funny.

Ying Zheng frowned slightly and looked at the unreasonable guy beside him. Anyway, he could directly see a big naked character in his eyes, that is, he didn’t believe it.

The group leader almost stood up and kicked him directly.If he hadn’t considered his remarks everywhere for himself, winning the government would really be a bit unable to withstand such a powerful blow. Especially the look in 877’s eyes was somewhat complicated.

“What’s the matter, are my thoughts unclear? Or you don’t approve it very clearly. Don’t forget your identity. Your status is just an ordinary little eunuch. How can you understand me? I feel that I am a person with a plan.” Ying Zheng frowned slightly, it can be seen that his mood is not very happy now.

Anyway, it is quite complicated. Why did he come to this point? Everything is not the same as his thoughts.

Especially this kind of ending, nakedly opened an opening in his heart.

Anyway, I can feel it, just like the two eunuchs are too funny.

Moreover, according to the results of the lyrics of the recent period, these neighboring countries’ aibd (8 Chengdu) came to them with some ulterior secrets, and there will be some fights to death at any time.

Victory directly hit him with a punch and ordered him to prepare him. Don’t talk about unnecessary questions. This will only disturb the mind of winning the government and make him start to become uncontrollably panicked. stand up.

After that, he heard the crazy scream, even if it was very painful, he didn’t dare to yell there at all.

Then, looking at Yingzheng with an aggrieved posture, it seemed that there were a lot of words and words that couldn’t be expressed. It was indeed quite a collapse.Why would Yingzheng always have so many misunderstandings about him?

You don’t know what kind of situation this is. Whether it is now or in the future, their opinions have never happened. If you change, then you won’t be able to listen to such words.

First of all, you can come over and question my ideas roughly. My choice is now. Do you think you still need to exist?

There are rumors outside that Winning is a veritable tyrant. Every time he hears such remarks, he feels dumbfounded. The real tyrant will never have any room for negotiation with you. He just waved a fist on the spot.

Wherever there is a good emperor like him, they should feel contented, but it’s a pity that these ordinary people can’t understand the pain and pressure he endures in this position, although he has never thought about complaining. Meaning, but please be merciful and accumulate some morals for yourself.

I don’t want to listen too much to those outside remarks that win politics, and I feel a little irritable when I hear those topics, but it’s obvious that this can’t be done with any result.

Those few words must be impossible to change, and everyone’s point of view remains the same.

It was after he had been saved a fist arrogantly, the whole person was much more honest in an instant, and he didn’t dare to have those superfluous thoughts anymore, and then hurriedly left this place of collapse with all his belongings.

After I went back, I followed the people around you to spit out a bit. The words and deeds and various behaviors of Yingzheng’s just now, the people on the side, although they all have a heart that loves him, but they are actually all there. Tucao this guy can’t help himself.

But no one has said the true thoughts in his heart. After all, looking at the image of people with swollen nose and swollen nose in this situation, you are somewhat embarrassed to say it. This is for sure, so don’t say anything.

“Brother, I feel sorry for you, and I hope you can live a good life. What do you say, a person who has won such a terrible government, you can live by his side for one more day, I think it is a very miraculous thing. .”

Everyone couldn’t help but laughed aloud, what I want to say is definitely their most true thoughts. Isn’t there a good example a while ago? The friendship between a person and Yingzheng is also quite good. Yes, in the end, he didn’t die directly under the knife of his own hands.

Who on earth said that winning the government is actually a person with a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted person. In fact, his heart is much more cruel than his mouth.

Everyone just wants to say this fact, no one can change it, so in the future, let’s talk about it first.

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