Chapter 1036 Once in a lifetime]

No one can guess the thoughts of the emperor, and don’t try to guess so much, otherwise, if you are really not careful, your head will most likely fall directly to the ground.

How exaggerated the atmosphere is, everyone had better not think too much, otherwise some things will only become more and more troublesome, and in the end this matter will only make them even more collapsed.

For example, at this moment, the minister, he quickly evacuated the scene frantically, as if something ghost was chasing him behind him, let alone this mood, he was very scared.

It took a long time for my friend to see him, waved at him, stepped forward and pressed his shoulder, and could already feel that this guy’s arm was trembling constantly. To be precise, it should be trembling all over his body.

That’s why the friend twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, and looked at him disgustingly: “No, brother, what has happened to this? You look so simple, I thought you just passed the ghost gate in 08 It just ran out over there, please don’t be so exaggerated, right?”

When I say this, it is a little helpless to be true, of course, it is more of a sense of speechlessness from the heart.

There is nothing to say about some topics, especially the guy around him. He has felt a sense of frustration that he has never had before, especially when his friend’s eyes fall on him, he can’t wait to find a place. Just go straight into the seam and forget it.

Never talk to him about such embarrassing things again. Whenever it comes to this topic, he feels that he has no face to meet people, and he looks so violent in the ordinary days.

And now it has become like this again, this is really an earth-shaking change.Of course, my friend frowned slightly, and he felt a sense of disgust from his heart. I kindly came over to ask. Your specific situation.

But you are fine, the posture shown throughout the whole process seems very speechless. But if you think about it carefully, the relationship doesn’t seem to be that close.

If it is true that it is one thing to say, but no one knows what to continue discussing, and the emperor on one side also slowly walked out from there.

Seeing the two people hooking their shoulders on their backs, they snorted coldly and said, “What’s the matter, do you want to silently plan something that I don’t know under my nose? I’ll tell you you. I want to plan something under my nose again. I will put this sentence in this place today.”

Yingzheng’s face is very ugly, and it can be seen that his current mood is also very collapsed. What he hates most is the kind of things that some people think he doesn’t know, but actually do something that makes people feel very troublesome.

Until now, he feels very unbelievable, is he not kind enough to everyone on weekdays? Or they think they are too kind, so they try to come over and insult him, judging from the current situation, the possibility behind will be more bigger.

When they saw Yingzheng coming over, the two stood up honestly. They shouldn’t have any ideas, and there was no room for explanation at all, because they felt that there was nothing to explain.

If Yingzheng really insists that they are that kind of person, it is useless to explain anything, and it will only make this matter more confusing afterwards.

Winning politics probably waited for a few seconds, but still did not wait for any reply. At that time, the anger in his heart had reached a limit.

Almost rushed directly in front of them, and slapped their faces fiercely. What Yingzheng wanted to say was that his patience was limited, but it wouldn’t be like this.

Now that I have said everything that should be said, but these guys have not kept their promises at all, and even from their performance, you have a tired and collapsed feeling.

The big guy 873 shook his hand nervously there.They wanted to say that they didn’t have the courage of that ambition at all.To put it simply, they had never thought like that before, and hope that they won’t have any misunderstandings about winning the government, but Judging from the current development, it is estimated that the emperor has already misunderstood.

They can’t wait to find a place to get in. Why do things like this happen gradually, and how to clear this offense can’t be changed, just like they can’t explain clearly with their mouths.

Unthinkable incidents often happen in this palace. In the beginning, winning the government is still willing to believe them, but after that, he has to pay attention to it, otherwise you will be unknowingly People use it fiercely, and you will regret it when the time comes.

The idea of ​​winning politics and his attitude have not changed a little bit from beginning to end, so I can say that I have a kind of patience towards them.

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