Chapter 1033 The true emperor]

Being able to marry Yingzheng is their biggest wish and expectation in this life, so everyone around them is unlikely to succeed, nor is it realistic.

These concubines naturally wanted to be queens who won politics, so they all smiled awkwardly there, and a little indescribable taste continued to spread in their hearts. They wanted to say that winning politics is also silly and cute. People always say this kind of confusing things at this time, can you just be a little happier, really.

“Well, you concubines hurry back, I won’t turn over anyone’s brand today, and don’t look at me blindly here. I feel a headache when I see you. As we all know, I have never been good at this. .” Yingzheng yawned very boredly. He is not the kind of person who likes to indulge in female sex.

870 doesn’t mean that there is no resistance at all to this matter, it is more of a very resistant posture, even a bit disgusting, it is a kind of disgust for them from the heart.

Even though it has been so long, he can still remember clearly.

The concubines all looked at the figure that Yingzheng had left with eyesight, even though they were rejected, their little heart is still very fresh, and their lives are beating. In short, the big guy is very concerned about what is happening at this moment. All of this has an incredible feeling.

What’s more, the emperor is too attractive, the back that left is so decisive and so smashing, maybe they are already unknowingly.

Think of winning politics as their destiny, but the only thing they find sad (aibd) is to share the existence of a man with other women, even though he is very satisfied despite this.

So when Yingzheng understood these thoughts of the big guy, he was also satisfied and smiled there.In fact, it can often be seen from this aspect that how popular he is among this girl can also be said to be quite popular. Not bad, a good thing.

Well, the heroine here is also working hard to support them all the time, and always feel that the energy in them is about to burst in minutes, really a good person.

Just say. The guys around them didn’t know what his real thoughts looked like, or how much he liked the actor’s vision.

So if there is a problem with this matter, just click and stop. It is meaningless to ask too much, and it will only reverse the situation. Then if it really causes irreversible consequences, everyone will definitely not want to Seeing such a picture, how bad it is.

The guys all smiled bitterly here, but you are different. Although you are a very good person, you are also pretty good-looking, plus

Plus something. I watched it for a long time, and suddenly felt tired, so she waved her hand, and when she left and came to the position, her face was full of all kinds of things. A shy smile, this is too funny.

This concubine can see that it has been well planned in the quilt for a long time. Everything he has prepared now is carefully selected, and then he has spent a lot of thought and effort, from his enchanting From the posture, as well as the things he is preparing now, it can be seen how serious he is.

Because of the personal interest of Yingzheng, he specially organized such an event. The main thing is to let all the concubines participate in it. He wants to see the different sides of everyone. Anyway, he thinks a lot. of.

“Even if it is a small gathering, everyone will have fun and eat happily. This is our main purpose, and it is what I want to say. It’s fine, then everyone will plan well during this period of time. I won’t say anything if the plan is redundant.”

Ying Zheng is here clapping his hands while encouraging everyone to hurry up.

When it comes to this topic, I can’t wait to feel a little bit too much. How should I say, he is also very funny.

On weekdays, he always likes to do things that everyone is unwilling to do. He also expressed his helplessness. Why is it so fun? Everyone seems to have expressions of resistance on their faces.

It seems that he has great opinions on this matter, otherwise he would definitely not be able to understand everyone’s brain circuits, just as others couldn’t understand his thoughts.

The plans this time are all in the thoughts of the concubines, so they have already begun to plan everything silently. In short, this is a good opportunity to emerge.

Their smiles are actually already on his face, very mad and bold.

The wishful thinking is pretty good, but I don’t know if it can succeed. .

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