Chapter 1027 oppression】

Of course, they dare not continue to plan those unknown careful thoughts under the eyes of the emperor. You have to know how vigilant you are during this period of victory. In fact, your every move is unknowingly by him. Give a panoramic view.

It also means that you are very dangerous now, and you can settle your current problems with peace of mind, and let’s talk about other things.The big guys took a deep breath, gathered around a table, and discussed how to continue the rebellion. .

It’s impossible to be pressed by the old fox the emperor all the time. Don’t mention how insidious and cunning this guy is. He can catch you clearly just by doing a little trick.

I always feel that there is something installed behind me. Surveillance cameras are always on them, monitoring my every move. Even a little thought can be clearly seen. This is still a matter of life.

These ministers were complaining, but at the same time they forgot their identity and the identity of winning the government. For winning the government, it is very unfavorable news for his identity. Then no matter how much energy he exhausted, he must deal with this problem. Give strict control.

Don’t let this and similar things happen frequently, he can’t accept such a heavy blow, at least he is also a normal person.

“Cough, cough, cough, I don’t think you should be active under the eyes of Yingzheng during this period of time. I also consider your life safety. You have seen this situation now, and you have stayed with Yingzheng for the longest time. The eunuch, 々.”

“Now that he has been directly penetrated into the days of Lao Li’s Yongwu Sun, he must be very uncomfortable. If you take a good look yourself, you can imagine how intense the scene is.”

More of it is the day when they can’t see their fingers, which makes them even more collapsed, so that the other people around are very goosebumps and they are very afraid of such scenes. Both kept their own silence.

In short, they all nodded their heads with deep understanding. They are really familiar with this situation. Are you going wild?

Even if it is your usual difficulties, and in such a big resentment at this moment, the big guy is at ease to maintain his honest state.

As for the other people around, let alone say anything. They are all very nervous. This heart is already tightly stretched together. The ridiculous thing is that the emperor happened to come here to win politics.

I saw a few people around here, not knowing what they were discussing, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled up with the right arc and said to them: “What, what are you talking about? Say it behind my back? It seems that I don’t have any very important place in your hearts anymore.”

Ying Zheng has always been a very cold and serious person in their impressions, and they have never said this kind of joke to them like they are now.

So that the big guys were embarrassed there, smiled and waved their hands and said: “How can we dare to think like this without the emperor, you really think too much.”

“But if you are more concerned about our problem in the evening, you can also sit down and discuss it further with us, but only if you like our problem better.”

Speaking of the back, he also wiped the sweat from his forehead sadly. Don’t mention how bitter this mood is. In short, it is too difficult for him to have an indescribable feeling on weekdays.

In fact, this very shrewd posture of winning the government seemed to have planned what they were studying during that period of time. At that moment, their hearts were all raised together.

While staring at the victory, it seems that he is willing to accept this fact. If it is really as horrible as they imagined, it actually seems to be nothing.

After all, in the impression of winning the government, these guys simply can’t make a big storm. (Qian Wang Zhao) is quite speechless.

And think about it carefully, this is a big deal, it is really unnecessary to be sad for this kind of thing, you think about what you are going through now is another thing that they can’t face in their life. .

They must be standing by and staring at you with some arrogant thoughts. They are obviously not in the position passed down through generations, but the candidates have been staring there.

**” I don’t care what you are studying, but I advise you not to think about getting those little hands and feet out under my nose. Do you really think I don’t know?”

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