Chapter 1023 Rabbits don’t eat grass on the edge of the nest] Please order!

The people beside him immediately followed his request, but the attitude of the emperor was not that good at all.

As long as Ying Zheng thought that the closest person around her had betrayed directly, he would start to have a streak in his heart, as if he was severely pinched by someone else.

He didn’t expect to be immersed in her side with the most reassuring existence, unexpectedly doing something like this behind her back, her face was full of very sad expressions.

There was an unspeakable feeling in an instant, which continued to spread in my heart, whenever I thought of this question.

He really has an urge to leave this beautiful world, and he doesn’t know what he is experiencing all day long, which makes people a little dumbfounded.

Soon after, the father-in-law was brought over by Yingzheng’s men. When he knelt in front of Yingzheng, 863 was constantly kowtow to him. Teacup, took a sip gently.

In the end, the tea was poured directly on her body before she finished drinking, and the cup in her hand was placed on the table fiercely, making a bang.

“Is it that I treat you badly on weekdays? Or do I do something wrong? Why do you treat me like this? In fact, I have been thinking about it for so long, but I still can’t figure out this question thoroughly. I also want to know what I did wrong.” The face of the winning government is full of sad expressions.

Like usually dragging that guy out and beheading, how could he still communicate with him so softly, this kind of thing simply can’t happen to the winning government.

Now the impossible (aibd) thing actually appears. It happens that when everyone is facing this problem, the mood is a little bit complicated. In short, there are a lot of unspeakable hidden things.

They all slowly showed a bitter smile, just want to say that this father-in-law probably won’t be able to eat and walk around tonight, and I admire him very much, so courageous, he can actually do this under the hands of the winning government. With his hands and feet coming out, he is too powerful.

You are also how he did it, and you have kept hiding for so many days. It can be called a actor-level character, why is it so natural?

Especially when Yingzheng reprimanded those who had betrayed him before, the other party also showed a very disgusting posture.Is this beginning to hate himself, or is his role in the scene reached a height?

Anyway, the mood at the time must have been a little broken, but at the end of the topic, he had nothing special to say.

After all, now that it’s such a point, she slowly discovered that something is like this, you don’t have to worry too much.

It’s like winning politics from the beginning and slowly accepting this frank fact. From the excitement and excitement at the beginning to the calming down a little bit now, it’s really much better.

“I will put this sentence in this place today. I also hope that you can understand my thoughts. From now on, I hope you all will give me more thoughts.

Ying Zheng looked at all the people around with a serious face. What he said was not only to his father-in-law alone, but more importantly, to all the people around him.

Everyone was suddenly shocked in their hearts.

“Don’t worry, how can we have such a bold heart, even if we give us 10 courage, we can’t do such a thing, we still have our own ability and what we should do right now. Understand, in short, dare not dare, absolutely not.

They kept kowtow in front of winning politics, and they seemed to express their sincere attitude towards winning politics. Seeing that they had such an idea, they nodded in satisfaction with winning politics.

Yes, very good. I hope everyone can learn from him. This is the effect he wants, and this is true loyalty.

Like the guys who have been around him on weekdays, they are too hypocritical. They keep saying all the sincerity to their mouths, and finally make this kind of hands and feet in the quilt, which is really dumbfounding.

Until now, the culprit still has not made his own remarks, so the winning government is even more curious. Does he feel particularly wronged in his heart, and now that the winning government has directly grasped his own handle, he must be crazy and say nothing. Come out.

It must be like this naturally, not to mention how collapsed the state of mind at this moment.

He thought that all his plans were in progress, and they were very foolproof. At least in the past few decades, they would not be discovered, because there was no so-called physical evidence. .

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