Chapter 1019 Reluctant] Please order!

Well, winning politics is sometimes reluctant to participate in the middle, afraid that when he joins in, the atmosphere will only become more tense at any time.

To put it bluntly, he has always chosen to silently watch such a ridiculous story behind him. His ideas have always been so simple, and some people may find it a bit weird to hear such content.

It’s even a bit funny, why can win the government be able to calm down? He can describe such an important thing so lightly how he did it?

In fact, it is not only that they are curious, but even the victory himself is curious. Why did he do this? Maybe after sitting on the throne for too long, the melancholy mood is definitely also ~ will become Getting deeper and deeper.

But he wants to say that there is no need to make yourself tired for this kind of thing. It is really painful that you can’t imagine, but you can’t give up everything for this reason. You have to know that there is still beauty ahead. Of the future, wave to you-keep on waving.

This male dog has been apologizing for him constantly, saying that he really recognized the mistake and will never have this kind of similar situation again, because he thinks that the soup medicine he made by himself is absolutely no problem. of.

There is no such thing as trying something like in the ordinary day.Is there anything harmful in it? How do you know that in less than a few minutes after he left there, in fact, someone had already looked at it before then. Him.

When I thought of this problem, my father-in-law felt a bit cold on his back. As expected, the people’s heart was sinister. Until now, you don’t know how to catch this group of people.

After all, there is no surveillance at this time. The camera must not be able to show some things that happened before, and you don’t have any good evidence to prove it. Now this is what this person is doing.

You can only say that you are silently accepting this fact, and then you have to stay in this palace honestly and deliberately, if you are poisoned by someone.

The consequences are disastrous. It is absolutely impossible for someone to hurt the government. Let alone he is also a martial artist himself, and even though he is asleep, he is actually in a state of no rest.

Under normal circumstances, I will not sleep very deeply.

If there is any wind and grass, even a slight footstep, it can make him hear clearly, not to mention that there are a lot of people behind the problem of escorting the victory, so there is no need to worry at all. .

However, during the recent period of time, I didn’t know what was going on, and I suddenly became worried, as if this was not some of his normal thoughts at all.

However, there is no need to keep entangled with this question. Each of them has its own meaning, and this kind of question, in fact, there is nothing special that they want to entangle at the moment. The state is cleaned up.

Ying Zheng watched the father-in-law who was in front of him constantly apologizing, and frowned in disgust, waved at him and said, “Okay, don’t you be there, mother-in-law and mother-in-law talking about these endless topics Now, I have not seen any sincerity from you at all, if you really recognize your mistakes.”

0……Look for flowers…

“I won’t have such a posture, but I don’t care anymore. I am not a person who likes to care about these problems. What’s more, things have reached this point. I think everything that should have happened has already happened.”

When talking about the latter, he also sighed silently. It must be somewhat hypocritical. After all, in such an atmosphere, your mood will follow, and you will start to become tense. Fear, there will be some people behind you deliberately looking at you, the vicious look in your eyes is also unimaginable


There will still be a certain feeling of restlessness, but you can’t give up everything for this reason. You have to know that there are many beautiful things in the future that are constantly beckoning to you, then you don’t Should we go on strong?

The father-in-law was so touched that tears were about to flow down. He didn’t expect that winning the government would promise to be so refreshing, so the mood at the time was quite a bit excited, and he almost immediately rushed to the front of the winning government to win. Zheng gave a warm hug, and of course he felt that his remarks were a bit too exaggerated.

After saying a few words of thanks, he quietly retreated, and before leaving, he was still assuring Yingzheng that nothing like this would happen in the future.

And Ying Zheng didn’t want to hear such content, so he could only say that he retired silently, thinking about these things that happened just now. factory.

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