Chapter 1005 Without stopping] Please order!

These guys themselves have a non-stop face, so Yingzheng is now fully prepared, waiting for them to reveal something, and then arrest them all with a fatal move.

For things like this, winning politics is generally very interesting.

And what he hates most is the kind of guy who thinks he doesn’t know anything and is secretly smart. In fact, in the heart of winning politics, he understands that he is a throne better than anyone else. In fact, too many people around him are staring at him.

It is for this reason that winning politics has been in a very anxious state for a long time, and the mental state of every “eight-five-three” day is also very bad.

I always feel that I have to leave this beautiful world at any time. It’s so terrifying. Who knows what I’m doing all day long.

Every night, even when I go to bed, I feel nervous. I always feel that I have to leave at any time. Anyway, my mood must be very broken. I hope they can stop a little and disappear completely in front of their own eyes.

It is enough to obediently complete the task given to you by the government. As for the eyeliners sent, I hope they will never get any information.

Then I found myself, but the more I didn’t want it, the more it appeared. I found some news at the first time and reported it to Yingzheng. Of course, when I reported this news, I was very nervous throughout the whole process.

“Reported to the emperor that we got first-hand news here, saying that some people in the palace are secretly planning certain actions, so have you ever thought about what measures should be taken?”

“Let’s solve the biggest hidden danger first, otherwise, as time progresses slowly, it is very likely to cause irreversible consequences, you see.”

Speaking of the latter, the voice became smaller and smaller, anyway, it was quite broken.

I really don’t know what I’m doing all day long. It seems that it’s meaningless from beginning to end.

When Ying Zheng heard the news, he immediately chose to die on the spot.

He turned his head back with a pained expression, leaned back on the chair behind him, and slowly closed his eyes.In fact, as long as everyone else knows what he did, it is nothing more than holding back his heart. The last point of the bottom line.

It is of course false to say not to be angry, but he also knows that anger can’t solve any meaning, and your problems that should happen will happen. This is a fact that everyone knows.

These guys are doing their hands and feet behind their backs, and winning politics is not unknown, but he doesn’t want to control it. I hope that over time, everyone will choose to give up when they know they can’t do it. Where do they know they are. Wherever I fell, I fell again.

No matter if they tried again and again, they still didn’t want to give up. This is just to treat winning politics as a foolish fool, right?

“You told me how to solve it. This has been reminded many times over and over again, and even every time I was in the upper court, I have always emphasized that the matter of rebellion in the back is not to blame.”

“I won’t let them leave a little bit of bones! In short, I have warned them that they will die very miserably, but how many of them have heard it in their hearts, but if I listen to a little bit, I will not collapse like this. 0..

Anyway, when this topic comes later, winning politics will be a little bit painful.

I feel that it’s useless to say anything now. How many people can really hear what’s going on in my heart? So I choose to give up slowly, don’t waste this time, some of them choose to be blinder than the eyes, you What can you do? You can’t solve this problem.

It’s still a little bit tired, he couldn’t just watch the people he sprayed all the way and treat them like brothers.

In the end, it ended up like this. Like the rebels, their minds are too terrifying, and they must push you down at all costs.

Why didn’t he understand the victory? Maybe he should have understood this a long time ago, but he just didn’t know how to face it, but now the eyeliner around him tells himself the most accurate news before slowly choosing.

I believe that this is all and I am willing to face 1.3. The main reason is that he really doesn’t know what to do now. He feels that he, the emperor, is starting to become ridiculous. Not to mention the man kneeling on the spot.

When he felt that the mood of winning the government was not right at the time, his tears almost flowed down. In fact, he was very guilty of being on the sidelines.

I really don’t know how to describe this feeling, what can he do? He is just a very ordinary existence, just simply come over and report the situation to Yingzheng and he will go. This is a skill, but the winning government is here. .

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