I Am the Emperor

Chapter 537: Great opportunity!

Gu King's defense was directly broken by Li Mushen's sword energy.

Li Mushen took advantage of the victory to pursue and attacked again.

The Gu King sensed the danger and wanted to escape.

But unfortunately, how could Li Mushen let the Gu worm in front of him escape.

Without hesitation, Li Mushen shot again!

His power also became so terrifying in an instant!

So scary!

Before the Gu King escaped the distance of several meters, he was directly cut in half by Li Mushen's sword energy.

After that Gu King was beheaded, Vulcan seemed relieved to hear Li Mushen's sea of ​​knowledge.

Of course, for Vulcan, the immediate crisis is still not resolved.

Li Mushen is still very dangerous now.

Under the terrifying pressure of Li Mushen, he almost resorted to various means, but he was unable to escape from that terrifying pressure.

But how could Li Mushen admit defeat like this!

He snorted coldly, running the "Asura Supreme Art" to forcibly mobilize the power in his body, trying to break free from that terrifying pressure.

But what Li Mushen didn't expect was that he not only did not break free from the terrifying coercion, but suffered even more astonishing pressure under that terrifying coercion!

Under that terrible pressure, Li Mushen was almost out of breath.

His body was collapsing rapidly, as if it was about to shatter!

All of this is totally unexpected!

Li Mushen was under the terrible pressure from the great desert.

Li Mushen silently endured!

"Perhaps the 'Hongmeng Ten Thousand Swords Art' can break this terrifying pressure!" In Li Mushen's heart, he thought to himself.

Then, this Li Mushen quickly shot!

He used his powerful strength again to mobilize the Hongmeng Divine Sword Pagoda and summon all the Divine Swords he had obtained now!

Wanlong Sword!

Great holy sword!

Shadow Sword!

Evil Sword!

Healing Sword!

Five divine swords shuttled through the void, and under Li Mushen's 'Hongmeng Wanjian Jue', it seemed that the most powerful in the world erupted! The most amazing power!

It seems that no one in this world can resist this force!

The illusion of billions of divine swords shuttled through the whole world, resisting the terrifying coercion of that day and earth.

And this time, Li Mushen also successfully resisted the terrifying pressure of heaven and earth!

Immediately, Li Mushen's whole body relaxed!

Suddenly, another cold humming sound came out.

The cold and ruthless humming sound was like an ant facing the earth from the sky.

Compared with before, an even more terrifying coercion appeared!

This coercion is as if hundreds of millions of giant mountains were crushed on Li Mushen's body, and Li Mushen's whole body made a clicking sound, as if the flesh would be completely annihilated under the terrible pressure, turning into For the ashes!

Soul fly away!

Li Mushen gritted his teeth and insisted that he kept running the 'Hongmeng Wanjian Jue', and a terrifying sword intent erupted from his entire body!

Sword intent soars to the sky!

Make the whole world change color!

Thousands of swords are in the sky, and in this great desert, it has completely turned into a sea of ​​swords!

And in this sea of ​​swords, there are endless divine swords!

There are divine swords that transform into various divine beasts and birds!

There is divine sword power to destroy heaven and earth!

There are all kinds of strange functions of Excalibur!

There are great swords erected like mountain peaks!

There are also divine swords that turn into streams!

There is even a Divine Sword transformed into an adult!

The endless divine swords are ever-changing between this piece of heaven and earth, and this is completely a sword domain!

Even in this sword domain, Li Mushen seems to be a born emperor, the master of these billions of divine swords!

At the same time, in this sword domain, Li Mushen is also the real master, this is his world!

It is different from the vision controlled by Li Mushen.

Li Mushen can feel the horror of the sword domain, I am afraid that even Li Mushen's vision "Ten Temple Yama" can't compare with this sword domain!

In the sword domain, he is the sky!

He is the ground!

All life and death are in his mind.

At the same time, within Li Mushen's body, the Nahongmeng Excalibur Tower has also undergone changes.

I saw that in the Hongmeng Divine Sword Pagoda, there was a thousand zhang rays of light, and the power of Hongmeng continued to pour into the sword domain.

It seems to be perfecting the sword domain that Li Mushen had just born, and making this sword domain stronger!

This scene, I am afraid no one thought of it!

Li Mushen didn't feel the changes in the Primordial Sword Pagoda in his body, he could only feel that the sword domain in his body was getting stronger and stronger!

This is very good news for Li Mushen!

Li Mushen is in this sword domain, even the terrifying coercion in the Yellow Spring Desert can't cause any damage to Li Mushen!

The horror of Jianyu is beyond imagination!

It seems that between this world, there is another cold hum, and it seems that he intends to directly destroy this sword domain of Li Mushen!

Let Li Mushen have no chance to fully comprehend and master this sword domain!

Li Mushen felt the power of destruction again.

Li Mushen's face changed.

Because the current sword domain has not been completely perfected!

I don't know if it can resist the terrible power of the outside world.

But at this moment, the Primordial Sword Pagoda in Li Mushen's body changed again.

Ta Ling's voice sounded in Li Mushen's mind.

"Sword Master, you have now realized the small supreme sword domain, and you have an opportunity to use the true power of the Hongmeng Excalibur Tower."

Li Mushen listened to Ta Ling's words, and his eyes suddenly burst into a cold light that devoured people.

Although I don't know whose grave it is.

But since he is going to be put to death, Li Mushen will naturally not show any mercy!

"Okay, now let me have the true power of the Hongmeng Excalibur Tower."

"Sword Master, your current physical body is too weak. First, use the power of Hongmeng to temporarily strengthen your physical body, so that you can withstand part of the real power of the Hongmeng Divine Sword Pagoda."

Li Mushen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Can't I fully grasp the true power of the Hongmeng Excalibur Pagoda?"

Ta Ling replied, "Yes, if the true power of the Hongmeng Excalibur fully emerges in your body, it will instantly explode your body and turn it into annihilation."

Li Mushen was shocked, "Which part of the power can break the game?"

Tarling replied again, "Easy."

This made Li Mushen feel relieved.

Soon, the real power that belonged to the Hongmeng Excalibur Tower poured into his body.

The familiar power seems to have reached his strength to the Great Sage in an instant.

Great Holy One!

Great Saint Second Grade!

. . . . . .

Great Holy Ninth Grade!

In the end, the cultivation of Li Mushen was directly elevated to the realm of the Great Emperor!

This is already the limit that Li Mushen can bear now, and this is still with the help of the power of Hongmeng to Li Mushen's body.

If it weren't for the power of Hongmeng, Li Mushen's body would have been destroyed by now!

But the real power of the Hongmeng Excalibur Tower has not been really used by Li Mushen!

It's a pity that Li Mushen's physical body has reached its limit!

The power familiar from the previous life, this kind of power that permeates the whole body as one with the heaven and the earth, makes Li Mushen feel extremely happy and excited!

It even made his fleshly body seem to have been truly released!

Including his power!

And this is the power that Li Mushen pursues!

This is the starting point, not the point.

Soon, Li Mushen packed up his emotions and used the 'Hongmeng Wanjian Art'!

This time, Li Mushen no longer used five divine swords, but the billions of divine swords in the Hongmeng Sword Tower!

The billions of divine swords that flew out of the Hongmeng Divine Sword were blessed in the "Hongmeng Ten Thousand Swords Art", which made Li Mushen feel the terrifying power in it!

Let Li Mushen feel frightened!

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva for the first time, and seemed to have a clear understanding, "Even if there are a hundred great emperors, facing this emperor's move, it is impossible to resist!"

Immediately, the eyes of Li Mushen were filled with fiery heat again!

He also needs to get more Excalibur!

Only in this way will the truly terrifying and terrifying power erupt from the 'Hongmeng Wanjian Jue'!

A truly invincible existence!

From now on, he will be the Sword Emperor!

This time, under the "Hongmeng Wanjian Jue" that destroys the sky and destroys the earth, the great desert in front of you will be destroyed!

Just listening to a painful scream, it seems that everything has died!

The power that originally attacked the Little Supreme Sword Territory also disappeared in an instant, including the terrifying coercion!

In an instant, Li Mushen's strength recovered.

His face was pale.

For Li Mushen, this exhausted his physical body.

But his eyes are still hot!

And in Li Mushen's sea of ​​consciousness, the fire **** witnessed this earth-shattering scene, and was completely speechless.

The whole person can be said to be completely frightened by the battle just now!

"It's safe now, and I can concentrate on comprehending this little supreme sword domain." Li Mushen said with a sigh of relief.

In another area of ​​the gods tomb, an old woman let out a scream of pain and despair, even unbelievable and full of panic!

Immediately afterwards, on the old woman's body, her majestic power was rapidly dissipating, and the power of the godhead in her body was also consumed almost in an instant!

"How is this possible?!"

"How is this possible?!"

The old woman roared and screamed, which sounded more like a ghost's roar.

Complete despair in the eyes of the old woman.

Because her vitality was cut off, she was already dead.

In front of the old woman, there was a beautiful woman lying quietly, as if she had fallen asleep.

And this woman is that Yang Chan.

It is also the one that the old woman is ready to take home!

But now, the old woman's soul has been completely cut off, isolated from heaven and earth, and her vitality is also fading!

She is sure to die, and even taking her body can't save her life!

She is so unwilling!

So unwilling!

"Who is it that covers up the destiny! Invincible! Who is setting up this small world?! I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled!"

The old woman roared unwillingly, like an old beast going mad.

Finally, the old woman's eyes fell on Yang Chan.

The crazy look has gradually returned to normal!

She looked uncertainly at Yang Chan in front of her, sometimes with murderous intent in her eyes, and sometimes disappeared, as if this old woman was making a decision!

She doesn't have much time, and it's impossible to give her a chance to think more!

In the end, the old woman sighed and said unwillingly, "The inheritance of the destiny cannot be broken, it cannot be broken!"

"Oh, it's cheaper for you, little girl."

"From now on, you will be the disciple of my Destiny Master Mystery."

After speaking, the old woman's trembling index finger pointed at the center of Yang Chan's forehead.

In an instant, the purple light soared, bursting out a million meters of light, completely shrouding this piece of heaven and earth!

It also completely enveloped Yang Chan and the old woman!

By chance, Yang Chan didn't know that because of Li Mushen, she escaped from death.

And this, this is destined to be a big opportunity for Yang Chan!

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