I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 365 There Is Something Wrong With These Undead! Massacre, Crazy Massacre! !

Finally, with a loud shout from Castrom!

All the geniuses took out their weapons and instantly rushed towards all the emperor-level undead from all directions.

"Everyone, I'm going to kill a few emperor-level bosses first, and I'll explain them to you later!"

Evelin still had a smile on her face


In an instant, the power of ice and fire burst out from her body.


At the same time, a shadow of an ice and fire phoenix also condensed around her in an instant.

The huge ice and fire phoenix looked up to the sky and roared, then rose from the sky and rushed towards the emperor-level bosses.

At one time, the war between 30,000 geniuses and 10,000 undead completely started.

The live broadcast interface is a VR holographic projection live broadcast, so everyone can clearly see the entire battle process.

Seeing the terrifying battle erupting in the sky, everyone felt the terrifying strength of Tianjiao and these quasi-god-level bosses as if they were personally there!

The strength of the more than 30 top geniuses is indeed strong, and each of them can defeat one or two emperor-level bosses!

And the most powerful Castrom is one against ten.

However, soon, they gradually discovered that something was wrong with these undead.

Ordinary undead, because they are dead, even though they are extremely powerful in front of them, their control over the power of the elements is not as strong.

Unless the necromancer also controls the elemental power used by the undead, and the level has reached a level similar to that of the undead.

Otherwise, although the attributes of the undead have reached the level of a quasi-god-level BOSS, in fact, their strength is weakened by several percent, and they cannot even display half of it.

But each of these undead souls of Ling Yan can explode with all the strength represented by their attributes!

This made Castrom, who originally wanted to fight a hundred, only be able to fight ten!

Moreover, it is not easy to kill these ten undead.

It took him several minutes to kill these ten undead and then started fighting the other undead.

The same thing happened to other geniuses.

Of course, these undead are not much more powerful than other undead. Normally, no one would even notice, but this time is different!

Because there are too many people on both sides of the melee!

And the scene that was supposed to be evenly matched began to look a little different due to the differences in these undead!

Although the undead were killed, there were also some geniuses who were attacked by several emperor-level bosses at the same time because of their carelessness, and were immediately killed.

Moreover, these undead souls all seem to have spiritual intelligence in front of them, and they are extremely sinister in fighting.

He was fighting and suddenly used black skills to sneak attack, or suddenly attacked the genius who was fighting other bosses.

Players can do the same thing, but the BOSS has so much health that he can't die despite being attacked ten times!

However, the player's blood volume is not even one ten thousandth of that of an ordinary BOSS. A sneak attack will kill him off guard, and he will be instantly killed by the surrounding BOSS with a last hit.

In less than half an hour, although two thousand undead souls were killed, a full eight thousand of the thirty thousand geniuses were already dead.

Gradually, more and more geniuses panicked.

If the fight continues like this, will something happen to them?

"Damn it, how come all these undead souls are as conscious as they are? Aren't they just remnant souls with only natural killing instincts?"

Finally, a genius couldn't help but cursed loudly.

"Yes, there is something wrong with these undead, something very wrong!"

"Not only is something wrong, I feel like these undead are cooperating better than us!"

"Could it be that in such a battle, Ling Yan can still control these undead at the same time? How is this possible?

Ordinary necromancers only control one as the leader to direct the battle, and the rest are left to these undead to perform freely!

How could Ling Yan's soul be so powerful and able to control so many undead souls! "


For a moment, these geniuses started discussing in fear. Of course, during the discussion, they were still focused on fighting these bosses.

I don't know why, but more than a hundred undead unknowingly surrounded a top genius while fighting with the genius.

Because, I don’t know when, a lot of emperor-level bosses have gathered around them!

Thirty thousand people can't defeat even one. Even now, no one knows what Ling Yan looks like!

This sudden scene scared everyone who was still watching the live broadcast.

If you die, you will die!


On the battlefield, as all the top geniuses were drowned by the explosion, all the remaining geniuses were stunned and froze in place!

Besides, although these geniuses belong to their universe country, except for Evelin, who is the descendant of the Ice Power, the rest of the so-called geniuses have nothing to do with them.

There are more than thirty geniuses.


However, at this moment, there was a sudden earth-shaking explosion in the distance.

"Boom boom boom boom!!"

Can you not be afraid? The other geniuses all had one or two hundred emperor-level undead, but he was surrounded by hundreds of them.

However, this sight scared all the geniuses, even the top geniuses including Castrom, turned pale.


They who watched the whole live broadcast had naturally seen the plots of all the undead. However, as the most powerful people, it would be embarrassing if they reminded them at this time.


And there is endless fear in his roar!


In just an instant, there was a loud noise that shook the heavens and the earth!

Before they could react, they were all enveloped by this explosive move.

Unfortunately, he was still too late. As soon as he roared, all the emperor-level undead exploded with black ultimate moves at the same time.

Finally, Castrom, who felt threatened by death, roared angrily, and the terror of the sound spread billions of kilometers around him in an instant.

Because if they make any mistakes, they may be wiped out by these bosses, which is not a fun thing.


After realizing it, Castrom and others quickly looked around.

All the top geniuses were drowned in this terrifying explosion!

And the targets of their attack are none other than those top geniuses.

"No, run quickly!!!"

Even the most powerful people frowned when they saw this scene.

To ask the most powerful of them to take action is simply embarrassing and humiliating.

And this explosion sound was caused by the simultaneous explosion of more than a hundred undead, killing this top talent in an instant.

At most, it's just a matter of resurrecting some talented people.


This sudden scene instantly frightened everyone present. The scene of the top talent being killed shocked everyone's minds!

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