I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 248 Who Is This Ling Yan? The Entire Human Universe Was Shocked! ! !

Even if there is, it cannot be revived by the black resurrection card.

The minimum level must be three colors, or even higher.

"Where can I find a god-level BOSS?"

Ling Yan was speechless when he thought of this.

[Ding... If the level of natural disaster evolution is not enough, the undead can also be upgraded, but if the skill level is one level lower, the level of the undead will be one stage lower! 】

However, at this moment, the will of Apocalypse suddenly prompted

As soon as these words came out, Ling Yan suddenly raised his eyebrows.

One stage behind in level? Isn't that just fifty levels short?

That is to say, wait until your level reaches LV349. Can this evil god's undead be upgraded to a maximum level of LV299?

"Although there is a difference of fifty levels, the strength is twenty or thirty times weaker than the LV340 god-level BOSS!

But it is definitely more than twenty times more powerful than the black BOSS.

It’s not something that ordinary geniuses can defeat! "

Thinking of this, Ling Yan also smiled slightly.

He doesn't care, after all, it doesn't matter if there is a genius who can't be beaten! He will take action!

"Let's get the natural disaster evolution first!"

When Ling Yan thought of this, he didn't waste any time and directly took out the remnant souls of Skarol and the five thousand geniuses.

Yes, killing a player can also reveal a remnant soul. Of course, if the opponent is resurrected, the undead made of this remnant soul is equivalent to the opponent's projection.

Just like the undead in Ling Yan now, the bodies of these undead are all super powerful.

The strength is extremely terrifying, but now these beings have all become Ling Yan's undead.

Naturally, their bodies don't know that their remnant souls have been made into undead.

And among these remaining souls, there are also some memories of the original body.

What Ling Yan wants is these memories. Although they are just fragments, five thousand geniuses are probably enough for Ling Yan to find a few undead geniuses, right?

Thinking of this, he directly charged more than 5,000 remnant souls into the Gate of Hell.


In an instant, incomplete memories flooded into Ling Yan's mind like a flood.

In an instant, Ling Yan's mind contained many secrets that only belonged to the top experts in this world.

Although this information was incomplete, it also gave Ling Yan a better understanding of the world.

But Ling Yan doesn't care about these now. What he cares about most is whether there is any information about the necromancer he wants in the minds of these geniuses.

He began to search among these memories.

Sure enough, these talented people know a lot.

Soon Ling Yan found many memories of super necromancers in their memories.

In addition, Ling Yan also found the memories of three space geniuses from the minds of these geniuses.

The reason there are three is because Ling Yan had already collected the other seven spatial powers when these five thousand geniuses died, and their levels had all reached LV160 or above.

As long as the last three space system passives are obtained, it means that Ling Yan will be able to completely integrate the true power of space.

By then, Ling Yan's strength will be greatly improved.

As for the undead geniuses, Ling Yan quickly found three suitable targets.

These three are all geniuses at the genius level, and the most powerful one has a talent level of RRS-!

The power of the undead has reached level LV120!

And it’s impossible for Skarol and the others to be so weak that they were casually attacked by one person! "

Therefore, no one resurrected it in the end, so it was considered a complete fall!

Ling Yan's mouth twitched when he saw this.

Ling Yan, who topped the rankings, suddenly gained 5 billion Beijing points!

Because I saw that before Skarol and the others died, everyone's points had skyrocketed by several million to tens of millions of points.

But the next moment, these people were all dead, and all the points were cut in half and fell into Ling Yan's hands! "

The disappearance of five thousand people is equivalent to losing half of the people on the ranking list in an instant.

"Look at the live broadcast of the situation in each competition area! An unprecedented god-level BOSS has appeared in this fifth-level competition area!

In the third round of the genius battle, he was eliminated by a top genius from the fifth level competition area.

"Good guy, I've only killed a third of my body and now I'm being boycotted by so many cosmic nations. If I'm almost completely wiped out, won't I be hunted down by all the cosmic nations?"

"Hiss! Kill five thousand geniuses by one person! Even if they are all in a weak stage, that is not something ordinary geniuses can do!

"In other words, this person named Ling Yan took advantage of the weak period after Scaror and the others killed the god-level BOSS to kill all 5,000 geniuses?"

At the same time, all the rankings of the five thousand geniuses disappeared in just a few seconds!

"Yes, that must be the case, so that we can explain the situation of these points!"

Ling Yan was stunned when he saw this part of his memory.

Because the chat function is not blocked, the changes that occurred here spread to all civilizations in the entire human universe in just an instant. As long as there is a civilization above the star field, no one is unaware of the major events happening in the fifth-level competition area.

And because this genius did not have a strong backing, and because of his bad behavior, he was boycotted by his own country in the universe.

"Who is this Ling Yan? How come he has five billion more points?"

And this genius, like Ling Yan, wiped out a third of the geniuses in the fifth-level competition area in a battle between the strongest in the universe more than 300 billion years ago.


That's why we didn't kill the rest.

Although it is better than Ling Yan directly wiping out 99% of the geniuses, this genius is because he cannot find the remaining geniuses.

Because of this genius's bad behavior, all the genius backstage families who were wiped out have spread the word that as long as this person dares to resurrect, they will be hunted to the ends of the earth and to the ends of the earth.

After all, Ling Yan's undead level at this time has not even reached level 100!

At this moment, everyone in the entire human universe was completely boiling.

After all, there are people from every civilization in this assessment!

However, even if it is only LV120, the undead level of this necromancer is much more powerful than Ling Yan!

However, it was not what he thought.

The entire human universe, and even other universes, were shocked by what happened in the fifth-level competition area.

However, the consequences waiting for him will be miserable!

That's right, it's level LV120!

You know, these geniuses are all around the top 10,000 in the rankings.

After all, not all necromancers are as terrifying as Ling Yan.

The other party had the natural disaster evolution that Ling Yan wanted, and it was also at the Xuan level.

And Skarol and the five thousand geniuses seemed to have formed a team to attack this god-level BOSS, and they succeeded!

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