I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 342 5000 Geniuses Vs Evil Spirits And Undead!

Therefore, even if Ling Yan had unfavorable luck at this time, he could no longer keep up with his undead hunting speed.

At this time, he could only work overtime to throw up the flying sword in his hand crazily, and then guide himself to the nearest black secret realm.

Soon, time passed by minute by minute.

Three hours have passed!

During this period, Ling Yan had conquered five hundred Emperor-level secret realms and dungeons.

His points also reached a terrifying 50,000 yuan!

Compared with the second place Qianduojing, the gap is fifty times.

But what puzzles Ling Yan is that, except for himself and the second place, the rankings after that, all the way up to the hundreds, have not gained any points for three hours!

He was curious, were these people starting to act badly?


On the other side, less than ten light years away from the evil spirit, a group of teenagers gathered together.

At a rough count, more than five thousand geniuses gathered here.

Naturally, these geniuses have only one goal, and that is the god-level BOSS in the distance that is spitting out a large number of lava trolls!

Because of the divine domain of the god-level BOSS, these people cannot see the attributes and strength of this evil undead spirit.

But they are confident. With more than 5,000 geniuses gathered here, they are 100% sure of winning the god-level BOSS!

"Is everyone here?"

Skarol glanced at the 5,000 geniuses around him who looked familiar but had almost never seen them before, and slowly spoke.

On the field, he is one of the top fifth-level geniuses of the human race! Strength and talent are naturally the most powerful.

The human race's fifth-level genius ranking list is the strength ranking of all the fifth-level powerhouses in the entire human race universe, which are all based on fighting.

He has not pulled off those who are stronger than him. If he had pulled them off, the credit would not be his.

"Ninety percent of us are here! We won't wait for the rest!"

"Yes, there is no need to waste time! Killing a god-level BOSS takes a lot of time!"

"I think so too! The glory this time has nothing to do with them!"


The geniuses around them began to discuss,

All of them were as confident as Skarol about killing the god-level BOSS this time.

"Damn it! That Ling Yan already has more than 40,000 Jing points!!"

However, at this moment, a genius suddenly exclaimed.

As soon as his words came out, most of the people present quickly opened the ranking list, and were immediately frightened by Ling Yan's terrifying points. ,

Moreover, under their watchful eyes, Ling Yan's points kept increasing, adding one hundred more points from time to time!

It was equivalent to another Emperor-level BOSS being killed by Ling Yan. ,

"Who is this Ling Yan?"

Skarol frowned. If there were twenty or thirty Emperor-level BOSSs, he could still say that Ling Yan had the skills to find Emperor-level BOSSs, but these more than four hundred Emperor-level BOSSs were different!

This strength can definitely rank in the top ten of the fifth level genius list.

"Hmph, even if you get hundreds of thousands of points now, after we kill the god-level BOSS, your points won't even rank in the top five thousand!"

But then Scaror smiled.

"Everyone, follow me to fight the God-level BOSS!!"

Scaror waved his hand.

The next moment, everyone entered one spaceship after another. Amidst the waves of space fluctuations, all the spaceships crossed a distance of ten light years and entered the area where the evil god was!

After the Evil God, who was still frantically producing a large number of lava trolls, noticed the coming people, his trillions of eyes locked directly on these geniuses.

However, after seeing that these geniuses were also human beings, the anger in his heart towards Ling Yan was instantly ignited.


A roar burst out directly from his mouth.

"Boom boom boom boom!!"

The next moment, he directly picked up the weapon and slashed down with his sword towards the shadow of the evil god in the distance!


The next moment, all his eyes bloomed with dazzling light.

"This skill is so powerful! The Eye of the Evil God, I don't know if it is a black skill or a god-level skill, but it should not have reached the god-level skill yet.

Finally, terrifying blood-red beams of light burst out from the Eyes of the Evil God.

The moment the two energies came into contact, all the shields began to explode crazily like paper.

As for the core area, even those players whose major is not defense have put their shields on the core area.

After seeing this scene, everyone present had such an idea in their mind.

In an instant, his strength surged twenty times!

As if feeling the power of these five thousand attacks, the evil god also roared upwards.

But if only black skills are so powerful, this god-level BOSS is not weak! "

A cold notification sound also spread through the minds of all the geniuses present. .


"Boom, boom, boom!!"

The shields were layered one upon another, instantly covering everyone present in the shield.

But he also knew that now was not the time to talk about this. He shouted and activated the amplification skills directly!

[Ding... you are locked by the Eye of the Evil God, please escape as soon as possible! 】

In an instant, all the geniuses with powerful defensive skills moved forward, and then everyone released huge shields.

A terrifying sword energy stretching tens of millions of kilometers swept out. The power of this sword was so terrifying that even if a group of emperor-level bosses were struck, there would only be one outcome, that is, they would be directly wiped out!


Fortunately, after more than 5,000 layers of shields exploded and more than 4,000 layers were destroyed, the power of the Eye of the Evil God was finally completely exhausted.

Skarol was also shocked by the power of this skill.

In an instant, five thousand terrifying skills capable of killing the Emperor-level BOSS pierced the void.

Scaror also shouted lowly.

This thought came to everyone's mind. Generally, this prompt to escape as soon as possible will only appear when the skill is likely to kill them instantly.

The beams of light hit these shields densely like raindrops.

"Use big moves as soon as you come up. This god-level BOSS doesn't play according to common sense!"

And the other geniuses didn't waste any time, they all unleashed their most powerful attack skills!

This is the terrifying combat power of the top geniuses.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

Everyone who heard this prompt frowned.

These lights began to gather crazily.

"All defensive types move forward!!"

"Solve the battle as soon as possible and attack with all your strength! Only after shattering his Evil God Realm can we see his attributes!"

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