I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 340 Find The God-Level Boss! A Common Strategy For All Human Geniuses!

Moreover, there is no limit to the population of the world. Even if there are countless people, it will only take more time.

In particular, these geniuses know more than just six people. There are countless people who flatter them and want to flatter them, and there are also many fifth-level people who are still in this competition area.

Send out as a group message.

This piece of news spread crazily throughout the entire competition area.

Because the talents in the competition area are randomly assigned, the news has only spread throughout the entire competition area in just the first round.

It's just that these people are almost all millions of light years apart.

In the second round of diffusion, the number of people who know the news has shrunk to one person per million light-years.

The third round of diffusion, more than 200,000 light years,

Round 4! Fifty thousand light years!

Fifth round! Eight thousand light years!


Round ten! At this moment, almost one person in the entire competition area, tens of millions of kilometers apart, learned the news.



Stuart! A top genius from a top star civilization! !

Its strength is so powerful that it is not a problem to kill the King-level BOSS alone.

However, today is a bit embarrassing. He has been searching for seven hours, but he has not found a king-level secret realm or dungeon!

Such bad luck left him speechless.

But the next moment, many of his friends all sent him messages.

He clicked in and took a look, and immediately raised his eyebrows!

"Looking for a god-level BOSS? This competition area is so big? Where to find it! These geniuses are real!"

Stewart was speechless.

However, he still sent this message to all the people in his circle of friends. After all, if his friends discovered the news about this god-level BOSS, he could also reap some benefits!


However, just as his message was sent out, an invisible wave of fluctuations came from all directions.

"Click, click, click, click!!"

At the same time, Stewart suddenly found that the space around him began to crack crazily!

This terrifying scene made his face change drastically. Without hesitation, he used all his elemental power to escape into the distance.

Perhaps because he was lucky, he was only at the edge of the space crack, so in just a few seconds, he had already rushed out of the huge space crack.

After the disaster, he looked behind him in horror, only to find that all the space behind him was cracked within a radius of at least hundreds of millions or even tens of billions of kilometers.

"What on earth is going on? Could it be that some genius with space elements is unable to fight not far away?"

Stewart was filled with doubts at this time.

However, he still fled quickly towards the distance, not daring to stay around. Because he left the range of the space rift, he was able to take out his spaceship, get on the spacecraft, start the space jump and escape into the distance.

Soon, he arrived dozens of light years away.

And even after arriving at such a long distance, he looked behind him and could still clearly see the space instantly shattering dozens of light years away.

Of course, the reason why he was so far away and could still see the scene of space collapsing in the first place was because, when his strength reaches a certain level, he no longer relies on light to see things, but the legendary dark matter. .

You know, theoretically speaking, at a distance of tens of light years, relying on the speed of light, it would take him decades to see what was happening there!

But because the speed of dark matter propagation is countless times that of light!

Therefore, even if you are tens of millions of light-years away, as long as you are strong enough, you can clearly see what is happening tens of millions of light-years away with a delay of less than one second!

It is said that when one becomes more powerful, one can perceive space and rely on the power of space to perceive objects. In this case, the range of vision will be even more terrifying.

For example, those who are the most powerful are said to be able to observe everything within billions of light years!

Back to business!


With an earth-shaking roar, the endless space crack finally exploded, and then, a huge ball of bloody flesh flew out from the exploded space crack.


Stewart on this side only waited less than an hour before receiving a friend request from Scaror!

Then a whole black suit was turned over by the other party.

【The hope of all mankind】

As for the accuracy of the other party's information, it has been confirmed by the recent arrival of Tianjiao!

"Yes, yes, it's me. Young Master Skaror, I just want a water-type suit!"

Scaror didn't talk nonsense. After sending a group message in the group, he took out his spaceship and started a long-distance space jump.

Unfortunately, a notification sound reached his mind!

Skarol: "Okay!"

Stewart responded excitedly to the other party.

He casually killed those players who did not escape within tens of billions of kilometers and turned them into scum!

What's more, Skarol's strength is considered top-notch among the geniuses.

"God's Domain? God-level BOSS, this is God-level BOSS!"

Scaror is no nonsense!

Skarol: "Everyone, the god-level BOSS has been found. Here are the coordinates. Everyone rush there as soon as possible! I'm a little far away, I'll be there soon! @All members!"

He wants to see the other party's attributes!

When the other party received Stewart's message, he immediately sent it to the most genius person he knew!

Countless tentacles flutter in the endless void.

Thinking of him wearing a complete set of black equipment, he couldn't help but tremble.

God-level BOSS, I actually met a god-level BOSS!

Skarol asked directly.

His location is a full 300 million light years away, so it will take quite a while to get there!

After hearing his words, the other geniuses all quickly teleported towards the coordinates of the god-level BOSS!

Stewart took a breath when he saw this scene.

Talent-level people are not something he can come into contact with.

As messages were sent one after another, in just a few rounds, Skarol received this message!

Without hesitation, he directly recorded the video of the god-level BOSS in front of him, and then sent it to the genius with the highest talent in his friend list!

Seeing this, Stewart immediately exclaimed in horror, but the next moment, endless ecstasy emerged in his mind.

But after the transfer, Skarol deleted Stewart directly.


Stewart quickly accepted the friend request.

If he can be equipped with a complete set of black equipment, it can be predicted that his strength will make a qualitative leap!

[Ding... The target is shrouded in the realm of God, and you cannot detect any information about him! 】

Skarol: "Is this the information you gave me? What kind of black suit do you want?"

Although he is the top genius of the top star civilization, only one of the equipment he uses is a black weapon, and the rest are dark red suits.

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