I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 338 Light God Knight Suit! Power Of Light Lv199! Strength Surges!

To put it bluntly, if the passive level exceeds LV200, there is a chance to integrate the power of the source, if it is lower than LV200.

No matter how strong you are, no matter how high your level is, even if the original power is placed in front of you, there is still no chance of successful fusion!

The passive level has been increased to LV20, and Ling Yan's peak combat power has been quadrupled at this time!

"Wait a minute, didn't I explode a twelve-winged Seraph suit?"

Suddenly Ling Yan remembered this, and then he looked at his backpack.

However, not only the twelve-winged seraph suit, but also Nakakarom also broke out a light god knight suit.

After taking a closer look at the two black suits, Ling Yan chose the Knight of Light suit without hesitation!


Equipment: Light God Knight Set

Level: LV240

Quality: black

Attributes: All attributes +500 billion,

Characteristics: Light system, Knight system, Life system, damage bonus: 5000%, passive level +LV15, magic and blood recovery +5 trillion/S, armor and magic breaking effect +3000%

Additional effect: Divine power of light! After using it, no one within a radius of 1 billion kilometers can leave the combat state, and all attributes of genius BOSS below the emperor level are -90%, and the emperor level is -40%

Skill: [The Realm of the God of Light] Absorb the light and hope in the hearts of everyone in the world to create the Realm of the God of Light!

Within the domain, the power of light level increases by LV15, and causes more powerful damage to all evil objects!

Absorption progress: 0%

[Light Prophecy] Using the power of the God of Light to mobilize the power of fate can account for some subtle things!


This is the Light God Knight suit.

Almost the attributes are similar to other black suits.

It just has one more skill than the previous Evil God suit: Bright Prophecy!

This bright prophecy skill, Ling Yan estimates, is the way that Kakarom can quickly find the locations of those black bosses!

"This skill is interesting, and it can calculate some things, but this power of destiny is equivalent to the power of space!

I wonder if my son of destiny is a manifestation of the power of destiny reaching its limit! "

Ling Yan thought for a while but then shook his head.

The career of the Child of Luck is definitely far beyond the power of destiny!

Because this power of destiny can only detect some destiny trajectories.

For example, with the power of destiny, Ling Yan could see what would explode after he killed a BOSS.

But luck can directly increase the success rate from a fundamental level, and can directly explode everything that can be exploded!

But that doesn’t mean this skill is rubbish.

It will even be of great use to Ling Yan in the future.

Ling Yan quickly put on this suit.


In an instant, a dazzling light suddenly burst out from Ling Yan's body.

The next moment, 12 huge angel wings appeared directly behind Ling Yan!

Of course, these wings are just the condensed power of pure light.

At this moment, the aura exuding from Ling Yan's body was three times higher than when he was at LV169!

Of course, if Ling Yan waits for Light Domain to be used, his passive level will be increased by LV15, reaching LV199!

By then the strength will be enhanced eightfold.

This is equivalent to killing a Kakarom and directly increasing Ling Yan's strength by 32 times!

However, it was precisely because his strength had improved that Ling Yan felt a little solemn.

It’s hard to imagine that Kakarom, whose strength as a Knight of Light has reached LV169, has reached a terrifying LV199 passive level after wearing this suit!

But even so, when faced with the evil god, he was still defeated!

The next moment, countless pustules began to erupt crazily on his huge body.

Because this is the evil god and the undead who are chasing Ling Yan crazily based on their connection with Ling Yan!

According to this calculation, Ling Yan's combat power is more than a hundred times that of Nakakarom, excluding powerful critical hits such as critical hits, disabling damage, and fatal blows!

These lava trolls are all like octopuses made of lava, with a large amount of magma surging throughout their bodies.

The first thing these lava trolls do after they appear is to create artificial wormholes and spread them in all directions.

Moreover, Ling Yan, who possesses ten kinds of space power, can directly close the opponent's wormhole as long as he feels the opponent's power.

However, on the other side, the noise caused by the undead evil spirits was getting louder and louder.

It's just that the direction they are looking for is almost the same direction as Ling Yan!

As mentioned before, any out-of-control undead will immediately chase and kill the necromancer who summoned them.

"That's the next spot!"

And the number of times has increased ten times, which is equivalent to a hundred times the maximum distance that Ling Yan can teleport with a tube of blue!

Because Ling Yan still has a lot of passive abilities, which can improve his strength!

But for some reason, he always felt that that thing might undergo some changes after merging with his divine source, and Ling Yan was still not ready to go until he understood that change.

After raising his passive level to LV169, he also put on the Light God Knight suit!

Instead, he just stepped down a little and his figure disappeared in place! !

At this time, Ling Yan, if he used Duanwei Qiusheng and the light-returning blow, his strength would be strengthened at least a hundred times!

At this time, he was almost completely confident in facing the evil spirit of the undead! .


After all, it is a god-level skill.

A large amount of magma rose into the sky, and eventually gathered into countless lava trolls!


After leaving the previous location, Ling Yan continued to teleport towards the next location of the black secret realm.

The evil undead slaughtered tens of billions of players within a light-year radius and then roared to the sky.

Although these lava trolls can create artificial wormholes, the speed of creation is slow and the distance of the jump is not very far.

Ling Yan naturally knew this at this time, but he simply ignored it. As his strength increased, his teleportation distance increased by more than ten times.

In front of the controller, how can we use it?

As for Ling Yan, all attributes, skills, etc. are actually not much different from today's Kakarom.

Ling Yan did not continue to care about the evil god's crazy slaughter.



He won't go until Ling Yan raises all his skill levels to god level!

Ling Yan's strength has received a huge enhancement!

Next, Ling Yan goes crazy to fight the black BOSS!

Of course, this does not mean that Ling Yan's strength is the same as Kakarom.

With the power of space, he has complete control over these space elements. Anything that uses artificial wormholes to achieve space jumps is just using space elements. 1

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