I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 332 God-Level Item: The Source Of The Evil God Ignagnisz

Now Ling Yan can crush the black BOSS of the same level.

But when faced with the Emperor-level extreme phantom summoned by the evil god before, it would be necessary to use tail-cutting to survive and life-for-life to obliterate it!

As for the BOSS that surpassed the Emperor level, Ling Yan frowned.

The passive level of the Emperor-level BOSS is 30 levels different from that of the King-level. Does that mean that the passive level of the Emperor-level and beyond the Emperor-level is at least 30 levels different from that of the Emperor-level?

LV30 level is equivalent to 8 times the strength gap

And the attributes are at least dozens of times different!

Calculated, there is at least a hundred times difference in strength between the Emperor-level BOSS and the BOSS that exceeds the Emperor-level!

This gap can only be smoothed out unless Ling Yan improves his level, passive, and equipment!

When the time comes to face the super boss Ling Yan who surpasses the Emperor level, he will probably be able to kill him with some confidence.

Of course, these are all Ling Yan's guesses. He doesn't know yet what level is above the Sovereign Emperor level, but one thing is certain, the gap between the Sovereign Emperor level and the level above the Sovereign Emperor level is very terrifying.

It may be even more terrifying than the gap between the Holy King level and the Emperor level.

It may be possible, even after all improvements, Ling Yan is probably not an opponent that can surpass the Emperor-level BOSS.

But Ling Yan is not in a hurry!

He has plenty of time. As long as he kills more black bosses, his passive level will increase crazily. It will only take a short time for Ling Yan to make a qualitative leap in his strength.

[Ding... Congratulations to the player, the wheel of luck is activated! The probability of passive replication is increased to: 1 billion times!

Congratulations on successfully copying the passive:

[Evil Power LV120]

[Power of Water LV120]

[Power of Fire LV120]

[Power of the Earth LV120]

[Power of Life LV100]

[Strength Enhancement LV130]

[Speed ​​Enhancement LV130]

【Physique Strengthening LV130】

A series of passive prompts came. ,

At this moment, Ling Yan's three basic attributes and the passive levels of five elements have been greatly improved.

This is the Emperor-level BOSS!

Except for the power of life, the other four passives have been upgraded to level 120. You must know that Ling Yan's power of fire was powerful before this.

But it has only just been raised to a little above LV110, and now it has been directly raised by ten levels!

The three basic attributes are even more terrifying. They have been upgraded by more than ten levels, which is equivalent to more than 1.5 times the increase in the three basic attributes.

Even if the attributes haven't been improved yet, just these passives have already improved Ling Yan's strength a lot!

[The luck wheel rotates, and the explosion rate increases: 1 trillion times!

Obtained equipment: LV240 Cthulhu Evil God Suit·Weakened (black!)


Lava Troll Birth LV5 (Red)

Light of the Evil God LV5 (dark red)

God of Cthulhu LV1 (black)


LV240 black equipment upgrade scroll*5,

Backpack expansion (1 trillion cells)

Black essence*100 million,

The Remnant Soul of the Evil God Ignagnisz*1

Evil God Ignagniz's job transfer scroll*1 (RR+ level)

Full attribute fruit LV240 (black)*10

Resurrection card (black)*10

Skill experience card (black)*10

Skill level upgrade scroll (black)*1

The ultimate hidden object in the secret realm: The source of the evil god Ignagnisz (three colors!)

Since you want to improve, just upgrade to the peak of the fifth level at once!


But in fact, although Ling Yan's strength is strong at this time, it is still a bit weak even compared to the top geniuses in this universe. Those top geniuses can already directly kill the emperor-level BOSS, and they may also have to fight against the god-level BOSS. Ability.

Is it because this divine power was withdrawn?

In other words, this so-called divine power is far more terrifying than the so-called source of weirdness.

But since there are three colors, will there be seven colors and the like?

Then a series of items also appeared in front of Lingxuan.

It is the condensed body of the evil god Ignagnisz's divine power. When it was sealed by the supreme power, the powerful items were extracted from the body!

After using it, you can possess the power of the evil god Ignagniz! The specific usage is up to you to explore!

However, because Ling Yan's equipment and attribute fruit levels are now too high, Ling Yan's own attributes are very weak.

[The source of the evil god Ignagnisz: God-level energy items!

"Let's improve our strength first. My strength is still not enough. In addition, my level can also be improved!

At the same time, Ling Yan's level also began to increase rapidly.

Of course, Ling Yan also knew at this time that black and above were god-level. The corresponding color level is: three colors!

Although not counting the blessings of attribute fruits and equipment, Ling Yan's all attributes have increased by as much as fifteen times.

This kind of thing may cause positional danger after use. If you use it yourself and it is really dangerous, wouldn't it be a loss of blood?


And Ling Yan's eyes naturally saw the final ultimate hidden item at a glance!

Doesn't it mean that Ling Yan has reached the top now?

However, it doesn't matter, because Ling Yan's all attributes will skyrocket immediately.

Looking at the lava-like ball of light in his backpack, Ling Yan did not choose to use it.

In other words, there is more than one level above the god level, but if you think about it, it would be a bit disappointing if the god level was the top.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that the explosion rate this time has actually increased by a trillion times. You must know that the last time Ling Yan exploded the source of weirdness, the explosion rate was only 1 billion.

After hearing Ling Yan's words, Apocalypse Will was no nonsense!

Ling Yan fell into deep thought after hearing this.

Although it's a pity that Ling Yan's first god-level item!

A notification sound also came from behind.

"Speaking of which, this Cthulhu evil god is not as simple as the one we just saw. The attack methods used by the real evil god are almost all based on rules, but this evil god can only do such simple and mindless attacks. Way.

At this time, his eyes flashed.

However, please note that after use, it may cause some indescribable and unpredictable dangers! 】

Of course, Ling Yan's attributes didn't change much.

"Ding... accept the order and start upgrading your level!!"

Apocalypse, unlock my experience points, raise the level to LV249 and then lock it! "

In just a few moments, Ling Yan's level reached LV240!

In an instant, waves of terrifying energy poured into Ling Yan's body, limbs and bones.

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