I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 329 The Evil God Cthulhu Has Arrived! Black Skills Explode!

"Puff puff puff!!"

The second round of lasers once again penetrated Ling Yan's domain through countless potholes.

And it’s still based on the first time.

"My current strength is to suppress the power of the domain to the limit in order to block the opponent's evil god's light.

But if compressed to the extreme, the diameter of the field will only be about 100,000 meters. If this happens a few more times, my field will be completely penetrated! "

Feeling the opponent's attack, Ling Yan couldn't help but sigh.

Only the top geniuses in the universe could kill this thing in front of him. He thought that the opponent's strength was not much stronger than those king-level BOSSs.

However, after actually encountering it, I realized that the strength of this thing is not just a little stronger than the King-level!

Of course, the main reason for this is that Ling Yan's level is too low. If he can raise his level to LV249, it will definitely not be difficult to instantly kill the emperor-level person in front of him.

"However, we can no longer encounter bosses above black. If I upgrade, my true strength will not be detected!"

After Ling Yan thought of this, he did not choose to directly unlock the level blockade.


In an instant, the elemental power around Ling Yan began to riot wildly, and hundreds of elements instantly transformed into a huge world-destroying statue.

And a huge Ice and Fire Demon Lord Evil Spirit Sword also appeared in the hands of the Master of Destruction.

"Let's have a good fight!"

Ling Yan looked at the evil god's mouth and raised his lips slightly. The next moment, he, carrying the huge dharma image, turned into a terrifying stream of light and rushed towards the evil god in the distance. He was so fast that he arrived at the evil god's huge body in just a moment. Before the body.

In an instant, the long sword in Ling Yan's hand swung down crazily towards the evil god below. At this moment, tens of thousands of elemental destructive slashes burst out.

The terrifying sword energy that could kill hundreds of king-level bosses with each sword was directly vented on the body of the evil god.

The evil god directly mobilized his countless huge tentacles and began to attack Ling Yan crazily.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

At this moment, a thunderous roar spread throughout the world.

The terrifying power that erupted the moment the evil god's tentacles collided with the sword energy swept in all directions.

And if each of those powerful auras were placed in the solar system, it could directly destroy the entire solar system.

Even if some ordinary ninth-level experts come to face these powerful attacks, they will definitely die!

As the HP of the Evil God began to be cut off crazily.

Each sword can cause enough terrifying damage to several capitals, but for the evil god with extremely terrifying health, the health of several capitals is just a drizzle.

It's even just a little faster than the evil god's own blood recovery speed.

If we continue fighting like this, we won't be able to kill the evil god within a few months!

"Human boy, is this your strength?"

Seeing Ling Yan's attack, the Evil God also sneered and spoke calmly,

Although Ling Yan has something, it’s not much!

He always felt that Ling Yan was very powerful and it was absolutely impossible to only have what he saw in front of him, but if he really only had something, he would be ready to destroy Ling Yan.

But Ling Yan smiled slightly when he heard the other party's ridicule, and then stopped the bombardment.

"Sure enough, it's really not easy to kill you without any skills!"

Ling Yan also spoke slowly.

"Boy, now that you're done, let's try this evil god's methods!"

Seeing that Ling Yan listened, the evil god also smiled.


The next moment, a roar from the endless void spread throughout the world.

The next moment, countless pustules on the evil god's huge body suddenly erupted with endless amounts of magma-like stuff.

But these magma-like things directly turned into countless huge lava trolls the moment they rushed into the void.

The lowest level of these trolls is the leader level, and their number is so large that it reaches tens of billions in just an instant.

But he clearly felt that the power of this emperor-level self-destruction was comparable to a holy king-level blow.

Finally, the shadow of a huge flaming flesh ball gradually formed.

This is simply to give him experience points!

Although there are no king-level ones, the number is more than ten times more than those in the secret realm.

And as the power of the gathered flames became more and more majestic, the energy contained in it became more and more violent and turbulent.

The moment this flaming flesh ball appeared, the surrounding space seemed to begin to melt.

After all, it's just a red skill, and its level is much weaker than the Evil God's Light just now.

There are also countless tentacles on this meat ball. At the same time, the flaming magma all over the body is very similar to the evil god in front of him.

Looking at this scene, Ling Yan also knew that the main purpose of these self-destructing lava trolls was not to self-destruct.

Instead, they began to gather crazily!

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

However, upon hearing Ling Yan's contemptuous remarks, the Evil God remained silent, with a playful look in his eyes.

Ling Yan was just curious, what was the evil god summoning such a weak thing for? ?

The number of BOSS among them is higher!

Is it just to give yourself experience points?

However, with the explosion, Ling Yan gradually discovered that the power of the flames gathered around him had not dissipated.

"Wait a minute, this bitch is causing trouble. This is a black skill!"

The highest level BOSS has even reached the Holy King level.

After all, the number is really terrifying. At this time, the number of leader-level monsters has reached Fifteen Capitals!

And then, all the wild monsters rushed in front of Ling Yan and exploded directly.

The only difference is that the aura above the shadow feels more powerful.

Ling Yan waved his hand and blew away the flames of the explosion.

"Evil God, is this your so-called method?"

Suddenly, just when these wild monsters rushed not far from Ling Yan, an emperor-level demon suddenly exploded, and the terrifying shock wave directly overwhelmed Ling Yan.

Looking at the huge number of wild monsters, Ling Yan immediately smiled.

In the end, it actually surpassed the number of wild monsters in Beijing that Ling Yan saw in the secret realm before!

The moment he appeared, he rushed towards Ling Yan crazily.

Ling Yan said somewhat speechlessly.


This method is definitely an extremely powerful skill if used to commit genocide or conquer a world.

And it’s improving rapidly.

These lava trolls are giant bull-headed demons.

Moreover, the number is still skyrocketing crazily.

Moreover, it is not just a little bit powerful.

It's a pity that in the face of the powerful Ling Yan, these self-destructing demons are of no use except for giving experience and passivity.

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