I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 322 The First Round! A Terrifying Elimination Rate Of One In A Billion!

And at this moment, a reminder spread throughout the world in an instant, and as soon as the LV2000 level came out, almost all low-level civilizations were blown away!

"Damn it! Level 2000? What's going on?"

"LV2000 level? Could it be that he is a strong man of the 25th level?"

"No, it's level 20! Because every two hundred levels after reaching LV1000 or above is considered an improvement!"

"Hiss! What is going on? At level 2,000, the strongest person in our civilization is only over level 400! Couldn't such a strong person destroy our galaxy with a diameter of 10,000 light years in one move?"

"Ahem, brother, a galaxy that is 10,000 light-years old, let alone a 2,000-level galaxy, can be destroyed by a single move even by a strong man of over 800 levels!

Even a galaxy with a diameter of 100 million light-years cannot bear the fart of a two-thousand-level expert! "

"Damn it, brother, are you bragging? How do you know?"

"Because my master is just level 2,000!"




"Young master, please support me!"

"Unlike you, your master is level 2,000, but my master is a level 3,000 boss who can kill level 2,000 men!"

"Damn it! Is there level 3,000?"

"It doesn't seem like that. Even the most powerful ones don't have such a high level!"

"Yes, my master is a super strong person above the strongest, and I am the twin gods of Poseidon and Shura!"

"Okay, stop pretending, kid. Isn't your master Xiaogang just level 20? When did he reach level 3,000! And what you call the dual god level is just LV 100!"

"Boy, you fart and slander me!!"

"Slandering you? Tang San didn't expect it, did he? You and I are both from Douluo Planet!"

"Okay, very good. If you dare to expose me, you already have a way to die!"



For a time, everyone in the different levels of the competition area discussed in horror what the concept of level 2,000 was!

The final result was that countless low-level beings completely broke through their defenses.

"I didn't expect that even two thousand level beings could participate in this strong battle. It seems that this session is more lively than ever!"

And Ling Yan raised his eyebrows when he heard this prompt sound.

You must know that the LV2000 level existence is already second only to the most powerful existence in the universe.

[Ding... This competition is divided into a total of 20 competition areas based on level and strength!

Everyone can only compete in the corresponding competition area or a higher competition area!

The competition is divided into three rounds!

First round, knockout! It is expected that 99.9999...% of the people in the same level will be eliminated, leaving only one in 1 billion players to enter the second round! 】

And the second prompt sound came again, but this prompt sound immediately made countless low-level civilizations dumbfounded!

Only one player in 1 billion can advance to the second round?

Is this a joke?

One billionth of Beijing? Isn’t that just one billionth of a billion?

There are not so many people in all their civilizations combined!

Even Ling Zhan, Mo Lingyun and others from the Milky Way took a breath after hearing this value!

When all the major civilizations were still there, the total number of people in the entire galaxy was only about 3 trillion!

Such a large population would have to increase tens of thousands of times to reach such a large number of people!

Moreover, it does not mean that after the number of humans increases tens of thousands of times, someone will be able to pass the first round.

You must know that these billions of people need to compete with almost all high-level civilizations in the universe.

The genius output rate of those high-level civilizations may be hundreds or even tens of thousands of times that of the Milky Way.

After all, there are complete reincarnation methods and sufficient resources as backing.

Maybe, it only takes so many people in the galaxy for one person to pass the first round of assessment, but that's not necessarily true.

This is the foundation of civilization crushing!

But ignoring the shock and horror of countless people, Apocalypse Will began to explain the rules of the first round of eliminations!

[The first round is the knockout round. This event is a points competition.

Everyone will be sent to the corresponding battlefield according to their level. There will be wild monsters and BOSS of different qualities on the battlefield!

Because, after everyone was summoned to the competition space, he clearly felt the Void Tower sending a vibrating reminder to him in the depths of the endless void.

Some of them also looked at an old man in the front row!

All the strongest people in the human race are all excited. If a genius from their own universe country is selected, it will definitely be a good thing.

There is only one way to cultivate one's mind.

And it is absolutely impossible for him, the most powerful person in the void, to watch someone with this tendency still survive!

This person is the most powerful person in the void!

And this time the competition was also held by him. Hundreds of other strongest people were shocked after knowing that the strongest person in the void was actually planning to recruit disciples.

Because the most powerful man in the void is extremely strict in recruiting disciples! The other most powerful people have trained more or less hundreds of disciples, and each of them has reached LV2000 or above.

In team mode, while the points are slightly reduced, all points also need to be divided equally! 】


Although he had previously promised the Void Tower to find a successor for him, if the opponent was not from the human race, the most powerful Void would kill the opponent even at the risk of being suppressed by the Void Tower!

At the same time, in the depths of the endless void, hundreds of the most powerful people exuding a terrifying aura like heaven and earth looked deeply at the more than twenty competition areas!


Of course, there are many people who are guessing why the most powerful man in the void wants to recruit disciples on a whim, but they have not asked!

A prompt sound also reached everyone's mind.

Different levels will also have different points calculation methods, and the calculation methods will be issued after the transmission is completed!

However, now news has spread that the most powerful man in the void wants to accept a disciple.

But at this time, the old eyes of the most powerful man in the void were looking at the twenty competition area spaces.


And the moment the prompt tone ends,

“Buzz buzz!!!”

Only players with points ranking at the top of the same level: one in 1 billion can advance to the second round!

It's a pity that the most powerful person in the void is still not like this.



And it recruits disciples from the entire human race!

The other strongest men have persuaded him more than once to let him take in a few more. After all, every time a super strong man of this level takes in a disciple, it will be of great benefit to the human race.

There is no other reason for this. He is not from my race, so his mind must be different!

But only the most powerful one in the void has received less than three disciples so far!

This made the most powerful man in the void instantly breathe a sigh of relief.

Ling Yan and even everyone in the twenty competition areas turned into streams of light and disappeared at the same time!

The top five superpowers in the entire human universe!

In the knockout round, you can choose between teaming and non-teaming modes!

If such a person is really allowed to obtain the inheritance of the Void Tower, then there will only be a dead end waiting for the human race.

Fortunately, nothing has happened now.

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