I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 302 Ling Yan Returns! My Child, You Must Be Ling Yan!

Ling Zhan smiled and spoke to Potian Martial God.

"Okay! You are the guardian of the human race now, and everything is up to you!"

The God of War broke out with a smile and nodded.

And Ling Zhan also looked at everyone else!

"You don't need to interfere in the destruction of other civilizations. Your only task now is to eliminate all the traitors on the list I just gave you!

If everything must be solved within today!

Of course, if someone bends the law for personal gain or leaks information that causes these people to flee, I will take action myself! "

Ling Zhan spoke calmly, but his tone was also a bit cold!

After hearing Ling Zhan's words, the expressions of all the powerful men present changed. .

Before they could respond, Ling Zhan had already waved his hand, directly opened a void passage, and left with Mo Lingyun and Potian Martial God!

These strong men did not hesitate. After they all went offline, they were directly assigned by some ninth-level strong men and began to rush towards the location of the eighth-level traitor families.

In the next ten hours, the human race ushered in a major purge.

More than thirty eight-level experts and above, as well as three ninth-level experts and their families, and even everyone involved were completely wiped out.

Logically speaking, this sensational event should be carried out covertly so that no one at the bottom would know about it.

But this time, the top management of the human race went in the opposite direction and directly broadcast live, so that all civilizations in the galaxy, as well as their own people within the human race, could clearly see what the consequences of betraying the human race would be!

For a time, countless powerful humans clapped their hands and applauded.

But those from other civilizations had extremely ugly expressions, because they were horrified to find that all their traitors, as small as a student who had just awakened to his profession, had all been eliminated.

This made them extremely shocked, wondering how the human race knew the identities of these traitors.

You know, even they themselves may not know the identities of these traitors clearly.

How could they have guessed that this information was personally searched by Ling Yan using the twelfth-level brain purchased from the Tianyan server's server mall.

A twelfth-level intelligence brain, even in a low-level star field, would be hard-pressed to defend against his search, not to mention that the highest level intelligence brains in these civilizations in the galaxy are only at level nine.

Nowadays, all chat content and even life routines of everyone are clearly monitored.

So you want to defect? That is simply courting death.

Of course, Ling Zhan didn't pay much attention to all this!

Because these spies within the human race are not that important now. What is important is how to wipe out all other civilizations in a short period of time.

In fact, Ling Zhan could directly threaten the higher-ups of these civilizations and ask them to control the people below them not to do anything to the human race.

If he takes action, he will take action on these senior officials.

As long as there is a threat, these senior officials will naturally not dare to disobey.

At that time, humans and other civilizations will be able to live in peace for a short period of time.

However, any civilization has its rebels, and there are many, even very many.

No one knows what they have done in Tianqi Continent. As long as those at the bottom are not caught, will the higher-ups care about them?

At that time, only the bottom of the human race and the top of these civilizations will be unlucky.

Ling Zhan didn't care about these high-level civilizations, but he didn't want any human race to die for no reason.

Therefore, the path he chose from the beginning was to lie dormant!

Hibernating and cultivating the top leaders of the human race crazily.

Using the large amount of resources provided by Ling Yan, the top management of the human race could cultivate many seventh-level and above geniuses within a few years.

He is confident that within ten years at most, the number of high-level human beings can exceed the sum of the other major civilizations.

Then start the civilized war.

Although many people from the human race will die by then, it will definitely not be as many as now.

This is also the reason why he has not taken action. As a leader, it is naturally impossible for him to act like a stupid dog and go up and kill the top leaders of other civilizations when he thinks he is invincible.

Such a low-level human race is afraid that they will die. Even if they don't die, one tenth of them will die, which will be a huge loss to the human race.

Of course, making the decision to hibernate was extremely frustrating, not only for the human race but also for him, the guardian of the human race.

But now everything is different.

With Ling Yan's promise, Ling Zhan only needs to wipe out the high-ranking foreigners above the eighth level!

As for what Ling Yan will do, we will have to wait until Ling Yan returns to find out!


Two days passed quickly!

And the Martial God Po Tian even had endless brilliance shining in his eyes!

Ling family!

"Broken Sky Martial God?"


They thought Ling Zhan was going to attack them, and they were even ready to run away.

"You brat, you're finally back!"

After all, he still has some dark gold-level equipment purchased by Ling Yan, all of which are within LV500. After all, Ling Zhan can explode them himself.

It seems that Ling Zhan has begun to resurrect the fallen strong men of the human race.


In the living room, the three members of the Ling family and Potian Martial God were waiting calmly.

But fortunately, everything was calm, and Ling Zhan seemed to really just want to eliminate the spies in the human race.

Finally, with a burst of space fluctuations.

After seeing Ling Yan, the three members of the Ling family breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.


This young man has an extraordinary temperament. He is worthy of being the son of his apprentice.


This is because Ling Zhan gave the opponent a set of LV450 dark gold equipment, allowing him to successfully break through to above LV500 and reach the tenth supreme level.

Then, a handsome young man walked out of the crack. The young man was carrying a red and blue giant sword!

After Ling Yan saw the Heaven-breaking Martial God, he immediately raised his eyebrows.

In other words, the human race now has three supreme powerhouses.

Ling Yan was a little confused!

Ling Zhan has lived with him since he was a child, and is almost indistinguishable from his son. After all, Ling Yan can be regarded as his grandson!

In terms of appearance, he must be around fifty years old at most.

It can be seen that the Martial God Potian, who was originally decrepit, as if half of his feet were buried in the soil, is now radiant.

And it doesn’t take long.

Of course, if Ling Zhan wanted to, he could even upgrade all the ninth-level experts to the tenth level!

Although the amount of coercion on his body is small, the level of concentration and nobility is enough to crush Ling Zhan, an eleventh-level superpower.

The life span has been increased from the original 10,000 years to a full 30,000 years.

In the past two days, all major civilizations have come to a standstill, because Ling Zhan scared Staru and other five top civilizations by attacking his own people so harshly.



"Xiao Yan, Grandpa Potian is my father's master!"

Just why is this person in his own home! ?

A crack in the void appeared in front of everyone.

However, they always feel that the calmness on the surface is even more frightening.

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