I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 260 Emperor Yan Is Coming! Emperor Yan Is Ling Yan! !

And Ling Yan didn't waste any time and just threw out the Emperor Flame Demon Sword in his hand.

The Emperor's Flame Demon Sword cut through the void and instantly expanded to a terrifying level of hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

Ice and Fire Demon Lord Undead also subconsciously caught it.

His heart trembled crazily when he felt that the long sword in his hand was actually the more powerful Emperor Flame Demon Sword.


No hesitation! Although the Undead Lord of Ice and Fire knew that he was bound to die, he was extremely in awe of Ling Yan and still inserted the long sword in his hand into his chest!


In an instant, an extremely terrifying force burst out from the undead body of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord.

This destructive power began to spread crazily around.

Wherever the power goes, the surrounding space begins to crack rapidly.

Obviously, this copy cannot bear the power that the opponent explodes.


And at this moment, a burst of power poured in from the endless void!

In an instant, the copy that was about to be broken began to repair crazily and began to expand crazily.

Also expanding at the same time were the huge bone wings of the undead Lord of Ice and Fire.

Soon, the form of the Supreme Undead, the Ice-Fire-Fire Demon, appeared.

The power to destroy everything surged out of his body, and the endless power of destruction also surged through him.

If it had been before, Ling Yan would have summoned a large number of Ice and Fire Demon Lord evil spirits to kill the opponent instantly.

But this time he didn't do that.

"My God, do you have any instructions next?"

The Ice-Fire-Fire Demon Supreme Undead spoke respectfully to Ling Yan.

Although Apocalypse's will allowed him to destroy Ling Yan, he still had the final say when to do it.

Even if Ling Yan is no bigger than him, he will let go.

That was his own god, but he knew that there was absolutely no way his god could defeat him.

"Use the Flame Emperor's Advent skill directly. I want to see what my projection is!"

The corners of Ling Yan's mouth raised slightly, and then he slowly spoke to the Ice Fire Flame Demon Supreme Undead.

"Good master!!"

The Supreme Undead of Fire and Ice did not hesitate at all.


The next moment, he directly pulled out the Emperor's Flame Demon Sword from his chest and slowly raised it into the sky.


In an instant, endless demonic power, fire power, ice power, and undead power burst out from the body of the Ice Fire Flame Demon Supreme Undead.

At this moment, all the power was crazily poured into the Emperor's Flame Demon Sword.

These powers gathered crazily into a large number of runes that appeared around the Emperor's Flame Demon Sword!

"Kacha! Kacha!!"

Suddenly, under the blessing of these powerful forces, the Emperor's Flame Demon Sword actually began to break apart layer by layer.

Ling Yan also frowned when he saw this scene.

Although he guessed that summoning himself might not be easy, he still felt a little distressed after seeing this scene. This was a half-step black weapon!

Once it is broken, the copy is considered useless.

At the same time, Ling Yan also began to rejoice. Fortunately, he was the last one to summon himself. If he had summoned him in advance, he would not be able to get so many Ice and Fire Demon Lord evil spirits and passives.

"Kacha! Kacha!!"

Finally, the cracks began to spread. Eventually, all the cracks spread to the body of the Ice Fire Flame Demon Supreme Undead, and all the bones in his body began to crack.

Under the cracked bones, streaks of colorful elemental light exuding destructive power soared into the sky, eventually converging into a huge ball of light in the sky.

Ling Yan could tell at a glance that these colorful elements were the fusion form of all the elemental powers he had previously possessed.

"I, the supreme demon of ice and fire, use my whole body of the supreme flame demon sword and my whole body's strength as a sacrifice to summon my god to come!!"

The Supreme Undead of Fire and Ice also knelt down in awe and crazily towards the colorful ball of light in the sky.


The moment his words fell, his body exploded.

A remnant soul rose into the sky and rushed towards the sky quickly.

If a copy of level 150 summons your will, your will can only use the attributes and equipment power of level 150.

Ling Yan was still a little confused immediately.

This figure only has a human form, but no image can be seen.

That is, all powers that exceed the copy level limit will be blocked!

However, at this moment, Ling Yan suddenly felt that his consciousness was in a trance.

Of course, the level naturally corresponds to the copy, which means that even if you reach LV300 in the future.

At the same time, the colorful light ball began to shrink crazily.

"Me with 100% strength? How can I fight against this?"

Then he discovered that the projection of his will could actually exert almost 100% of his strength.

The next moment, a second vision actually appeared in front of him.

Thinking of this, Ling Yan suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"But having said that, Tianqi, why is the will of this BOSS my own? Can't you copy even the ultimate BOSS of the black copy and even God You?

"This is actually my field of vision!"

However, Ling Yan's strength cannot only be judged by his own attributes. With the Son of Luck, he may even be able to explode with a blow that instantly kills enemies far exceeding his attributes.


Ling Yan was speechless!

In an instant, Ling Yan understood.

And now the copy in front of me has evolved into dark red, so the will in the sky can use 100% of Ling Yan's current strength.

In the second view, Ling Yan actually looked down at his body.

And the passive level is exactly the same as myself now, not the one I was when this copy of Supreme Flame Emperor appeared!

"I didn't expect that when Emperor Yan came, he didn't summon a copy of myself, but summoned my will!"

After all, dungeons must have restrictions, otherwise how could others beat them?

Otherwise, if another copied will takes action, I might be killed by myself.

However, at the next moment, a big hand stretched out and held the remnant soul in its hand.

At this moment Ling Yan suddenly realized!

Soon, a figure surging with the power of dozens of elements appeared in the sky.

Fortunately, you can control your own will.

Similarly, if a LV500 level copy summons you, your equipment attribute level will reach LV500!

Is it because my will was summoned? "

"I just don't know how much strength this will projection can bring out of me!"

Doesn't that mean that in the future, if the ice-fire flame demon supreme undead summons his will in all copies of Supreme Flame Emperor, his own consciousness can be projected there?

This is somewhat unreasonable.

For example, if Ling Yan is equipped with black equipment all over his body, the summoned will can only be equipped with dark red equipment and skills!

Ling Yan also felt the power of projection when he thought of this.

If it is because this is just the summoned own will, doesn't it mean that the will summoned by the summoning skills used by other ultimate bosses may also be the consciousness of the deity?

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