I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 280 The Sea Of ​​The Dead Upgrades! Dark Red! The Emperor's Flame Demon Sword!

And that's not all!

This Ice-Fire-Fire Demon Supreme Undead Suit can actually be used in conjunction with the ultimate weapon, the Supreme Flame-Demon Sword.


Equipment: Emperor Flame Demon Sword (incomplete)

Level: LV200

Quality: half-step black

Attribute: Strength +15 billion

Features: Integrated into the Ice and Fire Demon Lord suit, the fire and demon damage bonus can be increased to: 8000%, passive level +LV10, armor-breaking and demon-breaking effect +5000%

Additional effect: King's pressure! After using it, no one within a radius of 100 million kilometers can leave the combat state, and all attributes will be reduced by 70%.

The Emperor's Flame Demon Domain (after use, summons the Emperor's Flame Demon Domain, within the domain, the power of demons, and the power of fire passive level +7!)

Skill: The Wrath of the Supreme Fire Demon (absorbs the power of fire, demonic power and soul power and gathers them into the long sword. After release, it can instantly increase all its own attributes by 15 billion! Absorption rate: 0%, duration: 1 minute)

The conditions for use are increased to: Fire, Demon, and Ice, and the power of the three major elements must reach LV90 or above at the same time!

Or two can reach LV100, or one can reach LV110 or above!

If it is used forcibly, there will be a possibility of backlash and being destroyed by the power of the Emperor Flame Demon!


Because the level of the dungeon increased, Apocalypse Will directly strengthened the Supreme Flame Demon Sword, strengthening it into a half-step black level weapon, the Supreme Flame Demon Sword!

The power of this weapon made Ling Yan speechless!

Especially after being combined with the suit, the effect becomes even more abnormal!

Using the Sovereign Flame Demon Realm Ling Yan can even increase the level of the power of fire by LV17!

This level directly breaks through 100!

The strengthening value directly reached more than two thousand times the terrifying level!

No wonder, after reaching the dark gold level and above, every time a quality is improved, the combat effectiveness of the equipment will undergo earth-shaking changes!

However, a side effect is that high-level equipment has a large number of conditions for use.

Let's not talk about the suit after integrating the Emperor's Flame Demon Sword. Even before the integration, the condition that the power of the three major elements must reach LV80 or above at the same time has already dissuaded countless people.

Now, after the fusion, it has reached the usage conditions of LV90.

Even Ling Yan has not met this condition!

But there is another way to force equipment.

Forcing equipment can ignore level restrictions, but the larger the level difference, the greater the possibility of being backlashed. A gap of one or two is okay, and it is generally fine, but a gap of three or five, the probability of being backlashed reaches more than 90%.

Few people would use dark red equipment beyond level five. After all, no one wants to bet on the possibility of one-tenth or even lower!

But for Ling Yan, as long as there is a probability, it means everything is fine!

Without hesitation, Ling Yan put on the equipment directly.


In an instant, Ling Yan felt all his attributes begin to skyrocket crazily!

At this moment, his strength, speed, physique, and soul all took a qualitative leap at this moment!

Previously, after Ling Yan reached LV200, he took the LV200 red all-attribute fruit!

At that time, his total attributes had actually reached about 2 billion!

And now, even if the blessing of the dark red fruit is not included, the bonus of the original red suit is subtracted!

The power has reached 16 billion!

[Sea of ​​the Dead LV10: Dark red skill, which can charge the remnant soul of the king-level BOSS into the gate of hell and transform it into the undead!

[Ding...accept the command, skill: Sea of ​​the Dead, upgraded to: dark red! 】

This is not only slow but also causes other people to chase you.

It would be great to come to these dungeons and secret realms, where endless strong men of all kinds will come to kill you.

That means that even if he were to do it again, at best he would only have one more ordinary Ice and Fire Demon Lord evil spirit!

"It seems that we can only find a new copy of Supreme Flame Emperor elsewhere!"

After all, Ling Yan will no longer have any extra weapons for him to evolve.

Only the job transfer scroll, the residual soul and the skill level upgrade scroll made Ling Yan extremely satisfied.

Ling Yan's total attributes have skyrocketed to a terrifying level of 6 billion!

This time, he was not only talking about the Supreme Flame Demon Sword, but even the incomplete dark red equipment, the Supreme Flame Demon Sword, would not be released again.

Thinking of this, Ling Yan no longer dwelled on these things, but turned his attention to the remaining rewards!

The power can reach 20 billion!

[Ding... Just like the previous Ice and Fire Demon Mysterious Realm, as long as the ultimate hidden reward is revealed, this copy will no longer have any shadows of the Emperor Flame Demon Sword and the Supreme Flame Demon Sword! 】

And it won't offend anyone.

There is nothing much to say about fruits with all attributes and essence.

This copy is considered useless.

Ling Yan asked quickly.

After hearing Ling Yan's words, Apocalypse Will spoke slowly!

Ling Yan was a little helpless.

Ling Yan didn't hesitate and spoke directly to Tianqi's will!

He came from a small place like the Milky Way without even an advanced galactic civilization. If he wanted to survive in the huge universe and start some business, he also needed the help of endless undead brothers.

Of course, this is also higher than all the job transfer scrolls Ling Yan has obtained so far.

But the premise is that you have to kill the dark red BOSS attribute fruit again.

As for the remnant soul, Ling Yan cannot charge it for the time being, because he still needs to use the skill level upgrade scroll to upgrade the level of the Sea of ​​the Dead first.

It's impossible to give him the Emperor's Flame Demon Sword, right? In this case, what would Ling Yan himself use?

If the stack of dark red all-attribute fruits is full, Ling Yan estimates that his all-attribute fruits will reach a full 10 billion!

Ling Yan thought about it for a while, it wasn't that other skills couldn't be upgraded! But the Sea of ​​the Dead upgrade is more cost-effective.

"Upgrade the skill Sea of ​​the Dead to the dark red level!"

But Ling Yan soon thought of something.

However, the price is that the level of this job transfer scroll is not very high. It can only be regarded as more powerful than the ordinary Holy King level BOSS job transfer scroll, but it is much weaker than the ordinary King level job transfer scroll. The level is only RSSS. -.

Then if I re-enter this dungeon, can his ultimate BOSS evolve into the Supreme Undead of Fire and Ice? "

This job transfer scroll can change jobs to become the Supreme Ice and Fire Demon. It is not in the undead form, so there is no need to worry about becoming a human or a ghost after changing jobs!

Of course, Ling Yan would not directly use living people in the real world to transform into undead like the undead strongman who appeared in Tianyan Civilization.

"Apocalypse Will, I have exploded the Emperor's Flame Demon Sword in this copy!

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