I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 278 King-Level Evil Spirit! Instantly Kill The Undead King-Level Ice And Fire Demon!

It seems that letting this evil spirit evolve is not a 100% thing!

And after using Ling Yan so many times, he has roughly figured out the rules of this luck roulette.

One spin of the roulette wheel can double the odds tenfold!

In other words, after one turn, the probability increases to 10 times. Two turns will increase the probability to 100 times. Three turns will increase the probability to 1,000 times.

But now, the entire fortune wheel has rotated ten times.

That is to increase the probability to 1 billion times.

It is enough to show that the success rate of letting the Ice and Fire Demon Lord who has reached the evil spirit level to use the Supreme Flame Demon Sword to strengthen himself is extremely low.

But this also shows that there are no other necromancers other than Ling Yan who can do this. ,

It is even extremely difficult for an ordinary necromancer to charge the remnant souls of the dead into the gate of hell to summon evil spirits.

Because Ling Yan's fortune wheel had to rotate a full seven times before he successfully transformed the undead Ice and Fire Supreme into an evil spirit.

After that, it took another eight turns to stop it from rebelling.

It is conceivable that if other necromancers experiment, there are only two results waiting for him, or they will directly fail.

Even if you successfully break in, you will still be killed by the rebellious evil spirits!


At the same time, the majestic power of ice and fire poured into the Supreme Flame Demon Sword.

The Supreme Flame Demon Sword instantly bloomed with a strange blood light.

Then, under Ling Yan's surprised gaze, the blood light instantly turned into a huge blood cocoon.

The blood cocoon directly enveloped the evil spirit of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord.

Then countless pieces of flesh and blood began to grow on the body of the Demon Lord of Ice and Fire.

At the same time, the body of the evil spirit of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord also began to grow crazily.

Unlike the Undead of the Ice and Fire Demon, only the bone wings appear after being used by the Undead of the Ice and Fire Demon, and only the bone wings become larger.

But the evil spirit of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord not only began to revive the flesh and blood in his body, but even his body size began to increase crazily.

"It seems that the evolution is a little different! Is it because of the difference between evil spirits and undead?"

Ling Yan was immediately confused when he saw this scene.


Finally, with an earth-shaking roar.

More than three million kilometers away, the new form of the evil spirit of ice and fire, covered in blood-red energy and flesh, appeared in front of Ling Yan.

That terrifying body directly penetrated the entire space.

At the same time, countless flame demon powers surged around him.

At this moment, Ling Yan could clearly see that his whole body attributes had once again surged three times!

[Ding... prompt, your evil spirit has acquired the inheritance of the Supreme Flame Demon, and the Supreme Flame Demon Sword is completely integrated with it! Successfully evolved into a king-level BOSS!

All passive levels +20!

+3 to all skill levels

Unlock skills:

[Demon Flame World-Destroying Slash LV8] (Red, after use, it can explode with a 7200% world-destroying blow!

The skill has a destructive effect, and any energy-based skills that come into contact with the Destruction Slash will be directly destroyed. )

[Curse of the Undead LV3] (dark red, the Undead Supreme comes with a curse effect and will be automatically cursed within 5 million kilometers of it!

The cursed person will continue to cause corrosion damage, and will be directly transformed into an undead after death! )

[Ice and Fire Demon Shadow LV5] (Red, after use, you can summon the Ice and Fire Demon Shadow to bless yourself!

Because the Ice and Fire Demon Lord is blessed with BOSS attributes, the amplification effect is weakened.

Can be improved: 600% of all attributes! Duration: 1 minute, weak for 1 day after use)

At the same time, a series of notification sounds reached Ling Yan's mind.

Hearing this reminder, even though Ling Yan was prepared, his hole still shrank slightly.

This Supreme Flame Demon Sword actually has this effect!

It's just a pity for him that one copy can only produce one supreme flame demon sword, and one supreme flame demon sword can only make an ice and fire demon evil spirit grow into a real king-level BOSS!

"It's just that the strength of this king-level BOSS is a bit too high. It was originally equivalent to the strength of an ordinary king-level BOSS, but now it has been directly increased by 20 passive levels!

And all attributes have been increased three times!

Isn't that equivalent? The overall strength has reached a full 12 times that of the ordinary King-level BOSS! ? "

Ling Yan took a breath when he thought of this!

What the hell is this cheating? Fortunately, I opened it myself!

Looking at this huge damage value, Ling Yan was stunned by it.

Skill: The Ice and Fire Demon is coming! start up!


In an instant, countless blood-colored wind blades transformed from the power of evil spirits exploded towards the undead soul of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord in front of him at an extremely terrifying speed.

This glance instantly filled the Ice and Fire Demon Lord's undead spirit with endless fear.


Naturally, the undead Lord of Ice and Fire also knew this.

In an instant, the undead aura of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord began to surge crazily.



The speed of these blood-colored wind blades was so fast that they struck the undead body of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord in just an instant.

Unfortunately, the evil spirit roared disdainfully, and the huge blood wings behind it suddenly flapped.

After seeing this scene, the Ice Fire Evil Spirit had a sarcastic smile on its lips.


At this moment, the entire body of the undead Ice and Fire Demon King began to rapidly emerge with a large amount of fire and ice power.

The Ice and Fire Demon Lord Undead roared and pulled out the Supreme Flame Demon Sword from his chest and rushed towards the Ice and Fire Demon Lord Evil Spirit in front of him.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

At the same time, his momentum began to increase rapidly.

-10京! !

Then he looked at the opponent who only had a pair of bone wings as big as himself, but the rest of his body was an extremely small undead spirit of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord.

In an instant, huge blood wings chopped off the undead Ice and Fire Demon King until all his bones cracked!

Otherwise, even if Ling Yan had so many trump cards, he would probably have to fight to the death to kill this evil spirit!

three times……


In an instant, he looked up to the sky and roared, and in an instant, endless power of ice and fire burst out from his body.

At this moment, a supreme breath of God poured into his body from the depths of the endless void.


At this moment, terrifying damage values ​​soared into the sky from the head of the undead Ice and Fire Demon Lord.



With such a terrifying damage value, I'm afraid it won't take long for him to be killed!

"Puff puff puff!!"

The undead Ice and Fire Demon Lord in front of him only had more than a thousand blood, even after fused with part of the Supreme Flame Demon Sword.

At this moment, the eyes of the evil spirit of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord, who had successfully grown up, suddenly burst out with evil rays of light.


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