I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 276 Fire And Ice Demon Evil Spirit! The Existence Of The Undead After Death!

[Ding... Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the undead Lord of Ice and Fire! Complete the reincarnation mission! 】

[Ding... Because the undead of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord you killed is in the first stage, the talent has been upgraded to RSS-level! 】

But at this moment, a notification sound reached Cecilia's mind.


In an instant, an invisible force poured directly into Cecilia's body at this moment.

Cecilia immediately felt as if her talent had undergone a qualitative change.

The level has been directly improved by a full ten!

At her level, an increase of ten talent levels is enough to double her overall combat effectiveness.

It is a qualitative change for the improvement of strength.

"The reincarnation mission is completed!?"

And Ling Yan also turned around and spoke to Cecilia after receiving all the rewards from the Ice and Fire Demon Lord.

The reward this time was similar to the reward he received for killing the ordinary Ice and Fire Demon King before, except that the level of the suit he exploded was more powerful.

At the same time, the level of the job transfer scroll has also reached a full RSS- level, which is a whole level more powerful than the previous RS+ level job transfer scroll.

"Well, the upgrade has been completed! Thank you very much, Ling Yan. If it weren't for you, I would probably be stuck in this state for the rest of my life, unable to upgrade!"

At this time, Cecilia also spoke to Ling Yan gratefully. After hearing her words, Ling Yan just shook his head indifferently.

"You've given me a lot of help! It's just a little effort for me!"

Ling Yan said casually.

Of course, Ling Yan was confident that he could complete Cecilia's reincarnation mission to at least the second stage.

But if this is really the case, his true strength will be exposed. Besides, he is not a philanthropist. He can just pay back all the favors. There is no need to give too many benefits.

"Although it is easy for you, it is a life-changing thing for me. If there is anything I can do to help in the future, just say it. I will definitely do what I can!"

Cecilia spoke to Ling Yan seriously.

"Then I won't be polite!"

Ling Yan also smiled slightly.

"By the way, I'm going to conquer this dungeon a few more times to see if I can get a suit for this ultimate BOSS. I feel that his suit should be able to reach the level of an ordinary half-step dark red suit!"

Then Ling Yan found an excuse and spoke slowly to Cecilia.

Hearing Ling Yan's words, Cecilia was stunned for a moment. With Ling Yan's talent, she could definitely find a team to attack the dark red copy.

Why do you still need to conquer this half-step dark red copy?

But then it dawned on her.

From Ling Yan's behavior from the beginning to now, she could roughly guess that the civilization Ling Yan came from might not be very strong.

Although they had previously speculated that Ling Yan might be a super genius of a high-level or even top-level star civilization, as time went by Cecilia also discovered that something was wrong.

Because if these high-level super geniuses are well protected, it is impossible for them not to know a lot of basic knowledge.

But Ling Yan is like this, even the most basic knowledge is unclear.

There is only one reason for this, and that is that the star field that Ling Yan comes from may only be an intermediate or even low-level star field civilization!

It’s just that Ling Yan is that super genius that civilization has not seen for hundreds of millions of years!

Therefore, Ling Yan could only rely on himself and was unable to find enough talents as teammates to conquer the dark red copy.

Now I can only settle for the next best thing and choose the half-step dark red copy to start the strategy.

However, if a genius like Ling Yan wants to, as long as he announces that he is not protected by a powerful civilization, Cecilia believes that not to mention high-level star regions, even the top star regions will come to snatch talents like Ling Yan.

"Then I won't hold you back. I'll wait for you outside the crack in the copy. You have to be careful and don't release the Supreme Flame Demon Sword!"

Cecilia reminded Ling Yan worriedly.

"Yes, I will!"

Looking at Cecilia's concerned eyes, Ling Yan nodded helplessly.


After hearing Ling Yan's nod, Cecilia chose the option of leaving the dungeon and disappeared instantly.

And watched Cecilia disappear.

Ling Yan can finally try to see if the remnant souls of these undead can rush into the sea of ​​the undead!

I saw Ling Yan slowly raising his hands.


The next moment, his hands suddenly closed.

"The Gate of Hell! Appear!!!"

Then, with a deep roar, the space behind Ling Yan began to shake crazily.

“Boom, boom, boom!!!”

The next moment, a huge crack opened in the space that reached into the sky and the earth.

The diameter of this crack has reached a terrifying million kilometers, which is several times larger than the previous one!


And as the crack appeared, a huge gate to hell that spanned the world slowly rose from the crack!

The endless power of hell spreads out from the gate of hell, and everything where the power of hell touches seems to become particularly gloomy.

The entire copy seemed to have turned into a new hell at this moment, making people feel chills running down their spines.

Then Ling Yan directly took out the remnant soul of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord and drove it directly into the gate of hell.

The gate of hell swallowed up this remnant soul in an instant.


The next moment, an earth-shaking roar suddenly came from the opposite side of the gate of hell.

At the same time, Ling Yan clearly felt an evil aura that was several times more evil than the undead coming from the gate of hell.


There was another earth-shaking roar, and the next moment, Ling Yan clearly saw a head covered in blood-red bones.

At the same time, the huge devil's bones, filled with bloody arrogance, struggled to squeeze out from the gate of hell.

This door to hell that is a million kilometers high seems a bit small at the moment.

"Click, click, click, click!!"

And the moment this blood-red skeletal undead emerged, the surrounding space seemed to be unable to withstand its powerful pressure and began to crumble crazily.

The huge blood-colored skeleton slowly looked at Ling Yan, and saw endless killing intent flashing in his eyes.

But the next moment, as the huge wheel of luck in the depths of Ling Yan's sea of ​​consciousness began to rotate crazily, the murderous intent in the opponent's eyes instantly dissipated.

"Greetings to my lord!!"

Then, the other party respectfully knelt down on one knee and saluted Ling Yan.

"My undead power has been upgraded to LV81, but I still can't suppress this thing. What is this thing?"

Ling Yan was also extremely horrified. He could clearly feel the murderous intent in the opponent's eyes just now.

He was not unfamiliar with this feeling. He had often felt it before when his undead level was low. Almost every time he summoned an undead, the opponent would risk losing control.

But as the level of undead power increased, it never appeared again.

Unexpectedly, it appears again now.

Without hesitation, Ling Yan directly opened the attribute table of this thing.


Wild Monster: Ice and Fire Demon Supreme Evil Spirit (King Level)

Level: LV200

Talent Passive:

[Devil Power LV65]

[Strength Enhancement LV75]

[Speed ​​Enhancement LV75]

【Physique Enhancement LV75】

[Power of Fire LV65]

[Ice Power LV65]

Blood volume: 2000 Beijing/2000 Beijing

Magic: 2King/2King

Attack power: 500 billion

Speed: 10 billion

Defense: 10 trillion

Skill: Ice and Fire Demon Lord Slash LV10 (The combination of gold, ice flame and demonic power breaks out a powerful slash! One blow can directly cause 2000% physical and magic damage!)

Demon King's Battle Cry LV10 (dark gold, demon clan's battle cry talent, after use, the strength of all demons below the emperor level within a radius of 10 million kilometers can be increased by 2000%)

Demon God's Big Hand Seal LV5 (Red! Summons the hand of the Ice and Fire Demon God! Explodes instantly: 6000% damage, while causing a powerful suppression effect!!)


Looking at the attributes of the guy in front of him, Ling Yan raised his eyebrows slightly.

This attribute is actually four times more powerful than the previous LV200 Ice and Fire Demon Lord Undead!

"The undead turned out to be evil spirits after death. This evil spirit seems to be a little bit stronger than the ordinary undead!

It is estimated that the requirement for the power of the undead is even more terrifying, otherwise the undead of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord would not be able to lose control!

It seems to be because the BOSS's strength itself has reached the half-step king level. The holy king level can increase the combat power by 10 times, but at the half-step king level, it can only increase by 4 times!

But even so, it is equivalent to 20 times the combat power of an ordinary Holy King-level BOSS!

This basic attribute is many times more powerful than some top king-level BOSSs.

However, the passive level of the King-level BOSS is even more powerful, and the passive level is at least twenty levels higher!

Twenty passive levels can quadruple your strength!

In addition, the attributes are five times more powerful than the Holy King level! It is equivalent to the combat power of the weakest King-level being 20 times that of an ordinary Holy King-level!

This is still not counting the dark red skills. If the dark red skills are added, the combat power of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord Evil Spirit is still a little worse than the ordinary King-level BOSS.

This is because after becoming an evil spirit, the red skill level of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord Evil Spirit was raised from LV1 to LV5.

Otherwise, the only way to face the King-level BOSS is to be defeated!

It's a pity that the king-level BOSS cannot be made into undead even if it is killed so far. After all, my sea of ​​undead is only at the red level now! "

Ling Yan thought for a while and quickly analyzed everything!

Thinking of this, he also charged an undead Ice Demon Emperor into the Sea of ​​the Undead.


The evil spirit of the Ice Demon Emperor that appeared was 15 times more powerful than the undead spirit of the previous Ice Demon Emperor!

That is a full 75 times the combat power of an ordinary Demon Emperor!

This combat power can already crush the ordinary Holy King level BOSS!

"It seems that the level of the Sea of ​​the Dead is not enough. If the level of the Sea of ​​the Dead can be raised to dark red, even this evil spirit of the Ice and Fire Demon can easily strangle a King-level BOSS!"

When Ling Yan thought of this, his heart suddenly became hot!

It seems that this dark red skill upgrade card is imminent!

Dark red copy!

Can't this dungeon be upgraded to a dark red dungeon?

“In addition, it was mentioned in Cecilia’s reincarnation mission that the ultimate boss of this dungeon has three stages.

The first stage is the most basic of not being afraid.

But is that form that uses the Supreme Flame Demon Sword to evolve into a king-level BOSS, and even has its passive level increased by 20 levels? Is it the second or third stage?

If it's the third stage, it's okay to say that I can defeat it, but if it's the second stage, what will the real third stage be? "

When Ling Yan thought of this, he fell silent instantly!

"Forget it, let's try it first. If you can't beat it, you'll have to exit the dungeon directly.

Because the surrounding space was too small, the Supreme Flame Demon Sword bounced around crazily.

The big hand directly grasped the hilt of the giant sword in the giant claw.

The next moment, everything around him instantly returned to how it was when Ling Yan and Cecilia entered.


"Ho ho ho ho!!!"

It directly shattered the surrounding space!

And as soon as all the demons sensed Ling Yan, the millions of undead demons rose into the sky and rushed towards Ling Yan in the sky.

Ling Yan didn't even look at these undead demons, but looked at the mainland below.

Then, the undead spirit of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord appeared in the broken space.


The Ice and Fire Demon Lord Undead, who was holding the Supreme Fire Demon Sword, roared angrily and immediately raised the giant sword!

When Ling Yan thought of this, he didn't hesitate and directly opened the copy and chose to reopen it!

Suddenly, a huge white bone claw suddenly stretched out from the void.

Suddenly, streams of majestic flame power burst out from the Supreme Flame Demon Sword.

In an instant, a supreme flame demon sword appeared in his hand

The next moment, Ling Yan grasped the void with his right hand!

Following Tianqi's beep, the space around Ling Yan began to shake.

"The monsters in the dungeon are only one percent of the monsters in the secret realm of the same level. The power of the undead can't be refreshed much. It's better to just bring out the Supreme Flame Demon Sword!"

And these fragments were quickly crushed directly into nothingness by countless energy tides!

A supreme flame demon sword with a length of 100,000 kilometers was also blown backwards by this terrifying force, and finally hit the space barrier and bounced back.

“Boom, boom, boom!!!”




Today, this damaged Supreme Flame Demon Sword is still Ling Yan’s most powerful weapon!

There was a loud and earth-shaking sound.


[The instance will be reopened soon, please be prepared! 】

In an instant, a terrifying sword energy spanning hundreds of thousands of kilometers slashed down crazily on the earth.

As for the curse, as I have the same curse power, I shouldn’t be cursed to death? "

The entire earth suddenly exploded into countless fragments.

Ling Yan's elemental sealing sky also disappeared at this time, and a million ice demons and fire demons reappeared on the continent below!

That white bone instantly burst out with terrifying power that destroyed the world!

Ling Yan shouted and slashed down with his long sword!


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