I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 254 Sister, It Turns Out It’S Really You, Long Time No See!

Ling Yan was also stunned when he heard about the Tyro Galaxy. Naturally, he had never heard of this galaxy. After all, he had never come into contact with the core of the human race in his previous life.

So I just told what happened slowly.

After hearing the cause and effect, Ling Zhan and the others were immediately horrified.

Star field? Still high-end! ?

And after hearing how big the advanced star field was, even Ling Zhan took a breath!

The human race has also explored countless things beyond the galaxy for so many years.

But I don’t know why, but I can’t find any galaxy outside the Milky Way. Even the Tilo Galaxy not far away looks like an uninhabited galaxy from an astronomical telescope!

It turns out that all of this is blocked by advanced civilization!

Moreover, the size of the universe that they originally guessed was actually not as big as an intermediate star field.

Now Ling Yan has actually connected the channel that can enter the advanced star field!

Ling Zhan was very excited when he thought of this.

He knows very well how important it is to have access to advanced civilization.

The higher the civilization, the higher the level and the greater the number of powerful people.

This leads to the fact that things that are extremely precious here, such as LV500 gold suits and even dark gold suits, are not very precious in the Tianyan Galaxy.

At least, it is definitely not as precious as the job transfer scroll in Ling Yan's hand.

If Ling Yan can change into some high-level suits by then, the strength of the entire human race's top brass will skyrocket by who knows how many times.

"This is why I want to improve your strength and talents as soon as possible. My strength is absolutely invincible in the galaxy at the same level!

But it will be different if you go to Tianyan Civilization. Tianyan Civilization is extremely huge.

Not to mention the red copy, even the dark red copy can be easily conquered.

Facing that kind of genius, I may not be an opponent, so if something happens, you will have the ability to protect yourself! "

Ling Yan slowly expressed his thoughts.

After hearing this, Ling Zhan, who was originally excited, calmed down instantly.

"Xiao Yan, how about you wait until your strength becomes stronger before going?

Isn’t it too dangerous to go to Tianyan Civilization now? "

Mo Lingyun on the side also looked at Ling Yan and said sadly.

As a mother, the last thing she wants is to put her children in danger!

"Xiao Yan, how sure are you of surviving!"

But Ling Moran looked at Ling Yan seriously.

Although Ling Yan said that, she could tell from her expression that Ling Yan actually didn't have too many worries about going to Tianyan Civilization this time.

"Hahaha, I still understand me! I have a lot of life-saving abilities. If you want to kill me, even the current father can't do it!

Although there are many people in Tianyan civilization who are far more powerful than dad, I think that if I want to escape, there are not many people who can catch me! "

Ling Yan spoke confidently.

This was another reason why he wanted to go to the Void Split Lizard copy to get the power of the void.

"The most important thing is that if I go to Tianyan Civilization with my current talent, I still have some ability to fight with those geniuses.

But if the level is raised to three or four hundred, it will be different after four or five hundred!

The higher the level, the more talents are accumulated, and the more difficult it becomes for me to fight my way out!

So the best way now is to go to Tianyan Civilization as soon as possible! "

Ling Yan immediately expressed his analysis.

Several people nodded in agreement upon hearing this.

The higher the level, the longer the training time. At the tenth level, the life span is tens of thousands of years.

Who can guess how many talents will be accumulated in ten thousand years to jointly attack?

Moreover, Ling Yan can already clear the red dungeon alone, which means that Ling Yan's talent is strong enough to team up with the geniuses of Tianyan Civilization to clear the dark red dungeon.

It will definitely be taken seriously by the higher-ups of civilization.

"It seems that the outside world is quite exciting, but it's a pity that your father and I are limited to the small Milky Way in this life!

Boy, go out and have a good time, the human race and your family, you don't have to worry. With this job transfer scroll, if your father and I can't keep it, we can lose the title of God of War! "

The corners of Ling Zhan's mouth rose slightly, and an unprecedented arrogance burst out of him.

Ling Yan, who was watching this scene, also nodded.

Then, Ling Yan looked at Ling Moran.

"Sister! It turns out, it's really you! Long time no see!

I won't make the same mistake a second time! "


"I know! I will never forget it!"

No one has ever explored the edge of Apocalypse Continent.

Apocalypse Continent (Tianyan Civilization Service Area)

These continents are like countless small worlds.

However, as soon as her words came out, Ling Yan couldn't help but move his eyes.

Don't underestimate hundreds of millions of light years.

Even if there are super powers who have entered the Apocalypse Continent in the service area of ​​​​the Milky Way, they have spent tens of thousands of years unable to explore the Apocalypse Continent of this intermediate galaxy civilization.

In Apocalypse Continent, different service areas have their own independent partitions.

Almost all of it is a vacuum zone.

Each one has its own natives and characteristics as well as monsters!

Then Ling Yan said to Ling Moran seriously.

"Xiao Yan, be careful of anyone, even those who are superficially brothers with you, especially in places like the secret realm of the dungeon. Such villains are most likely to harm others!"


Don't worry, I won't be plotted like last time!

Although he wanted to speak out, in the end he chose not to say any more.

Of course, the core area is only a few hundred million light years away.

Then a relieved smile appeared on his lips.


Ling Yan's figure disappeared directly in front of Ling Zhan and others!

And in theory, almost all service areas are the same, infinite in size.

But the total living area in it is not as huge as the continental area of ​​hundreds of millions of light years!

Ling Moran looked at Ling Yan and gave serious instructions!

Although the diameter of the star field where Tianyan Civilization is located is often hundreds of billions of light years.

Looking at Ling Yan leaving, Ling Zhan and the others had a lot of thoughts in their hearts, but in summary there was only one core point, just worry!

Ling Yan looked at Ling Moran and spoke melancholy. At this moment, he finally confirmed something!

The Apocalypse Continent of the Tianyan Civilization has been expanded and explored by countless powerful people and players over tens of billions of years, and has been explored to a distance of hundreds of billions of light years.

The next moment, a space crack appeared directly in front of him.

One can imagine how huge this Apocalypse Continent is.

After speaking, Ling Yan didn't hesitate, turned around and stepped out in one step.

After all, planets occupy too few places in the universe.

This distance is purely ground distance.

Although these continents are all named Apocalypse Continent, the Apocalypse Continent in each service area is different!

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