I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 250 The Void Collapses! Void Emperor Job Transfer Scroll (Rs+)

A series of notification sounds also reached Ling Yan's mind at this time.

That's right, these Void Split Lizards only have one passive. In addition to their strength, speed and constitution reaching LV15, they only have the power of the void.

Because this copy is only dark gold, and the Void Crack Lizard is also an ordinary monster, the three basic levels are only LV15. Therefore, killing a trillion heads still does not improve Ling Yan's passive level much.

But it made Ling Yan's void power soar all the way to LV40!

You must know that LV1 of this power of void is equivalent to an S-level profession, LV15 is comparable to an ordinary R-level profession, and if it can reach LV20 or above, it will be an RS- or above profession.

Although the damage value may not be as powerful as other professions of the same level, its combat power is definitely worthy of the title of RS-!

And now Ling Yan's passive level has reached the terrifying LV40. According to estimates, it is estimated to be comparable to ordinary RSS-or even higher professional talents!

At the same time, Ling Yan also exploded a new dark golden space attack skill!

[Space Break LV1] (Dark gold skill, after use, it can tear the space around the enemy, causing extremely terrifying tearing damage.

The body cannot withstand the destructive force of space tearing and will be ripped apart directly.

If added with other space skills, the power will be even more powerful! )

This skill is a rare skill that has no numerical bonus!

But Ling Yan estimated that if this skill was used, its power would reach an extremely terrifying level.

In addition, Ling Yan also discovered a complete set of job-changing scrolls.

[Void Walker Job Transfer Scroll] (S-, exploded from an ordinary Void Crack Lizard! Prerequisites for use: None! After use, you can directly transfer to a Void Walker job, and the three basic passive upgrades are: LV15, Void Power Increase For LV1!)

[King of the Void Job Transfer Scroll] (SS+, exploded from the king-level void lizard! Prerequisites for use: three basic passive LV20! Or the power of the void: LV1!

After use, you can directly change your job to the King of the Void. The three basic passives will be upgraded to: LV25, and the power of the void will be upgraded to LV7! )

[Emperor of the Void Job Transfer Scroll] (SSS+)…………

[Void Emperor Job Transfer Scroll] (RS-, the prerequisite for use is that the power of the void reaches: LV15 or above! After use, you can directly transfer to a void walker!

The three basic passives have been upgraded to: LV60, and the power of the void has been upgraded to LV23! )

The moment he saw the Void Walker job transfer scroll, Ling Yan's first reaction was that it could be used by the God of War.

But think about it, this job transfer scroll seems to be a complete set!

Even an ordinary person can become the strongest genius in the human race if he uses every portion!

In other words, even your own family members can use it.

"Then I'll make a few more. I don't know if mom and dad will like it!"

Ling Yan didn't hesitate when he thought of this and reopened the secret realm directly.

The speed at which this kind of secret realm can be refreshed is quite fast.

Especially after possessing the power of the void, Ling Yan directly used his LV40 power of the void to block the space of the entire dungeon, making it impossible for all the Void Split Lizards and even the Void Split Lizard Emperor to hide in the void.

Therefore, just one ultimate move of the Undead Dark Netherworld Holy Dragon wiped out all the monsters in the entire secret realm.

Before and after, less than ten minutes passed.

Next, Ling Yan spent a full seventeen or eight hours to clean this secret realm a full 100 times.

[Congratulations on successfully plundering the passive: Power of the Void LV1*300 billion. Your void power level is increased to: LV51 (150 billion/200 billion), all void skills are enhanced by 5000% of their power! 】

Not only did he raise the power of the void to LV50, but he also made a hundred sets of the void-type job transfer scroll Ling Yan.

Agility: 3 billion (*400 times)

Equipment: Supreme Balrog Suit (incomplete) LV200 (red, fire, ice, demon! Damage bonus: 2500%, passive level +LV5, magic and blood recovery +10 billion/S, armor-breaking and magic-breaking effect +1500 %, energy accumulation: 100%)

Then Ling Yan directly used the red skill upgrade card to directly upgrade the new skill he just obtained: Space Collapse to red!

Eyes of the Evil Emperor of Ice and Fire (red, flame, ice, pupil level + LV5)

World-destroying Dharma LV10 (red, 8000%)

Thinking of this, Ling Yan lamented, "The passive nature of this child of fate is terrifying."

attribute table

It is equivalent to the fact that Ling Yan can now turn 100 ordinary people into super geniuses whose talents far exceed those of the God of War in just a few minutes.

Demon Lord’s War Cry LV10 (red, can increase all attributes of all demons below Demon Lord within a radius of 10 million kilometers*2000%. All attributes of Demon Lord level strong ones*1000%)

[Enhanced Mastery LV37, 12.41 million/200 million]: Enhancement upper limit +LV74

Name: Ling Yan



[Power of Fire LV72+12] (300 trillion/3000 trillion)*560 times

With this profession, I can achieve whatever career I want.

Pet: Three-Headed Hell Thunder Dragon (Emperor Level, lv200)

Hell God Emperor Tower lv10 (red, 8000% damage, sacrifice all health points to explode: 160 times continuous damage)

[Devil Power LV72+7] (2000 trillion/3000 trillion)*380 times

And it can quickly turn other people into super geniuses!

Then Ling Yan opened the attribute table.

Supreme Destruction Slash LV10 (dark red, a devastating blow that triggers the explosion of dozens of elemental powers! Can cause: 160 times the comprehensive damage.)

Physique: 3 billion (*400 times)

Power: 4 billion (*400 times)

Soul: 3 billion

Money: 154 million star sources

[Broken Tail Survival LV64] (10 trillion/50 trillion): Return from death level increase: 4200%

Void Flash lv10 (red. Can teleport to any place within a radius of 1 trillion kilometers! Because the power of shattering and the power of void increase the effect *10,000 times! Consumption *1%)

Skill: Exchange life for life LV10 (red, 4000%)

Talent Passive:

[Ice Power LV72+5] (300 trillion/3000 trillion)]*340 times

[Power of the Void LV51] (150 billion/200 billion) 5000%


Occupation: Passive Looter, Son of Luck

Level: LV200 (700 million Beijing)

Race: Human race

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