I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 248 Speed ​​Through The Red Copy! Dark Netherworld Holy Dragon Copy!

[Ding... your level has been upgraded to LV200, all star sources are unlocked: 1 billion star sources are discounted, remaining: 47.8 million! 】

Soon, prompt sounds reached Ling Yan's mind, but this improvement made Ling Yan feel a little sad.

According to previous calculations, every fifty levels, all attributes will increase by more than ten times!

Of course, this naturally requires the removal of all attribute fruits and set bonuses.

Now, Ling Yan's full attributes, excluding suits and fruits, are around 13 million.

Now that 200 million has been added, the total attributes have reached more than 210 million! It just increased more than ten times.

And if the suit level is included, Ling Yan's total attributes have reached a full 400 million at this time!

The power is more than 500 million.

It is equivalent to someone else upgrading 50 levels, all attributes can be increased almost ten times, but Ling Yan can only double or even not double.

Is this because the equipment is too good and too many good fruits have been eaten?

"Although my red upgrade scroll is enough to upgrade all skills to LV200, the fruit cannot be upgraded!

It seems that we need to find a skill that can upgrade items and use it with an enhancer!

It just so happens that there is a red LV200 level dungeon in the human race. After you go and brush it, you can explode some LV200 red fruits!

You can increase my strength to the limit again! "

When Ling Yan thought of this, he didn't hesitate. He left Longteng Star and boarded the spaceship and rushed towards the red copy.

Ling Yan had taken a fancy to this red dungeon before, because it was a dragon dungeon!

Now Ling Yan's Dragon King Phantom has been upgraded to red and has become the Holy Dragon Phantom.

In other words, Ling Yan can already enslave dragon souls at the Holy King level.

This copy called: Dark Netherworld Holy Dragon is exactly in line with Ling Yan's expectations.

All the wild monsters in the dungeon are of the Dark and Nether types!

Nether is the power of the death system, and belongs to the power of the death system together with more than ten elements such as darkness, undead, and hell.

The power of the netherworld tends to be weird.

Ling Yan didn't care. He entered the dungeon and directly summoned 100 level LV150 undead ice and fire demons!

The Ice and Fire Demon Lord is also a copy of the Holy King level. Even if its level is 50 levels lower, it can still kill the Dark Gold level BOSS in an instant!

And under the crazy massacre of a hundred ice and fire demons, the entire dungeon continent and the waves of wild monsters were all smashed into pieces by the ice and fire demons!

In the end, the BOSS Holy King-level Dark Nether Holy Dragon was reduced to rubbish by all the Demon Lords in just one encounter.

The level of the red sea of ​​the dead has reached LV10! The summoned undead have already gained five times the strength they had during their lifetime!

It's just that learning to use this red sea of ​​the dead is extremely demanding, not only does it require a passive level of LV70 or above! At the same time, there are remnant souls that need to break into the Holy King level.

However, the higher the level of the BOSS, the lower the explosion rate of his residual soul.

The remnant soul of the Holy King level is even more precious than the dark red complete suit.

Fortunately, none of this had any impact on Ling Yan, and his luck roulette could still hold on.

The learning conditions for the passive level are even more terrifying. You must know that the undead system itself is extremely powerful.

As I said before, even the undead at LV1 have a proper S- talent. They only need to reach LV 20 to reach R level, let alone LV 70!

It can be said that even a top star field may not have an undead level of LV70.

As for why Ling Yan can use it, after all, Ling Yan's undead level is only twenty or thirty! This is about the Sea of ​​the Undead. This skill was upgraded by Ling Yan from dark gold to red.

It’s impossible to do something that you already knew how to do now that your level has been improved.

And what if you have the strength to suppress this undead? It's almost impossible, the summoner skills of the undead system are almost all about summoning undead.

[Broken Tail Survival LV64] (After returning from the edge of death, you will gain: 4200% strength increase! 10 trillion/50 trillion)

After all, the level limit for using the Sea of ​​the Undead only requires the undead passive of LV30!

And an undead whose strength was strengthened five times rebelled and immediately attacked the necromancer who summoned him.

It is worth mentioning that in the Dark Netherworld Holy Dragon copy, those ordinary elite monsters are all dragon lizards!

Back to business!

Ling Yan would be fine if he had a luck roulette.

After killing the Dark Netherworld Holy Dragon, Ling Yan also exploded a set of LV200 red equipment. ,

The ending is self-evident, it is definitely an instant kill.

And the power has reached a terrifying 4 billion!

As for whether others can do the same? Ling Yan doesn't know. Even if Ling Yan swipes a copy of this red skill upgrade card, he can only get one copy.

Ling Yan directly upgraded all the equipment to LV200! And he ate all the red and dark red fruits directly.

Although it is considered advanced among red equipment, it is still weaker than the Fire and Ice Demon Lord suit.

I collected enough red LV200 fruits for seven!

However, after reaching LV50, it becomes a full 150% increase in strength by increasing one level.

However, others are different. They have a 99.99% chance of rebelling, which means that the probability of not rebelling is only one in ten thousand.

And the number is extremely terrifying, a full 100 billion! Ling Yan used it seven times to survive and exploded a total of 3 billion LV18 tail-cuts!

Therefore, these Saint King-level undead have a 99.99% probability of rebelling, and one thing they can do to rebel is to kill Ling Yan!

The consequences are! Every time Ling Yan uses it, Apocalypse Will prompts because the level of the undead is far lower than the required value.

Of course, if you can catch this bug, you will naturally be invincible.

After decomposing fifteen of them, Ling Yan directly obtained red fruits ranging from LV160 to LV190.

Ling Yan's all attributes skyrocketed to a full 3 billion!

It can be regarded as a bug that has blocked the will of Apocalypse!

Therefore, even if they knew about this bug, no one would bet on the cheap possibility, right?

The dragon lizard is an elite monster of the monitor lizard. Like the monitor lizard, it also has the level of survival by cutting off its tail!

It's enough to show how precious it is.

Tail Survival originally meant that upgrading a level would increase your strength by 30%.

Anyone who rebels is absolutely certain to die.

This level of preciousness may not be less than that of dark gold equipment, right?

However, you should think about the consequences before getting stuck!

Ling Yan has raised his level of survival through tail cutting to LV64.

Ling Yan can suppress even the rebels.

It means that as long as you use it, you will definitely rebel.

There aren't many means of fighting at all.

Ling Yan did not change, but refreshed the Dark Netherworld Holy Dragon copy a full six times!

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