I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 238 The Undead Demon Lord Of Ice And Fire Advances! King-Level Boss! This Is The Top Dark Re

It's just that Sally is the one who owns the dark red suit after all, plus the red, dark gold, and golden attribute fruits are all stacked up!

The terrifying strength suppressed the undead spirit of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord until he was unable to fight back.

A large amount of damage values ​​shot up from his head, each damage value reaching hundreds of billions, or even quadrillions.

Of course, the other geniuses were not idle either, and the damage they unleashed was equally terrifying.

At the same time, the terrifying energy shock spread crazily in all directions!

The copy continent is split layer by layer!

"Thunder Destroyer Gun!!!"

Finally, with a loud shout from Sally's mouth.

A terrifying spear with a length of hundreds of thousands of meters cut through the void and struck towards the undead soul of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord.

The gun light instantly penetrated into the soul fire of the undead head of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord.

“Boom, boom, boom!!!”

The terrifying force directly blasted the Ice and Fire Demon Lord down to the ground.

"Boom, boom, boom!!"

Finally, with a loud noise, the entire continent was blasted by the Ice and Fire Demon Lord's huge body and exploded instantly, turning into endless dust.

Seeing this, Sally was also ready to kill the Ice and Fire Demon Lord in seconds.

"Huh? Sally, what do you think that is!?"

Suddenly, a genius's face changed drastically, he pointed at the exploding continent and exclaimed!

The others and Sally all looked over, but this glance made all their expressions change drastically.

I saw a black-red magic sword actually appearing in the shattered continent.

"Damaged dark red equipment! How is this possible! The Ice and Fire Demon Lord is so powerful, hasn't he already used damaged dark red equipment?"

At this moment, even Sally couldn't help but exclaim.

In the eyes of all of them, the reason why the Ice and Fire Demon Lord is five times more powerful is entirely because he has used the damaged dark red equipment.

Moreover, the damaged dark red equipment is the most powerful among all the damaged dark red equipment, because ordinary equipment can only increase the strength by more than three times.

However, now a new dark red equipment has appeared!

For a moment, they were a little frightened.


Unfortunately, the Undead Lord of Ice and Fire completely ignored their shock and just held the void.


In an instant, the Supreme Flame Demon Sword cut through the void and fell into the hands of the undead Lord of Ice and Fire.


At this moment, endless flame power burst out from the Supreme Flame Demon Sword and poured into the body of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord.

The white bones that were originally icy blue and fiery red were directly dyed black by the black demonic flames at this moment!

Endless demonic flames burned crazily on his bones.

Also burning was his breath.


Amidst the roar of the undead Lord of Ice and Fire, his aura began to surge crazily.

Finally it reached three times the original size!

It is equivalent to 15 times the size of an ordinary Holy King-level BOSS!

And such a terrifying increase in strength has condensed his current aura to the essence.

At this moment, his attributes have completely reached the level of a dark red king-level BOSS!


The next moment, a terrifying aura that destroyed heaven and earth instantly enveloped the entire copy!

[Ding... Alarm, alarm, Holy King-level BOSS: The Ice and Fire Demon Supreme Undead Realm has undergone a qualitative change! This copy is temporarily upgraded to: dark red!

King-level coercion envelopes the whole place, you cannot leave the dungeon, and all attributes are reduced by 50%! 】

At the same time, a prompt sound reached the minds of Sally and others at this time.

In the sky, Sally and others all looked extremely ugly.

This undead actually advanced directly to the King-level BOSS!

This is simply unheard of!

No, it seems to have happened before, but it is just a legend. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen to them.

At this time, they finally knew why the ten RSS-geniuses before had no chance to escape!

The king-level BOSS means that ordinary red equipment cannot resist it at all.

Since they can't resist, that means they can either be killed or kill each other!

Otherwise, there is no way to escape from the copy.

Of course, Sally could use the dark red suit to resist the king-level pressure of the dungeon and escape from the dungeon, but everyone else was dead.

However, what they are confused about is that if this is the case, the previous genius should not be able to escape? How could he get out of the copy alive?

However, the next moment, their faces became even more ugly!

[Ding...alert! The undead of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord obtained a hidden weapon: the Supreme Demonic Flame Sword (dark red, incomplete) and was successfully promoted to the Supreme Realm!

All passive levels +20!

+3 to all skill levels

Unlock skills:

[Demon Flame World-Destroying Slash LV5] (Red, after use, it can explode with a 6000% world-destroying blow!

The skill has a destructive effect, and any energy-based skills that come into contact with the Destruction Slash will be directly destroyed. )

[Curse of the Undead LV1] (Dark red, the Undead Supreme comes with a curse effect and will be automatically cursed within 1 million kilometers if you approach it!

The cursed person will continue to cause corrosion damage, and will be directly transformed into an undead after death! )

[Ice and Fire Demon Shadow LV3] (Red, after use, you can summon the Ice and Fire Demon Shadow to bless yourself!

Because the Ice and Fire Demon Lord is blessed with BOSS attributes, the amplification effect is weakened.

Can be improved: 480% of all attributes! Duration: 1 minute, weak for 1 day after use)

[The Advent of the Flame Emperor] (dark red, the will of the Flame Emperor who briefly summons the undead souls of the Ice and Fire Demon Lord at the cost of sacrificing himself is coming! The effect of the skill is unknown! Suggestion: If it is triggered, please leave the copy quickly!)}

Another alarm sound came.

All passives +20? At this level, this is equivalent to a full four times increase in strength!

All skill levels +3!

Also unlocked two red and two dark red skills! ?

One of them is actually an extremely dark gold-like red skill on the BOSS!

With 480% strength enhancement, if all of these were added together, the King-level BOSS in front of him would be enough to be called the top being among the King-level ones.

Not to mention conquering the top dark red dungeon, they would risk their lives even if they were to conquer the most rubbish dark red dungeon.

"No, this undead curse has a range of 1 million kilometers! We are within the range!"

However, at this time, a team member suddenly realized something was wrong, and he screamed in fright.

As soon as his words came out, everyone was horrified to find that their whole body began to corrode crazily.

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