A strong man spoke with some confusion!

As soon as his words came out, other strong men were also confused.

Generally, the names of dungeon secret realms are related to the ultimate BOSS inside.

The names Necromancer and Supreme Flame Emperor sound a little different!

"Have you seen the final BOSS?"

Emperor Most hurriedly spoke to Cecilia!

But after hearing what Emperor Most said, Cecilia seemed to think of something terrible.

"I saw it! It's the undead spirit of the Ice and Fire Demon Supreme!"

She slowly told the story.

However, as soon as the word "undead" came out, everyone present looked dull.

Undead! ?

He is also an undead!

Does that mean...

"That's right, Master! This undead is very powerful, and its attributes are more than four or five times that of the ordinary Holy King-level BOSS!

All my teammates were wiped out just by looking at me.

I could only take a glance at its attributes and escape with the pressure of the Holy King in the red suit.

However, the moment my red suit collided with the pressure of the undead demon, it was immediately scrapped! "

Cecilia said this with some bitterness in her tone.

This red suit of hers is a top-notch red suit. Even she would not be eligible to obtain it if she had not become a disciple of Emperor Most.

But now, the BOSS was destroyed after just one meeting. You can imagine how heartbroken she is.

However, others were more shocked than her.

No wonder Cecilia didn't even have a piece of equipment when she came out. Unexpectedly, it was scrapped!

"Just come out alive, just come out alive! It seems like this dungeon is really the legendary red ultimate dungeon!

This kind of copy is no less valuable than the ordinary dark red copy, and it is even more precious than the tens of thousands of dark red copies. It is a pity that our Most Civilization does not have the strength to guide it! "

In the end, Emperor Most could only sigh quietly!

Fortunately, red resurrection cards can also revive RS-level geniuses, but the number of resurrection cards required is different!

From R- to R+, you can be resurrected by using a resurrection card!

But for RS-level, 100 sheets are required! RS requires 1,000 more!

The RS+ requires a full 10,000 cards to be resurrected!

As for RSS- and above, you can only need a dark red resurrection card!

As for the dark red copy, the entire Most civilization has no strength guide. After all, it requires a team of at least ten RSS or above geniuses, and it also needs to be equipped with dark red equipment.

And this half-step dark red copy is not as dangerous as the dark red copy, but the difficulty of defeating it is not much lower!

"Great Emperor! Do you need to submit this copy?"

Finally, a strong man next to him spoke solemnly!

As soon as his words came out, the other strong men frowned.

This precious half-step dark red copy is extremely precious to a civilization like them that cannot conquer the dark red copy.

After all, its difficulty is lower than the real dark red, but it is much more powerful than the ordinary red copy, so the equipment that explodes is at least half a step dark red.

As long as this level of equipment is used properly, it will definitely bring a huge improvement to their strategy for red dungeons in the future.

"The Kulim Intermediate Star Region recently purchased this half-step dark red copy at a high price, preparing to use it to attack the dark red copy. The bid can already buy thousands of red suits.

Better sell this copy to them! "

In the end, Emperor Most thought about it and felt that selling this copy was the wisest choice.

Because under the history of the Most Civilization for tens of millions of years, the most talented professionals that have ever appeared were only RSS-level, and it was just one person.

Although there are hundreds of RSS-, it only takes more than 100,000 years for one to appear!

It is simply impossible to collect ten copies of the half-step dark red in the same era.

It is better to sell this copy, so that not only can you obtain a large amount of resources, but you can also make good friends with the Kurim Civilization.

Sure enough, as soon as his words came out, the other strong men nodded repeatedly.

Emperor Most did not hesitate and directly packaged the information of a half-step dark red copy and sent it all to a strong man he knew in the Kurim Civilization.

The Kurimu star field is dozens of times larger in diameter than the Most star field, and its volume is tens of thousands of times that of the Most civilization. This means that the number of living planets in it is also the same as that of the Most star field. Hundreds of thousands times of the special star field!

It can be regarded as a medium-level star field, not too big or too small!

And in this kind of intermediate star field, it is still impossible to successfully conquer a dark red copy. One can imagine how powerful the dark red copy is.

Even in the Tianyan Star Territory, only the weaker ones among the dark red dungeons can be conquered. Only the top dark red dungeons can be conquered unless they encounter a super genius who only appears once in a million years.


Sure enough, as Emperor Most sent the news of the copy to the Kurimu Star Territory, it quickly attracted the attention of the top brass in the Kurimu Star Territory.

After analyzing the information given by Emperor Most, the senior management of the Kurimu Star Region came to the conclusion that there is very likely a final BOSS that has not appeared in this copy!

Because this situation has happened before, but generally speaking, the power of this final BOSS is mainly based on the undead system, so as long as the undead of the ice and fire demon are killed, the level is cleared.

Thinking of this, Kurimu Civilization directly gathered ten geniuses with talent levels reaching RSS-.

These geniuses are led by an RSS-top genius! Arriving in the territory of Most Civilization, in the blank starry sky where the copy of Supreme Flame Emperor is located.

RSS- geniuses, each genius’ passive level has reached LV81~LV89

And the LV80 passive can already strengthen one's own strength by a full 400 times!

And every time the passive level is increased, the intensity of this passive can be increased by a full 40 times!

It is conceivable how powerful the geniuses of RSS- are, and such geniuses are top-notch existences even in the Kurim Civilization.

Almost every year, only about three or four Kurimu civilizations appear.

But there are no more powerful RSS-level geniuses.

But there is a super genius of RSS+! It’s just that this super genius is the first genius of the Kurim civilization in the past hundreds of thousands of years.

The reason why Kurimu Civilization is preparing to attack the dark red dungeon and acquire so many half-step dark red dungeons is because it is prepared for this super genius!

As long as the opponent can capture a dark red copy, the strength of the entire Kurimu civilization will make a qualitative leap.

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