I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 219 Children Are Unfilial! ! Kill 10,000 Trillion Demons!

Ling Zhan was so angry that his teeth itched, his daughter was better!

Ling Zhan chuckled when he thought of Ling Moran's admiration for him.

"Didi di di di!!!"

However, at this moment, urgent messages were sent one after another.

Ling Zhan opened it and found that the people who sent the message were high-level officials of the human race.

The only thing they said was to let him go to a certain store and have a look.

"Is there someone in our human race selling good things again? And it's something that even other ninth-level powerhouses can't take away?"

Ling Zhan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly opened the link without hesitation.

But the next moment, his old face darkened instantly.

I saw dozens of photos hanging above the store.

Without exception, they were all signed photos that I had just given to Ling Moran.

Ling Zhan: 6!



"hold head high!!!"

"hold head high!!!"'

"hold head high!!"

At the same time, a huge and terrifying three-headed destruction dragon projection was roaring crazily in the sky of the Ice and Fire Demon Mysterious Realm.

The roar made the entire space of the Ice and Fire Demon Mysterious Realm tremble crazily.

This roar seemed to be as terrifying as destroying this secret realm.

On the other side, Ling Yan was standing on the top of the mountain where the Ice and Fire Demon God's copy was, looking at the shadow in the sky and thinking.

"LV150 level equipment is so powerful, it can actually make such a big noise!"

Ling Yan couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the shadow in the sky.


And as the roar of the demon dragon completely dissipated, a complete set of holy king-level equipment fell from the sky.

This is a set of almost pure black armor boots, a necklace and a black dragon-patterned sword!


However, at this moment, a dazzling bloody light burst out from the suit.

In an instant, countless soul fragments within a radius of 100,000 kilometers soared into the sky and flew towards the suit, filling the suit instantly.

A large number of blood-red runes emerged from the originally pure black suit. If these runes exploded, you can imagine how terrifying the power he could unleash would be.

Ling Yan directly opened the properties of this suit.


Equipment: Three-Headed Destruction Dragon Suit

Level: LV150

Quality: red level

Attributes: All attributes +85 million,

Characteristics: Thunder, Dark, and Undead damage bonus: 2500%, passive level +LV5, magic and blood recovery +500 million/S, armor-breaking and magic-breaking effect +1500%

Additional effect: Holy King’s pressure! After using it, no one within a radius of 1 million kilometers can leave the combat state, and all attributes will be reduced by 40%.

Skill: Holy Dragon Soul Kill (Every time you kill a creature, you can directly absorb the opponent's soul!

If it is absorbed to the limit, it can be released instantly, thus increasing its own soul value: 200 million points!

Time limit: 3 minutes

Absorption progress: 100%)


Looking at the attributes, Ling Yan fell silent.

Eight thousand five hundred and five hundred and fifty attribute blessings, forget it, what is the level of the Holy Dragon Soul Killer? Directly increase the soul attribute by 200 million points after using it? ?

Damn it, if this breaks out, Ling Yan's soul attribute can directly increase to 300 million!

Three hundred million, according to the terrifying levels of Ling Yan's three basic attributes! A single strike can cause tens of billions of horrific damage.

[Ding... Congratulations to the player, you have successfully cleared all the monsters in the entire Ice and Fire Demon Mysterious Realm! 】

However, at this moment, a notification sound came.

[Ding...Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the elite demon*1000 billion,

Experience value +300 billion Beijing! Obtain star source: 300,000]

A notification sound reached Ling Yan's mind.

There are one trillion demons, including 500 billion ice and 500 billion fire.

【The luck roulette is activated! The success rate of passive plunder is increased by 10 million times. Plunder Passive:

Demon power LV12*15 billion, level upgraded to: LV61 (9.8 trillion/20 trillion)

Power enhancement LV15*15 billion, level upgraded to: LV63 (12 trillion/40 trillion)

Speed ​​enhancement LV15*15 billion, level upgraded to: LV63 (12 trillion/40 trillion)

Physical enhancement: LV15*15 billion, level upgraded to: LV63 (12 trillion/40 trillion)

The power of fire is LV12*8 billion, and the level is upgraded to: LV60+3 (4 trillion/10 trillion)

The power of ice is LV12*8 billion, and the level is upgraded to: LV60+3 (4.5 trillion/10 trillion)

[Congratulations to the player, you have killed 1,000 billion demon elites, and each one has gained 1,000 hunting progress points!

You get the title: Demon Hunter LV12! The attack power against ghost-like creatures is increased by +240%! And get a 10,000-kilometer hatred field and a hatred value of 97! 】

[The explosion rate increases by 10,000 times!

Congratulations to the player for obtaining the item: Flame Demon Remnant Soul*500 billion!

Flame Demon Suit LV150 (blue)*500 billion!

The remnant soul of the Ice Demon*500 billion!

Eyes of the Evil Emperor of Ice and Fire (dark gold level, flame, ice, pupil level + LV3)


Demon Emperor's War Cry LV10 (dark gold level, can increase the combat effectiveness of all Demon Emperors and below within a radius of 30,000 kilometers by 800%)


Void Flash lv10 (gold. Can teleport to any place within a radius of 10,000 kilometers! Because the effect of the broken power is *100 times! Consumption *10%)

Level: LV150 (410,000 Beijing)

Blue Essence*1000 Beijing

Skill: Exchange life for life LV10 (dark gold, 1600%)

Hell God Emperor Tower lv10 (dark gold, 4000% damage, sacrifice all health points to explode: 8000% continuous damage)

Physique: 100 million (*130 times)

But what surprises Ling Yan the most is the power of fire and ice!

Name: Ling Yan

It is already extremely powerful, but it is still a little weaker than my own dark power.

[Dark Mastery LV62+5, 24 trillion/30 trillion]: damage *170 times.

Occupation: Passive Looter, Son of Luck


[Broken Tail Survival LV34, 39 million/50 million]: Return from death, level increased: 1120%

Equipment: Three-Headed Destruction Dragon Suit LV150 (red, thunder, dark, undead damage bonus: 2500%, +LV5, magic and blood regeneration +500 million/S, armor-breaking and magic-breaking effect +1500%, soul accumulation :100%)

Money: 1.08 million star source

Ice Demon Suit LV150 (blue)*500 billion!

Agility: 100 million (*130 times)

Follow Ling Yan to clear out all the wild monsters!

[Power of Chaos LV62, 26 trillion/30 trillion]: damage *120 times

attribute table

Both of them have added three levels due to the Eye of the Evil Emperor of Ice and Fire.

Then Ling Yan directly opened his attribute table.


Soul: 100 million

World-destroying Dharma LV10 (dark gold level, 4000%)

Power: 100 million (*130 times)

Talent Passive:

Race: Human race

The three basic attributes have been upgraded to LV63! At this level, the strength improvement has reached 130 times!

Pet: Three-Headed Hell Thunder Dragon (Emperor Level, lv150)

[Enhanced Mastery LV37, 12.41 million/200 million]: Enhancement upper limit +LV74

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