I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 212 Incomplete Red Skills! Powerful Strength Bonus

Su Miaoran nodded slightly.

Ling Yan also smiled after hearing this. He naturally knew that skill.

[The advanced inheritance of the Ice and Fire Demon: Only those who have opened the secret realm can use it! Or possess the power of fire, ice, and demon at the same time and reach level LV40 or above!

After use: The power of fire, the power of ice, and the power of demons are upgraded to: LV49, and the three basic attributes are upgraded to LV54!

And it can induce the phantom of the Ice and Fire Demon God to bless itself, and the level is equivalent to the incomplete red to strengthen its own skills! 】

This skill is extremely coveted even by Ling Yan now.

It is equivalent to the red enhancement type skill. Although it is incomplete, it is also extremely powerful.

And the explosion rate of this inheritance is also extremely terrifying! This time, in order to escape from the dark gold level BOSS, my luck wheel rotated a full 100 million times!

This is unprecedented!

It’s hard to imagine how powerful it would be if it were the ultimate inheritance of the Ice and Fire Demon God!

And the coolest thing about this inheritance is that the user does not need to change jobs!

In other words, you can improve your talents while preserving your career.

If this were taken out, it would definitely make the entire galaxy boil.

Unfortunately, there are almost no people who can use it, and the prerequisites are too high.

Even the most rubbish low-level inheritance is estimated to be unavailable to anyone in the entire human race.

Of course, Ling Yan still has ten high-level inheritances in his backpack. There are countless intermediate and low-level inheritances.

After all, he has killed more than one Demon Emperor now.

Of course, using advanced inheritance will not improve you at all, it will just be an extra red shadow of the Ice and Fire Demon God.

But the red phantom of the Ice and Fire Demon God is terrifying enough.

It can strengthen all attributes by a full 13 times!

Although it is not as weak as LV10's life-for-life, this is a LV1 skill!

If upgraded to LV10, the power will definitely reach 23 times!

It's just that after using it, you will enter an absolutely weak state, which lasts for as long as ten days.

Of course, compared with other strengthening skills, ten days of weakness is nothing, but Ling Yan would rather have the kind of sacrifice that directly abandons the whole body of flesh and blood.

After all, he has the ability to devour and regenerate, and he can instantly restore his lost flesh and blood.

Ling Yan guessed that this was the reason why this skill was incomplete. If he could obtain the ultimate inheritance, he might be able to obtain red enhanced skills without side effects!

It may even become more powerful!

13 times, which seems to be much weaker than the normal red skill.

Although it is stronger than the dark gold one.

The reason why Ling Yan doesn't use advanced inheritance now is also very simple, that is, this inheritance can only be used once by one person!

If you use Advanced, you cannot use Ultimate.

Ling Yan is still thinking about the ultimate inheritance without side effects, so naturally he will not use advanced inheritance casually.

As for Su Miaoran?

Theoretically speaking, normal people can only reveal advanced inheritance by killing the ultimate BOSS.

It is equivalent to having led Su Miaoran to kill the ultimate BOSS once and give her a high-level inheritance. It is already considered the most benevolent and righteous. There is no need to give her a share of the ultimate inheritance.

The other party is not his daughter-in-law. Of course, if it were Su Miaoran from the previous life, Ling Yan would definitely give her the ultimate inheritance without hesitation.

“The God of War sent me a message three hours ago when you were accepting the inheritance!

Geniuses from other civilizations and even extraterrestrial civilizations have already come in! "

Ling Yan said slowly, he was also curious why the God of War sent it to him. Logically speaking, it should have been sent to Su Miaoran!

"What? Even people from other civilizations are here?"

Su Miaoran frowned slightly when she heard this. To a certain extent, alien civilization is more dangerous than the other three major civilizations.

"Yes, but now I have destroyed more than fifty teams!"

Ling Yan smiled slightly.

And he didn't say that there was an R-genius among these teams. I don't know if he was from the Bratz Civilization or the Braslow Civilization!

But let’s not talk about which civilization it was. Anyway, he died miserably.

"Almost all the demons in the dungeon have been killed. Are you going to go out first or wait a moment?

There are also area restrictions, so you won't be attracted unless there is too much movement.


Apocalypse is also conscious. It probably analyzes that you are the absolute winner, so there is no need to start a so-called battle. "

Ling Yan thought for a moment, and then spoke solemnly to Su Miaoran.

The wild monsters in the dungeon are all affected by the rules, and will not come up as long as they are not within the hatred range.

Su Miaoran also nodded slightly.

I feel that because these people came in, the concentration of demonic power around me became much stronger than before.

Being dragged down by a group of undead demon emperors, they were killed without even having time to exit the dungeon.

At this time, no one realized that these endless undead souls were actually the work of one person.

"But I've got what I want. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even think about the intermediate inheritance!

The next moment, Su Miaoran's figure also disappeared directly from the place.

She naturally knew this, even her master would not tell her.

Su Miaoran was still a little shocked.

But Ling Yan's undead are all controlled by Ling Yan.

Ling Yan waved his hand, and then slowly spoke.

Natural disaster, Ling Yan now, is a natural disaster.

Under this kind of saucy operation, it must be normal for these geniuses who only know how to spawn monsters according to the secret realm to be caught off guard.

Su Miaoran was stunned when she heard Ling Yan's words, but she felt relieved after thinking about how powerful Ling Yan's undead were.

"It should be the reason for the battle for the secret realm, right? Logically speaking, with so many people coming in, the battle for the secret realm should start, but I don't know why it didn't!

Ling Yan didn't even take action personally, he just sent some undead.

I'll go out and wait for you! "

"Although you are one person, it seems that you are not the same person!"

"More than fifty?"

This means that this ultimate BOSS may appear at any time, and by then, I may not be able to take care of you! "

Maybe it’s because you’ve killed almost all the BOSSs?

But in just a short time, more than fifty teams have been wiped out!

Ling Yan nodded slightly after hearing this. He thought so too.

"It's just a matter of convenience. By the way, after I get out, I will override the level and kill the dark gold level BOSS alone. Please hide it from me first. The main thing is that I don't want others to know!"

Ambushes, sneak attacks, group attacks, as well as the cool operations of the BOSS undead mixed in with the ordinary undead can be said to be everywhere!

Su Miaoran said speculatively,

After all, Ling Yan had given her enough help.

Looking at Su Miaoran and Ling Yan leaving, she also sighed quietly.

Su Miaoran then smiled slightly and said gratefully to Ling Yan.

But in the eyes of these geniuses, perhaps these powerful undead souls who don't play according to routines appeared because of the battle.

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