I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 196: Skipping Level 100 Is No Problem At All!

However, when the attributes of the three-headed Destruction Demonic Dragon suit first appeared, even Ling Yan, who had been prepared for it, his expression changed!

The full attributes are actually not: 4.5 million! Instead, it reached a full 5 million!

And, not only that, the three passive enhancements have also reached LV5.

The magic recovery effect also reaches 30 million per second!

What is the concept? Nowadays, as long as Ling Yan does not use red skills, he can almost cast a skill in a few seconds!

This golden magic-reviving potion is somewhat useless.

In addition, the Emperor's pressure, which was originally only able to suppress and could not escape from the dungeon, was actually able to reduce its attributes by 30% after being upgraded to the Holy King's pressure!

It’s so terrifying!

As for the Holy Dragon Soul Eater, the soul value bonus has been increased from the original 1.5 million to 10 million!

In other words, as long as enough souls are collected, Ling Yan's soul value can skyrocket to 15 million in an instant.

At this moment, Ling Yan suddenly realized. No wonder there were so many strong and talented people in the history of the human race who conquered red copies, but the ultimate price was death.

Even the only person who escaped was the God of War because of his powerful talent in the space system.

The equipment alone is so powerful, it's hard to imagine what kind of being can kill a Holy King-level BOSS without a red suit?

Thinking of this, Ling Yan also opened his attribute table.



attribute table

Name: Ling Yan

Race: Human race

Occupation: Passive Looter, Son of Luck

Level: LV100 (410,000 Beijing)

Power: 5.9 million (*5400%, 100 billion/400 billion))

Agility: 5.9 million (*5400%, 100 billion/400 billion))

Physique: 5.9 million (*5400%, 100 billion/400 billion))

Soul: 5.9 million

Talent Passive:

[Broken Tail Survival LV34, 39 million/50 million]: Return from death, level increased: 1120%

[Power of Chaos LV62, 26 trillion/30 trillion]: damage *120 times

[Dark Mastery LV62+5, 24 trillion/30 trillion]: damage *170 times.

[Enhanced Mastery LV37, 12.41 million/200 million]: Enhancement upper limit +LV74


Skill: Exchange life for life LV10 (dark gold, 1600%)

Void Flash lv10 (gold. Can teleport to any place within a radius of 100 kilometers!)

Hell God Emperor Tower lv10 (dark gold, 4000% damage, sacrifice all health points to explode: 8000% continuous damage)

Dragon King Phantom lv10 (gold, king level: 11 heads, royal level: 5 heads, duration: one hour)

Sea of ​​the Dead lv10 (dark gold level! 30%)

World-destroying Dharma LV10: (dark gold level, 4000%)

Equipment: Three-Headed Destruction Dragon Suit LV100 (red, thunder, dark, undead damage bonus: 2000%, +LV5, magic and blood recovery +30 million/S, armor and magic breaking effect +1000%, soul accumulation :1%)

Eyes of the Evil Emperor of Ice and Fire (dark gold level, flame, ice, pupil level + LV3)

Pet: Three-Headed Hell Thunder Dragon (Emperor Level, lv90)

Money: 81012 Star Source


"I don't know if my current attributes can kill it if I can match the LV200 SSS+ genius!

That should be more than enough! Although the ordinary LV is 200, its properties are more than a hundred times that of the ordinary LV 100!

But the genius equipment of SSS+ is only gold at best.

Coupled with these red-level skills, there are also a series of explosive passives! The SSS+ genius of LV200 is probably no match for me. "

With a thought, his figure disappeared into the chaotic ghost realm in an instant.

The strong men on this planet felt it the moment the two powers spurted out.

And all of this, no one on this living planet has felt it, not even the strongest person on the planet, a sixth-order powerhouse with level 280.

The current level range is LV80~LV100, Ling Yan can change the level to LV160 to LV200 at the highest!

Especially in the later stages, the higher the level, the lower the possibility of skipping a level.

In the history of the human race, there has never been a case where a person could surpass more than 30 levels and kill SSS+ geniuses.

Of course, the strong man guarding Ling Yan quickly followed him when he felt Ling Yan coming out.

At the lowest level, it can be changed to LV40 to LV50!

Of course, the most important thing is how to obtain the fourth level authority.

Ling Yan, the chaotic ghost realm, will definitely come again.

Ling Yan, who has obtained the third level permission of the Chaotic Ghost Realm, is ready to try a new gameplay next time.

Ling Yan was very curious, wondering whether level four permissions could appear in red copies and secret realms, and what powerful functions level four permissions had.


Ling Yan thought of this and did not stay here any longer.

But in the face of Ling Yan's terrifying attributes, this possibility has become a reality.

The power of ice and fire spread at an extremely terrifying speed, directly covering this huge living planet in less than a second.

At the same time, a large amount of ice-blue cold air and fiery red heat waves spurted out from the cracks at this time.

For example, improve the level of the secret realm!

at the same time!

After all, this is the only copy where the rebirth passive can be obtained.

Killing the ultimate BOSS in a flash can only obtain third-level permissions. The method to obtain these fourth-level permissions is definitely very difficult.

Outside the Dragon Galaxy, a living planet with a population of hundreds of billions, a space rift quietly opened.

Even Ling Yan may not be able to do it now.

The cracks began to expand rapidly.

Thinking of this, Ling Yan had already soared into the sky, reached the starry sky, then took out the spaceship in his backpack and rushed towards the direction of the red copy at an extremely fast speed.

"Forget it, let's forget about this for now! The red dungeon has been opened! I don't know what the level of this Ice and Fire Demon dungeon is. If it's LV100, there's really nothing fun about it!"


The cold air and heat vented crazily toward the planet ahead.


But the spaceship he was riding was another seventh-level spacecraft.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

That's right, Ling Yan discovered after research that the third-level authority actually has another function, which is to change the level range of the secret realm.

Ling Yan looked at his attributes and couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, Ling Yan began to estimate in his heart that he didn't even need to use all his strength.


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