I Am Stuck In Novice Village, Stacking Tens Of Thousands Of Layers Of Passive

Chapter 181 Billions Of Wild Monsters! It’S Developed!

Therefore, he came here under Zhuge Jiantian's deception.

But this time after rebirth, Ling Yan came here alone.

Looking at the crack in space in front of him, Ling Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and then he stepped in without hesitation.

[Ding... you have entered the secret realm: the chaotic ghost realm! You have three choices,

1. Join or join any public secret realm!

2. Join an independent secret realm developed for you!

3. Create a new independent secret realm and set entry rules!

Public secret realm: people can join at will! The upper limit of teams is: 100, and the upper limit of team size is: 10 people! Creation funds are paid for by everyone who enters! Creation requirements: 100 billion star coins

Independent secret realm: You can set up an independent secret realm and set the level of the copy! And it is set up that only people designated by you can enter this secret realm! No one else can enter! The creation funds are jointly paid by everyone who enters, but the price is 10 times that of the public secret realm! 1 trillion star coins. 】

Ling Yan heard the beep of Tianqi's will in the space crack. ,

"Create an independent secret realm of LV100, and no one is allowed to enter!"

Ling Yan did not hesitate and spoke directly to Apocalypse Will.

He doesn't need to bring other teams in to share experience.

A mere trillion star coins, although terrifying, is only a drop in the bucket for a super rich man like Ling Yan.

As for other teams, they are not so scary. A team only needs 1 billion star coins to open the secret realm. In other words, a person only needs to pay 100 million to enter.

Although one hundred million is very much, for geniuses above SS-, one hundred million is not much! Even very few.

Therefore, it is not only SS- geniuses who can come here to level up, but also those S+ or even S-level ones. After all, as long as you don't provoke the ultimate BOSS, there is not much danger in spawning monsters around the secret realm.

Of course, if you encounter a high-level BOSS, you will be unlucky.

"Ding...accept the command, the new secret realm is successfully created! Start teleportation!"

The apocalypse will prompt sound came.


The next moment, Ling Yan's figure disappeared into the crack.




Following a burst of space fluctuations, Ling Yan's figure appeared on the dim land at this time.

Surrounded by dilapidated cities.

Judging from the architectural style, it looks a bit like an ancient city.

It's just that this city is huge, very big, even so big that it's a bit scary.

Ling Yan flew several kilometers into the sky, and all he could see was an endless stretch of dilapidated ancient buildings.

On the street, a large number of bones were lying on the ground in the buildings, looking like they had been dead for a long time.

It's just that these bones seemed to be living a normal life before they died, as if they died in an instant.

Although Ling Yan saw this scene in his previous life, because he was not as strong as he is now, he did not feel the shock more intuitively.

"This city must be tens of millions of kilometers in diameter, right? No wonder it can survive with billions of people!"

Ling Yan couldn't help but take a breath when he thought of this.

According to some messages he saw in the forum in his previous life.

This city is called Huoyun City!

The population is billions, but hundreds of years before the secret realm opened, a strange creature that no one knew existed appeared!

In just an instant, the strangeness wiped out everyone and transformed everyone into ghosts.

That's what Ling Yan and the others call soul-type wild monsters!

Some of the strong men in the city were transformed into some powerful BOSS.

As for the Lord of Fire Cloud City, he has become the ultimate BOSS of the Chaos Ghost Realm. Chaos Ghost Emperor!

These messages were learned by bored people from the mouths of some ghosts in the destroyed city.

In an instant, hundreds of soul light balls were thrown out of his hand.

Therefore, he directly emptied out all the inventory in Tianqi Mall.

Ling Yan didn't hesitate when he thought of this.

But in the secret realm, as long as you make too much noise, bosses will appear one after another!

The ultimate boss, Ling Yan, didn't take him seriously.

"Swish, swish, swish!!!!"

In this original world, every ordinary person in Fire Cloud City is extremely powerful!

It's just that this Fire Cloud City has powerful formation restrictions, and everyone's power has been suppressed countless times.

In addition, all crystal nuclei with various attributes were purchased.

Of course, the so-called advantage does not mean that the final BOSS will not appear at the beginning.

According to the calculations of some human geniuses, even slightly stronger beings are at least the God of War level.

"These ghost-type monsters are quite fast, but ghost-type monsters can only attack with spells, so those low-level undead are of no use at all.

After recalling all the knowledge, Ling Yan also started thinking about ways to conquer this secret realm!

There are more than a hundred different types of Dragon King’s remnant soul!

If that weirdness also appears in this dungeon, then the lowest level of the dungeon is also red level, right?

Even a three-year-old can crack mountains and crack rocks.

Ling Yan couldn't help but laugh when he thought of this. This advantage lies with him!

But for Ling Yan, tens of thousands of sets of golden equipment can be easily purchased by Ling Yan.

It is conceivable that the strange strength is powerful.

And ordinary adults can move mountains and reclaim seas.

Unfortunately, Ling Yan doesn't have enough elements now, so he can only summon more than 20 of them!

Moreover, the levels of those undead are too weak, so they are of little use to me now.

Some powerful cultivators can even destroy heaven and earth. They are so powerful.

However, even so, when that powerful monster appeared, it still wiped out everyone in an instant.

At the same time, those ghosts also said.

Even higher.

That’s right, hundreds of them!

However, in order to lure out the ultimate BOSS, you still need to clear out all the wild monsters and other BOSS. "

After Ling Yan's level reached LV100, he purchased a large number of the remnant souls of the Imperial Dragon Emperor and the corresponding Imperial Crystal Cores from Tianqi Mall.

He waved his big hand directly!

As long as they are at the imperial level, all the remnant souls of the dragon clan at the king level have been purchased.

He just didn't want to waste time chasing those low-level monsters one after another.

"The secret realm is different from the dungeon. In the dungeon, the BOSS will not appear until a certain number of rounds are reached.

The remnant soul is naturally the most precious, one is equivalent to one or two sets of ordinary golden equipment.

It seems that we still have to rely on the Dragon Soul Phantom! "

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