"Fang Mingxi, you are suspected of an intentional homicide case, please go back with us for investigation

!" "What, how is it possible, are you mistaken

!" Fang Mingxi was still sleeping, scolding, rubbing his eyes to open the door

! Yesterday, because he was in a good mood, he did multi-person sports, and he played until late, and he didn't wake up yet!

Hearing the policeman's words, Fang Mingxi panicked and stammered when he spoke!"

Make no mistake, come with us

and you'll know!" the policeman frowned and said in a businesslike

manner!"Can you wait for me a moment? I'll go change my clothes, okay?"

Fang Mingxi's eyes kept turning

!"Okay!" The policeman followed Fang Mingxi in and waited beside

him! Fang Mingxi secretly sent a message to Fang Wei!


Dad, save me, I was arrested by the police!"

On the other side

, Shi Can has been sitting alone in the box since yesterday afternoon, smoking cigarettes and drinking wine, numbing himself

! He couldn't believe that Liang Xu would fail, or would he lose to Yang Lin

! Is the world in chaos?

"Knock knock knock...... A knock

sounded on the door!

"Get out!"

Shi Can didn't get up, and yelled irritably!

The waiter opened the door directly and used his hands to disperse the smoke! The

policeman also walked

in! "Shi Can, you are suspected of molesting a number of women, go back with us for investigation!" "


Shi Can got up suddenly, because he had been in a position for a long time, he fell to the ground all of a sudden, and his forehead hit the corner of the table in front of him!

He was still immersed in the policeman's words, completely ignoring the injuries on his body!

Last night, because of an important business entertainment, Ruan Shaochen drank a lot of wine, and now his head hurts faintly

! He looked at his mobile phone, and Xia Jie made dozens of phone calls to him

! Ruan Shaochen realized that something must have happened

! "Xia Jie, what happened?" "Ruan

Shao, Brother Hao is dead! His power was completely taken over by Feng Tian overnight!" Xia

Jie stood outside the door, and his heart was still not calm!

Jiangcheng is ranked second in the underground world, and has survived steadily for the past ten years, and if you say you are dead, you will die

! "What are you talking about? My uncle is dead!" Ruan

Shaochen suddenly jumped up from the bed, his eyes wide open

! What happened in one night

! After a minute, Ruan Shaochen stabilized his mood!

"How is the specific situation?"

Xia Jie inquired about the situation and explained it in detail!

"Liang Xu and his uncle are dead!" Ruan

Shaochen collapsed on the bed, looking at the ceiling

! He regretted it in his heart, it would be better if he didn't mess with Yang Lin

! However, there is no regret medicine in the world that can be bought

! "Ruan Shao, are you listening

?" Xia Jie asked tentatively

! He knew that Niu Hao was very good to Ruan Shaochen, and he was worried that Ruan Shaochen would not be able to accept it!

"I'm fine, where is my uncle's body?"

"When the police went, the scene had already been dealt with, and it was estimated that it would ......

" Xia Jie didn't continue

! Ruan Shaochen clenched his fists, his eyes were red

! He hung up the phone and dialed Ruan Chengfeng's phone

! "Dad, my uncle is dead, I want revenge!" At

this moment, Ruan Shaochen had no fear, he just wanted Yang Lin to accompany Niu Hao to the funeral!


Shaochen When he was a child, Ruan Chengfeng was very busy and had no time to care about him, Niu Yulan liked to play cards, went out to play, and rarely cared about him! He followed Niu Hao's ass since he was a child, as long as Niu Hao was not busy, he would take

him to play! When he grew up, no matter what Ruan Shaochen did, Niu Hao would support him unconditionally!

"What's going on?"

Ruan Chengfeng reported the situation to Tong Hu early in the morning, and didn't want to answer in front of Tong Hu, but the phone kept ringing.

He planned to answer the phone, and hung up the phone after a perfunctory sentence

! But the news brought by Ruan Shaochen was too shocking! Ruan Chengfeng was mixed up in Jiangcheng, and Niu Hao also helped him a lot in private

! "Shaochen, don't be in a hurry, I have something to do now, and I will give you back to the past later!"

After calming down, Ruan Chengfeng still didn't plan to say more to Ruan Shaochen in front of Tong Hu!

Tong Hu looked at Ruan Chengfeng's expression and knew what he was thinking

!"Ruan Chengfeng, are you so afraid that Ruan Shaochen will join the organization?"

"This ......

" Ruan Chengfeng was hesitant, his face flushed!

"Okay, if your son needs my help, contact me

!" "You can follow this report

!" "Okay!"

Ruan Chengfeng reported the result, and immediately turned around and left, not wanting to stay for a minute

! Tong Hu looked at Ruan Chengfeng's

back and laughed disdainfully!

Back in the car, Ruan Chengfeng immediately dialed Ruan Shaochen's phone.

"Niu Hao is dead, what's going on?"

Ruan Shaochen told all the causes and consequences of the incident!"Didn't the body be found?"


!" Ruan Shaochen said in a low tone! "You go home now, don't do anything, let's go home and discuss!"

Ruan Chengfeng was worried that Ruan Shaochen would do something stupid, and said seriously!



Ruan Shaochen did not refuse, he knew that he was not capable of contending with Yang Lin, so he could only rely on

Ruan Chengfeng! Ruan Chengfeng must have a secret, but he just didn't tell

him! In the past, Ruan Shaochen felt that it didn't matter, just live like this!

Yang Lin's appearance and Niu Hao's death had a great impact on him!

Rose Manor.

Yang Lin slept very hard this night, and the sun hung high, so Yang Lin woke up

! I didn't fall asleep last night, tossing and turning, and then I didn't know what time I fell asleep!

"Wife, I'm late today, I'll have dinner with you later!"

Yang Lin shook his head.

"Yang Lin, are you okay!" Qin Luoxi has been worried, she felt the sunshine outside the window, but Yang Lin has not made a sound, the contrast is too great

!" "Wife, I originally planned not to go to the company today, but thinking that there are still many things to be done, I decided to deal with it, and when you wake up, I will accompany you well!"

Okay, as long as you're fine, you can do whatever you want!" Qin

Luoxi's hanging heart slowly put down, the Yang Lin she was familiar with before came back, but it felt a little different

! She couldn't say it, Qin Luoxi only hoped that she could wake up early and hug

Yang Lin!"Jingle bell......

" Yang Lin had just finished washing up, walked out of the bathroom, and heard the phone ringing

!"Yang Dong, I'm sorry, I'm sorry to disturb your rest in the morning!".

"Dean Xing, is there something wrong?"

"Dong Yang, the Chinese medicine seminar I mentioned to you last time was held at the Chinese Medicine Association at two o'clock this afternoon, do you want

to participate?" Xing Wenshi asked cautiously, since Yang Lin came to the hospital once last time, he has not appeared, and he does not know whether

Yang Lin will participate! If Yang Lin participates, it will be a good thing for Jianghan Hospital, his medical skills are good, and he is bound to be able to make a reputation for Jianghan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital!"

Do you have to attend?"

"Yang Dong, this seminar, the country's famous Chinese medicine practitioners will be present!" "

Okay, I know, I will attend on time!" Yang

Lin heard what Xing Wenshi meant, and didn't say much, he should go and relax!

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