"Liang Xu, have Yang Lin's affairs been arranged?"

"Brother Hao, don't worry, I have let the monkey star, once Yang Lin acts alone, I will take action!" Although

there is a lesson from Yu Lao's past, Liang Xu thinks that he is stronger than Yu Lao, and it is easy to teach Yang Lin a lesson

!" "Wait for your good news!" Niu

Hao held a cigar, he was very relieved about Liang Xu's skills!"


Xu, Yang Lin returned to the Jiuding Building an hour ago, and he hasn't come out yet!" "Got it

!" Liang Xu didn't talk nonsense, he immediately rushed over

! On the way to go again, Liang Xu sent a text message to Shi Can: See you at the door of the Jiuding Building

! Shi Can saw the information and patted the bed happily, because he was too excited and pulled the wound!


" "Made, Yang Lin is your death today!"

Shi Can pulled out the needle in his hand and immediately changed his clothes, he wanted to hurry up to witness Yang Lin's tragic situation!

Seeing this, the nurse hurriedly stopped.

"Sir, you can't be discharged from the hospital yet, and there is still blood on your hands

!" "Get out of the way

!" Shi Can pushed the nurse away, and no one could stop his determination to leave

! He couldn't wait to see Yang Lin's miserable end

! "Jingle Bell ......

" "Mr. Wang!"

Liang Xu closed his eyes and answered the phone!

Mr. Liang, I have already called the money, when are you going to make a move

!" Wang Mingyuan was just criticized by the elders in the family, and it was not good for him to go out of Jiangcheng, and he was very annoyed

!"Before two o'clock in the afternoon, you can see Yang Lin's miserable situation

!" "Okay, wait for your news!"

Wang Mingyuan swept away his depressed mood, and his fat body did not forget to writhe!

"Ruan Shao, why don't you seem

to be happy!" Xia Jie was very puzzled, Ruan Shaochen had just received a call from Niu Hao, Liang Xu had already gone to Jiuding Construction, Yang Lin would definitely be taught a lesson today

!"Can Liang Xu really defeat Yang Lin?"

After two fights, Ruan Shaochen was not sure!

"How is it possible, Liang Xu's kung fu is very powerful, Yang Lin can't escape!"

Do you think

Yu Lao is powerful?" Ruan Shaochen stood up and looked out the window, once he also thought that Yu Lao would definitely be able to kill Yang Lin, but reality gave him a slap

in the face! Xia Jie didn't speak, he didn't know who was more powerful between Yu Lao and Liang Xu

! Duan Rong was more unhappy because of what happened in the martial arts hall yesterday, and the more he thought about it, he called his brother who was far away in Kyoto! "Brother, the martial

arts you introduced to me are too bad!" "

What's wrong?"

As soon as Duan Hang finished dealing with the matter at hand

, he heard Duan Rong complaining!"Brother, you are embarrassed to ask, if it weren't for Yang Lin, Lingling would have been taken advantage of by them!" Duan

Rong became more and more angry the more he spoke, the martial arts hall was introduced by her, if something happened to Zhao Ling, she would blame herself as a friend, and it would also affect the relationship between the two families!

Duan Hang also realized the seriousness of the problem, and hurriedly asked, "What's going on?"

Duan Rong saw that Duan Hang's tone was very stern, and he didn't dare to be willful anymore, and told the matter from beginning to end

!"Help me thank Yang Lin, I'll deal with Shi Can's matter!" Duan

Hang needs to show his attitude, regardless of whether Zhao Ling mentions it to his family or

not!"I know, brother, you must not let Shi Can go

!" "Know!"

Duan Hang immediately asked the secretary to investigate the situation, people like Shi Can will not be clean!

He was about to call Wu Ming to question, but in the end he gave up, they would not have to cross paths in the future

! Wu Ming did not do anything, and directly cut off his contact with the Duan family

! "Master, I have already arrived at the gate of the Jiuding Building, where are you?"

Shi Can couldn't wait to come over, and immediately looked around!

"In the third car behind you!" Shi Can quickly turned around and trotted towards the car with pain!"

So anxious?" Liang

Xu looked at Shi Can's condition and asked with a frown!"Master, my body doesn't matter, just take care of it, as long as I can see Yang Lin's miserable condition with my own eyes, my illness will be cured immediately!" Shi

Can has never lost in society since he followed Liang Xu in society, and the only time was Yang Lin!

Liang Xu understood Shi Can's thoughts, didn't speak again, and began to close his eyes and recuperate

! Shi Can didn't bother!

Jiuding Building.

Yang Lin was also relieved that he had just finished the meeting and decided on all the acquisition projects!

Although he did not obtain most of the assets of the Liu family and the Liu family, he still had to win all the industries related to the company, which was also very good

! He still remembered Shan Lao's reminder to be content

! Yang Lin knew that the fall of the Liu and Liu families would inevitably lead to the division of their industries, and the power of many enterprises would be above Jiuding!

I'm already very satisfied to be able to get these!

The next step is integration, digestion

!"Yang Lin, at one o'clock in the afternoon, Dean Guo Xiaohua can go to the research institute, can you come over at 2

o'clock?" Dean Feng got Guo Xiaohua's exact time and immediately called Yang

Lin!"Okay, I'll go over on time!"

Yang Lin looked at the time, it was already twelve o'clock

! Go out for a meal, and then rush to the research institute, the time is in time!

"Brother Liang, that kid from Yang Lin is out!" The

monkey had been waiting for the door, and when he saw Yang Lin coming out, he got into the car and hurriedly said.

"Keep up

!" This is not the place to do it

! Shi Can was extremely excited, his hands were clenched into fists, as if Yang Lin was kneeling on the ground and begging him for mercy! Yang

Lin got into the car, planning to find a place to eat a simple meal!"Let's go to the noodle restaurant next to the research institute to eat a bowl of noodles!"

Yang Lin said to himself, starting

the car!"Why does the car behind keep following!".

Yang Lin kept an eye on him, thinking about Feng Tian's words, could it be that Liang Xu was here?

He wasn't sure, slowed down

the car, and the car behind slowed down at the same time! Yang Lin accelerated, and the car behind also accelerated!

"Brother Liang, Yang Lin's kid seems to have noticed that we were following

him!" "Just follow closely, find an open spot to force him to stop!"


The monkey replied confidently, he was very confident in his driving skills, and he would definitely be able to stare Yang Lin to

death!"Since you are looking for death, I will send you to see Hades in advance

!" Yang Lin changed direction and drove towards a country road with few people!

"Brother Liang, how can this kid drive to a remote place!"

The monkey was a little puzzled, shouldn't Yang Lin get rid of their tracking as soon as possible?

Liang Xu suddenly opened his eyes and sat up straight

! The artist is bold, does Yang Lin think that he can defeat himself

!"Master, he doesn't take you too seriously, when he will cry

!" Shi Can became more and more excited

! No matter what Yang Lin thought, the arrow was on the string, and he had to send it!

"Follow him!"

Liang Xu continued to close his eyes!

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