Yang Lin strode in, ignoring Wang Mingyuan!

, "Who are you?" the

oil-headed man asked with a displeased look on his face, raising his voice.

"Who am I, you don't deserve to know

!" Yang Lin had a cold face, and the oily man's face was in the workplace, climbing high and stepping on the bottom, which was disgusting

! "Yang Dong!"

Song Caiwei couldn't help but feel relaxed when she saw Yang Lin walk in

! Wang Mingyuan was still a little unhappy, but when he heard Song Caiwei's words, he couldn't help but sneer!

" You are the chairman of Hongjing Investment, no wonder you are so arrogant, but boy, arrogance comes

at a price!" Wang Mingyuan threatened

! "Oh, what price?"

Yang Lin looked at Wang Mingyuan with a playful face! Wang Mingyuan felt very bad, could it be that Yang Lin had a greater reliance

!"Mr. Wang, don't be polite to him, give him a good look!" The

oil-headed man was very unhappy by Yang Lin!

Wang Mingyuan glared at the oil-headed man! It is definitely not easy to become the boss of

Hongjing Investment! The oil-headed man

didn't know why Wang Mingyuan was glaring at him, but he still instinctively shrunk his neck and didn't speak!

"Mr. Yang, I am very familiar with Secretary Qin, I think you should understand that as long as Secretary Qin says a word in Jiangcheng, Hongjing Investment will definitely not be able to continue

!" "Oh, I also know Secretary Qin, if we try, who will Secretary Qin help!"

Yang Lin continued to look at Wang Mingyuan playfully, as if he wanted to see a clown jumping off the beam

! Wang Mingyuan frowned, could it be that Yang Lin really knew

Secretary Qin? He could only barely talk to Secretary Qin through his uncle's relationship, and as for asking Secretary Qin to help and destroy Hongjing Investment, it was definitely impossible!

Wang Mingyuan said this just to scare Song Caiwei, so that he could dominate the next cooperation!"

Why, weren't you very awesome just now? Or do you not know Secretary Qin at all, just to scare Manager Song

!" Yang Lin put away his smile and said sternly!

Wang Mingyuan was greatly annoyed by the question, and immediately retorted: "Who said that I don't know Secretary Qin, I just talked to him, since you want to die, I don't mind sending you to hell early!" "I'm

looking forward to it!"

Yang Lin said shyly!

Song Caiwei was very puzzled, what kind of medicine was sold in Yang Lin's gourd, could it be that he was very familiar with Secretary Qin

! It would be no good to provoke

Wang Mingyuan like this! Wang Mingyuan calmed down and called

Secretary Xu! He avoided the important question and waited for Secretary Xu's

reply! "Mr. Wang, I'll reply to you later

!" "Okay!"

Wang Mingyuan hung up the phone and looked at Yang Lin triumphantly!

"You just wait for

the company to be shut down!" "It won't really be that the company is going to go bankrupt!" "I finally found a job, the company's welfare is very good, it's a pity to go out of business

!" "It's really too deceitful, his face is really disgusting

!" "That is, the company won't go bankrupt like this, Mr. Song must have a way to turn the tide!" "

Yes, the difficulties encountered in the past can be solved at the last moment!".

The employees of the company talked a lot

, and looked at Wang Mingyuan angrily! Yang Lin listened to the discussion behind him, and he spoke more highly of Song Caiwei in his heart

! "Hmph, I'll see how you made my company go bankrupt

!" Yang Lin's momentum instantly became stronger

! He continued: "Why don't we make a bet~!"

"What to bet on?"

Wang Mingyuan looked at Yang Lin with disdain like a winner!

"If Secretary Qin promises to help you, I will give you the company!" "If Secretary Qin

helps me, you crawl out of the company on your knees!"

"How about it?"

Yang Lin stared at Wang Mingyuan and said word by word.

Song Caiwei looked at Yang Lin in astonishment

! Could it be that Yang Lin was really very familiar with Secretary Qin, otherwise such a bet would be tantamount to giving away the company

! He didn't believe that Yang Lin would do such a stupid thing, and the only explanation was that Yang Lin was sure enough

! Wang Mingyuan was silent!

"Yang Lin really has such strength, or is he cheating on me?"

Wang Mingyuan didn't dare to hesitate a little!

But if he leaves like this, how will he still be in the mall

in the future!"Why, don't dare?" Yang Lin continued to ask

!"Who said I wouldn't dare?"

Wang Mingyuan said stiffly, he is now in a dilemma

! "Okay, everyone present is a witness, Wang Mingyuan has agreed!"

Yang Lin looked around, looking at everyone's

expressions, there was shock, excitement, and worry!

"Okay, Yang Lin, I hope that when you lose, don't pay your debts

!" "I'll give you this sentence too

!" Yang Lin put away his smile and was expressionless

! Wang Mingyuan was not at ease, took out the phone, dialed

Wang Ke's phone, and told the matter again! "Okay, I'll contact Qin Changming!" After Wang Ke's

assurance, Wang Mingyuan's confidence increased greatly, and he smiled very brightly!

Song Caiwei felt very bad, and looked at Yang Lin uneasily!

"Have you finished playing your hole cards?"

Yang Lin asked unhurriedly.

"That's enough

!" Wang Mingyuan snorted coldly

! Yang Lin ignored it and directly dialed Qin Changming's phone

! "Yang Lin, is there something?"

Qin Changming put down the documents in his hand, if it wasn't an important matter, Yang Lin would not normally call him!

"Third uncle, I'm sorry to disturb your work, there is a person from Wang Mingyuan, clamoring to be very familiar with you, he said a word, he can make my company go out of business!"


?" Qin Changming had just heard Secretary Xu's report, and he asked Secretary Xu to investigate the situation and then reply

! "What's the situation?"

Yang Lin

told him what had happened! "How can this be reasonable!"

Qin Changming didn't expect Wang Mingyuan to use her banner to show off his might

! No wonder Wang Ke would call him just now, so it was all explained!

Yang Lin didn't speak, waiting for Qin Changming's reply!"I won't interfere in this matter, the affairs of the shopping mall will come according to the rules of the shopping mall!" "

Okay, third uncle!" After

Yang Lin received Qin Changming's affirmative reply, he hung up the phone and looked at

Wang Mingyuan! Wang Mingyuan knew that something was wrong when he heard Yang Lin call the third uncle!

Immediately, Wang

Mingyuan's phone rang, it was Secretary Xu's phone.

He immediately connected the phone, only to hear Secretary Xu say: "Mr. Wang, Secretary Qin's instructions, the shopping mall matter, the shopping mall will solve

it!" After speaking, Secretary Xu hung up

the phone! Wang Mingyuan was stunned in place, and the mobile phone was kept in his ear

! He kicked the iron plate this time

! "How about it, when does Secretary Qin plan to make my company go out of business!" Yang

Lin asked sarcastically!

Wang Mingyuan adjusted his mood and said with a smile: "The flood washed the Dragon King Temple, and my family doesn't know my own family! I did something wrong in this matter today, and I apologize

to you!" Wang Mingyuan instantly changed his attitude, and everyone around him knew that Yang Lin had won

! Song Caiwei's heart stone was also put down, Secretary Qin turned out to be Yang Lin's third uncle

!", "Who is with you as your own family!".

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